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warning: dark themes and strong language

5 votes, 10 comments and i'll update


Two weeks later, Justin was released from the infirmary. He healed quite quickly, and Lucas made sure that all the hospital expenses, albeit Justin being the richest out of them apparently, hence earning the title The Financier of the group, was covered, as a way to make up to his actions. Lucas visited Justin a couple of times at the hospital — quite an expensive hospital too — and although there was still tension from the kiss Kayleigh and Justin shared, the two had apologised to one another, agreeing that what happened at Taean should stay in Taean — a test to withstand their long-standing friendship. Justin, though, was still not allowed to get back to his usual routine, including basketball, as he broke his nose, after all, and the doctor had made it clear that these were just preventative measures to ensure that his situation does not worsen.

While Kayleigh kept her distance from the infamous gang, being in the same school meant that it was inevitable to see them around campus. She would pass them from time-to-time on her way to class, explicitly avoiding their gaze, although she could swear that she felt Lucas, Justin and Jacob look at her, as she walked back to class. It was hard to avoid them too, as she was now viewed as the campus' rising star after winning the Best Muse 1st runner up, causing many of the students at the university to ship her with at least one of the members of the gang.

Heck, she had even seen posters of Justin and Kayleigh = Love up on the walls. She laughed at that.

Despite this, Mi-Rae had made sure that Kayleigh's popularity was short-lived, as she pretty much made a rumour for herself, claiming that she and one of the J-Alpha member were dating, which spread like wildfire. Petty move.

One sunny afternoon, as she was walking back to her housing after class (her class ended early that day), someone suddenly appeared to stand beside her, offering her a cup of coffee.

"Hey! Remember me?" the taller male said, handing the coffee cup to her. "Here's a drink for you."

"Thank you, but I do not drink coffee," Kayleigh declined, picking up her pace. "And, well, you seem familiar? Mr Lee is it?"

"Aish stop with the formality. I sit next to you in one of our classes. You can call me Jeong-Gwon!" he beamed, standing in front of her, purposely making her stop walking.

"Okay! Hi! Yes, I remember you! The guy who screamed like a madman when the CLOY Trip was announced, yeah? And the guy who took over Justin's position as small forward for the time being?"

He flushed. "Stop embarrassing me! But yeah that was me. I'm sad it had to end so abruptly."

"I'm sorry..." Kayleigh apologised, bowing her head. It was a culture here.

"Don't apologise. It's okay. By the way, this is not coffee. It's hot chocolate. Figured you'd be freezing in this weather."

"Oh thank you! I appreciate it!"

Kayleigh grabbed the warm drink from the man, sipping it, tasting the warm liquid rush down her throat. It tasted weird, though.

"Do you know the J-Alpha? They seemed to be quite popular around here. To be honest I do not get the hype around them. They are tall, handsome, rich and smart, but like, honestly they are too overrated..."

Kayleigh drank the hot chocolate in less than a minute. As Jeong-Gwon continued to ramble about the J-Alpha, and their undeserving popularity, Kayleigh started to feel groggy, her body feeling numb and weak, which made her slur as she spoke. Her eyes were also now excessively heavy. She held onto Jeong-Gwon for support, his arms wrapping around her body.

"That's right. Fall asleep..." she heard him say, before finally closing her eyes, as he carried her away from the campus.

Kayleigh woke up in a garage. It seemed to be a gang's hideout. As she steadied herself, she took a minute to take in her surroundings. Aside from the flickering candle on the table to her far right, the whole garage was a mess. Wooden boxes were stacked upon one another as if they were lego blocks, perhaps to act as makeshift chairs. Rubbish cluttered the whole area, a mixture of debris, newspapers and pictures of the J-Alpha, were torn and ripped apart.  Her mouth was taped, so when she tried to speak up, it came out in groans and moans, saliva wetting her mouth the whole time. Her arms and feet were also in a tight knot, so she had no choice but to sit down and scream, despite her muffled voice.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch!" one man said, slapping her. She was sure it would leave a mark on her face later. "Good thing this place is far away from the campus."

"Which is also a good thing for later tonight. You can moan all night, no one will hear you," another chuckled.

Kayleigh froze as the two men approached her, studying her body and running their filthy little fingers on her face.

"Oi! We're not here to do all those things to her," Jeong-Gwon said, sitting down on one of the boxes as he sipped his soju. "I wonder, though, if her boyfriend will come in time to save his little girl."

Kayleigh groaned in protest. Her saliva started to condense on the tape, making it even harder for her to speak. Thankfully, Jeong-Gwon ordered his men to take off the tape from her mouth, allowing her to speak freely.

"I do not have a boyfriend and for your information, I do not need saving. I am no damsel in distress," Kayleigh bravely shot back, spitting saliva at the men near who dared touch her.

"Oh? You're Kayleigh though right? You're the girl Justin saved that night and the girl Lucas is going crazy about?" Jeong-Gwon asked.

Kayleigh nodded in response. "Not the Lucas part though..."

"Then you're the girl we've been looking for," Jeong-Gwon chuckled, smirking as he opened another bottle of soju.

Lucas and the J-Alpha were playing a game of pool when the sudden ring of his cellphone echoed in the room. No one usually calls him, his father mostly, who only called him pertaining to his airline business, and his friends, which was highly unlikely as they were all in the room with him, including Justin.

"Who could it be?" Levi asked.

Lucas grumbled. "Did you give my number to Mi-Rae or to one of your girls? Cuz no way am I picking calls from screaming fangirls."

"I did not. Why would I when it's obvious girls would want my number more?" Levi remarked. "Pick it up. Sounds like an emergency."

"Hello?" Lucas began, picking up the phone.

"Hello. Long time no see, old friend," the person on the other end replied. The voice was familiar. Kayleigh's crying voice was heard in the background. "Your little girlie here, Kayleigh, is with us right now. You know where we are. She'll die if you don't come soon. Come alone. No need for your puny gang to come."

Lucas dropped his phone and hung his leather jacket on his shoulders, as he headed out. The rest of the boys knew better than to call out to Lucas so without hesitation, they all stood up following him.

"Don't come. He said not to bring anyone. Kayleigh's life is in danger." 

The boys gasped. Justin stood up storming out of the room with Lucas.

"JUSTIN!" Lucas growled. "If you want Kayleigh to live, fucking sit your ass down on the chair. Jeong-Gwon told me to come alone. Sit down before I break your nose again."

With that, Justin whimpered, sitting down as Lucas made his way to the Ghostriders. Ready to kill them if need be, just to save the girl he'd secretly admired for so long.


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