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Kayleigh had never been so indecisive in her life. In the past, when she decided to do something, she was determined to complete it — no matter what. But when their taxi rolled outside the Jamsil Arena, the crowd jostling as they prepared themselves for the opening, Kayleigh wanted to run away and back out. Almost all the girls that represented the team had modelesque features and Kayleigh felt her insecurity take over her again.

Roisin felt Kayleigh's palms turn clammy. "Hey, Kayleigh," Roisin whispered, as He-Jin directed the driver to the right entrance where the J-Alpha were waiting. "Calm down. You're gonna do well. Trust me."

"Roh, I don't know... I..."

"You do. You're here, we're here to support you. Even if you don't win, I'm still proud of you," Roisin held her hand, as they climbed off the taxi.

"We're here, guys!" He-Jin beamed, pointing at the basketball team. "There they are! Goodluck, Kayleigh! We'll head inside and cheer for you from there!"

"Goodluck, Kayleigh!" Roisin screamed as she was dragged away by He-Jin.

Kayleigh waved at them back and looked for the boys amidst the large crowd. In the afternoon sun, the black colour of their uniform stood out vividly among the rest, which helped Kayleigh spot them easily. Kayleigh walked towards Jacob, who gestured his hand to call out to her and smiled. She threaded her way between the sea of tall collegiate basketball players, muses and fans, the stench of sweat caused her nose to scrunch.

"Hey, Jacob! I'm here!" Kayleigh called out, waving her hand.

"Hey, Kayleigh! Wow, you look gorgeous. I almost did not notice you!" Jacob chuckled, leading her to the rest of the basketball team.

When the two finally reached the basketball team, Kayleigh could feel several looks fixed on her, their mouths agape. Fixing her gaze from the floor to the boys, she saw Justin, Levi, Lucas and other boys in the basketball team who she did not know of, stare at her.

"Uhh, hi," Kayleigh stammered.

The boys did not rip their looks off of Kayleigh and continued to eye her from head to toe. To some extent, Kayleigh felt flattered, as their looks obviously showed their attraction to her. But she also felt naked under the scrutiny of their eyes, at their prolonged and starry-eyed admiration, because all the boys examined her for a good five minutes, shifting from her face to her body and then to her legs.

"Hi?" Kayleigh fought to break the men's stares, hiding behind the expanse of Jacob's back.

"Hey, lads!" Jacob coaxed. "We can talk about your obvious admiration later, yeah? It's best if we quickly brief Kayleigh on what's to take place today, and discuss who would be Kayliegh's partner."

"I want to do it!" one of the boys in the team volunteered, raising his hand.

"No! I want to!" another claimed, stepping out of the crowd formed by the team.

The coach cleared his throat. "I think it's best if the captain takes the beautiful lady? Lucas, would you be willing too?"

Kayleigh noticed Lucas' eyes slightly widen at the coach's words, until he eventually, relaxed. He gave out a huff and retorted, "Tch, the height difference will be weird. She's too short for me."

The coach laughed, then smirked. "If I may be brutally honest, you're one of the short— "

"No. I am not," Lucas angrily interrupted, eliciting a sharp gasp from the team. "But sure, I'll be her partner."

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