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shameless plug; if you have time, please read through my random musings book.

my pain, whims and wanderings are all dumped there.


When Lucas came to school the next day, he rarely saw Eun-Kyo and Dan-Ah together. Perhaps, he thought, that Mi-Rae's leadership was choking. The two now freely roamed around the campus, mingled with people he hadn't seen them mingle with before, and had no longer faked their accents and voices, just being natural as much as they could. They seemed, at least to Lucas, rather happy with Mi-Rae's decision to prematurely disband KANDEE and leave the country for good. He felt guilty, because one way or another, he felt as if he had done the same to the J-Alpha.

Fixing his leather jacket, he walked to class, but not before stopping over at Kayleigh's locker. He stood at a distance and witnessed Kayleigh take out a rose from her locker with a little note, smiling as she read the contents of the letter. He saw how Justin popped up in front of her from behind the locker, with another rose in hand.

"Meet you tonight then?" he heard Justin ask.

"Yeah. What are we watching?" Kayleigh replied.

"I mean, I already invited Roisin, He-Jin and Jacob. I told them to bring their boyfriends along if they wanted. So, really it's your choice. We have a whole private theatre to ourselves," Justin beamed.

"You hired a whole theatre?"

He winked. "Why not?"

Kayleigh looked at Justin in complete confusion. "Justin, you didn't have to. That was an unnecessary expense for you."

"Kayleigh... those expenses I made is more than what you deserve. You deserve the world," Justin expressed, while Kayleigh blushed, before closing her locker shut and walking away with Justin.

Lucas scowled, cursing as he walked away from them, making his way to his class, and silently wishing that, again, he was in Justin's position — wishing that it had been him making her laugh, making her happy and making her feel loved.

Kayleigh felt extremely guilty as the dawn approached, pacing back and forth as Roisin showered before leaving, which gave her enough time to think of any way she could contribute, whether it be through contributing money or food. She resorted to just bringing the crisps they had left — three large bags of crisps that was there left untouched for at least four months, since arrived in Seoul.

When they arrived at the theatre, as the taxi they hired hauled in front of a one-storey mansion, she realised that Justin did not hire a whole theatre; he owned it. It was her first time at his house and she would be lying if she said she was not in awe. It looked extremely modern-minimalistic, yet its black, white and stone-embossed wall exterior radiated the wealth the Chen family had. Apparently, from what Justin said once in the past during one of their conversations, Justin's father had bought a lot and a house for him upon finding out that he would be spending a year in South Korea for an exchange programme. Once that year was over, his father said that he was free to do whatever he wanted to with the house and lot, to which Justin had thought to sell it and donate the proceeds to charity, much to Kayleigh's delight.

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