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warning: mentions of rape.

this is not meant to glorify rape at all.


we're nearing the end xx


Lucas raged when he found out that he and Kayleigh were prohibited from seeing each other. It has only been three months since they became an official couple, yet their families had already intervened and meddled with their relationship. He could only sneak glances at her when she'd run to her locker to get her books, when she'd stop by the water fountain to fill her water bottle, when she'd eat with He-Jin and Roisin, laughing and talking as she if she was fine, while Lucas hurt on the inside.

Joseph told him about his situation too; he finally found his father, who, surprisingly was Alexander Sung, the man his mum lived with back when they were in the United States. Joseph and Alexander — despite only knowing each other for a day — decided to fly out of South Korea, to Japan, to Switzerland and finally, to California in hopes to bond with his father and get to know him more, after all those years spent without him. Like Noah and Levi, Joseph's exams and performances were postponed until he came back.

Although he was happy for his best friend, he was only left to confide with Justin and Jacob, who had equally busy schedules due to their exams. Outwardly, he was happy to see Kayleigh thrive and withstanding the pain her parents had caused her, but deep down, he somehow was selfish enough to want her to feel the pain he was feeling so that they felt it on equal footing. He hurt, so much, yet she was happy as if their relationship meant nothing at all. He tried to catch up to her one day after exams, but her mum had already beat him to it, and to further deescalate the tension between his parents and hers, and to possibly end the pain he deeply felt, he decided against approaching her.

Instead, he merely resorted to leaving her a note in her locker — cringe and clichè, he knew, but it was the only way he could get to her, as Roisin and He-Jin were not allowed to talk to him either, and he somehow couldn't send a text to her phone.

He lurked in the corners, watching as she read the note he'd left for her, eyes meeting for only a short millisecond, but to Lucas, it felt like infinity. She nodded slightly before she looked around her as if someone might have caught their short exchange of looks and then running away to her next class. He watched her closely as she did.

He watched her closely later too when it was time for them to finally have a peaceful talk, away from the restrictions imposed by their families, as she argued with her driver and bodyguard to leave her alone and give her some privacy because she needed to go to the toilet. They agreed, escorting her to the ladies' toilet, while she pretended to be in desperate need of the toilet. She saw Lucas behind the stalls, waiting for her, the bodyguards standing at a safe distance as she fled. With him. He shoved her into the backseat of his car and hands intertwined, he led her somewhere she did not know. But she trusted him. So she let him. And they ran.

"You can open your eyes now. We're here," he whispered, running his fingers up and down her arm. She did.

They were at his secret garden once again, the same place they had their first date where she finally confessed that she had been in love with her three months ago. Three months ago did not seem too long, but being away from her felt like an eternity. This time, there were no candles lit, there were no fancy setups — it was just them. He stared at her honey eyes, kissing her forehead as he wrapped his arms around her, her head just below his chin thanks to their height difference.

Lucas kissed her forehead once again, as he felt her hot wet tears soak his shirt. "Why are you crying? What happened? Did they hurt you?"

"I missed you, Lucas. Honestly, pretending like you didn't matter to me for the past weeks were the hardest weeks I had to survive. I'm so sorry. I know you're hurting just as much as I am. I didn't expect this to happen, at least not too soon. I'm really sorry. I love you," she cried, tightening her grip on his shirt, even more, unable to let him go.

"It's okay. No one wanted this. No one. It's not your fault. We've been through a lot together. This is yet another mountain to surmount," he comforted her, brushing his hands into the gold of her hair.

"But... but... I just wanted to ask you a question," she looked up at him, the tip of her nose touching his chin. Cute. "I know about your gang fights. I've seen you and Justin in action... but I heard... you were accused of rape?"

"I was wrongly accused of rape. But yes, I got jailed at eighteen because I was wrongly accused of rape. So I am an ex-convict. How did you know?"

"My parents... they..."

"Hired someone to find the truth about us? I understand. It wasn't true. Mi-Rae's father, or rather her stepfather, was an addict. Her father had hit her every night, she used to come to school bruised and just... hopeless. I helped her getaway. I hid her at one of my dad's properties but her father and mother came to me, looking for her, and they sued me of rape. I didn't do anything to her. Nothing like that. I think that's why she ended up manipulating me into loving her, but I don't. I've helped her. She thanked me. That was enough for me."

Kayleigh's eyes watered at Lucas' sudden confession. The man she loved was a good man. "Is that true?"

"I swear to you. It's true."

"You're a good man. I don't know why my parents don't like you. Thank you for saving, Mi-Rae."

"I don't care if they don't like me. All I care about is you. How are you? Have they been treating you well?"

"Yes. My mum is extremely disappointed in me, but my dad's been holding up well. He's been more open to you and me."

Silence enveloped the two, as they hugged each other. "I love you. I'll love you. I will love you forever. I don't care what your parents say. I don't care what my parents say. All I care about is you and the way I feel for you. I love you. So much. I can't imagine life without you. One day your parents and my parents will realise why I chose you and why you chose me. You're the only one in my heart. No matter what it takes. Even to infinity. Even to eternity. And even the constellations beyond that. I love you. I'll only marry you," Lucas ranted, marking her as his as he kissed her. Their first kiss.

"I love you too," she said in between breaths. "I'll always love you. Even to infinity. Even to eternity. And even the constellations beyond that. I love you."


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