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"Alright. So let's begin with the story about Alice in Wonderland. Who wants to know about magic and invisible cats?" Kayleigh asked, holding up a whimsical storybook to the five-year-old children, who were currently in an English lesson with their Teacher.

Six years after Lucas' out-of-this-world proposal, literally, the couple were now happily married, setting up schools in areas where there was a lack of education, particularly in Kayleigh's home country — the Philipines. Currently, the couple were in the process of expanding these schools to other countries. She had always been passionate of children, and her advocacy and her philanthropy about providing books and education to the underprivileged children, known as Education For All, was now put into place, after years of merely dreaming. She always had stars in her eyes whenever she spoke of her dreams: which was living in a peaceful world where all children have access to quality education. For years, she had reiterated that she studied to become a Lawyer to help the underprivileged and she felt giddy at the thought of her journey — a decade of hardwork to become the Lawyer for the children.

Six years later, they achieved just that. They set up makeshift schools in the highlands of Zambales where children cannot go to school due to the distance, with Lucas' company (it was considered his as his father had retired) funding the establishment, while his wife had called for a donation of books, toys, and looked for volunteer qualified teachers, which was, fortunately, successful.

Finding himself satisfied, all of twenty-eight and his wife twenty-five, at the pinnacle of his life was unprecedented, as he'd only ever imagined himself spiralling downhill, rather than going uphill. He was thankful to her and for her.

He smiled as she continued to retell the classic tale of Alice in Wonderland — how Alice had fallen into a pit, discovering a magical place and gaining friends along the way. One way or another, despite them not living in a fairytale, it was Kayleigh's story. She was Alice, unexpectedly falling into Wonderland, in her case South Korea, making friends and falling in love along the way. It was a beautiful narrative.

After she'd graduated at twenty-two, she wanted to take a six-month break off from studying and didn't want to get married just yet. She travelled the world alone, especially in the poorest areas of her own country and the poorest nations in the world, to meet children, to find children and to help them. When she came back, she pursued higher studies and continued her dream to become a lawyer.

They got married a year after that, Lucas was twenty-six and she was twenty-three, agreeing that their projects for others were their first priority, before family-building to ensure a safe place for their eventual children to live in.

Now, two years married, and a year left for Kayleigh until she finished her Law studies and take her bar exams, they were happy. Only at the fresh age of mid-twenties, and Lucas in his late-twenties, they were lucky, as not a lot of people were given that many blessings at a young age. Watching her enjoy her time teaching children was something that made his heart leap, regardless of the fact that he had already married her. She was in her element, and as her husband, all he could do was support her.

Juan was also kind enough to help her, or them, in their endeavours. Although there was obvious tension between the both of them initially, as he found out that he was actually somewhat attracted and looking forward to marrying her, the two eventually compromised, leaving the past behind him, because after all, both he and Kayleigh were married. He saw him walk into the classroom, as it was his turn to teach the children, but before he did, he stopped by to talk to Kayleigh, who struggled to get up.

"Woah, careful, there little lady," he joked. "You're huge and swelling. How long are you?"

"Thirty weeks. I know I'm huge. It's hard to breathe," she complained, taking a piece of mango out of her backpack. "How's fatherhood going for you?"

"It's great. My wife is actually so protective of him that she doesn't want me going near Samuel — which is absurd, because he is MY baby and if you look at it biologically, I also brought him to life." It was his turn to sulk as he prepared to teach the children simple and basic mathematics, acknowledging Lucas as he did so.

"Hey, chill. Sounds like something I'd do when I have this little angel," Kayleigh chuckled.

"Don't. It's frustrating. How about your two friends then? Roisin and He-Jin?"

"Oh. Roisin already gave birth around two months ago to a baby boy, Elijah, while, He-Jin is around two months behind me."

"You scared?"

"Extremely. I'm tough and everything, but I'm scared."

"Eh. Wifey also told me that. She said it was painful, but when Samuel came out, all the pain was washed away at the mere sight of him. Don't worry, that's your little bundle of joy right there." He patted her head, as she stood beside Lucas, waving goodbye.

"You okay?" he asked when she saw her struggling to walk. She was huge.

"No. I can barely breathe, it's like the baby is kicking my lungs all the time and I look extremely huge that I waddle about when I walk. And I have to think about all the pain too. So, no. I'm not okay."

Lucas laughed, earning a grimace from Kayleigh. "Even if you look extremely huge, even twice the size that you are now, I'll still love you. You're still the most beautiful woman in my eyes."

"Ugh, whatever. Anyway, what did Joseph say about your whole squad staying over? With me and Roisin along of course."

"They're fine. I've booked a flight for us. Of course, excluding the baby, because she's currently growing inside of you at the moment."

"How do you know it's a she?" She rubbed her stomach. To be honest, she kind of had a feeling it was a girl. The couple wanted to keep the gender a surprise, so they decided against finding it out. They wanted to wait until the due date.

"I don't know. I just did."


When they all flew together to South Korea to crash at Joseph's house, the group collectively decided to visit Hangkuk National University six years later to reminisce on old memories. This was where it all started. A sudden rush of nostalgia washed them. It wasn't every day they see Hangkuk National University at peace. Their dugout remained untainted, welcome to accommodate any of them at any time, remaining as a relic and a backbone to the school's history.

And two months later, Kayleigh gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, whom they named Rose. A simple name, yet a name that holds so much meaning to them as a couple. Georgina and Christopher visited with Aine and Miguel, who awed at the baby girl. She looks so much like her dad, they said.

"I just hope he doesn't get his temper," Christopher laughed.

And the minute they were dismissed from the hospital, the small family of three visited Hangkuk National University once more, whispering to their little baby angel.

"This is where your father and I met. Seoul is where I found my heart. And I hope that when you travel somewhere around the world and spread your wings, I hope you find your heart elsewhere, too," Kayleigh said, kissing her daughter's cheek.


the end


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