j-alpha quiz

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a little fun for you guys before we start! enjoy! don't worry, these are just brief descriptions of them. you'll get to know the j-alpha later in the story.

don't forget to vote and comment your results!


who is your j-alpha soulmate?

1. what is your favourite colour?

a. blue
b. red
c. white
d. black
e. green
f. brown

2. which of these qualities do you want your dream man to have?

a. introvert and caring
b. popular and charming
c.  arrogant and smart
d. domineering and loving
e. endearing and frugal
f. ambivert and friendly

3. what is the zodiac sign of your j-alpha soulmate?

a. pisces
b. leo
c. virgo
d. scorpio
e. sagittarius
f. capricorn

4. pick a hobby

a. playing musical instruments
b. dating
c. studying
d. working out
e. saving money
f. hanging out with friends

5. what is your favourite food?

a. ramen
b. bibimbap
c. sushi
d. samgyeopsal
e. kung pao chicken
f. noodles

6. what is your favourite subject out of these?

a. art
b. business
c. biology
d. physics
e. mathematics
f. english

7. favourite music genre?

a. classic
b. k-pop
c. jazz
d. dance
e. hip-hop/rap
f. r&b

8. how would you describe your fashion style?

a. casual
b. trendy
c. preppy
d. edgy
e. street-style
f. semi-formal

9. where would you go on your first date?

a. theatre
b. concert
c. library
d. restaurant
e. movie theatre
f. museum

10. finally, dream destination?

a. switzerland
b. south korea
c. japan
d. usa
e. china
f. australia



mostly As: Joseph Edward Sato.
You like your dream man quiet and introverted, but artistic.

mostly Bs: Levi Javier Park
You like your dream man popular and charming, and attractive to females.

mostly Cs: Noah James Ishikawa
You like your man smart and hardworking, but he may be harder to approach due to his intimidating nature.

mostly Ds: Lucas John Hyun
You like your man to lead the relationship; he may be domineering, but he is very sweet in nature.

mostly Es: Justin Gabe Chen
You like your man wise of money and analytical, but a man who is willing to spoil you with anything.

mostly Fs: Jacob Blake Lin
You like a man well-travelled and someone who is passionate about fighting for people's rights.


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