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warning: strong language


"Hey, Kayleigh," Lucas greeted in his monotonous voice.

It was the last thing she expected. He saw her lean his muscled body next to her locker door, hovering over it, as she avoided his eyes. She pretended to be busy, drinking water and grabbing whichever book she had within reach, shoving them in her bag; all just to avoid him. She squeaked when he grabbed her hand, yanking it slightly to face him. Her bag dropped to the floor with a soft thud.

"What?" she yelped, her voice tiny.

Lucas smirked, as he felt her heart rate race in her wrists. Her palms also turned clammy.

"Go out with me," Lucas stated. "I don't give a fuck if dating Justin, or if you're in love with Levi. I don't give a single flying fuck. Go out with me, tonight, and I promise you I'll leave you alone."

Lucas tightened his grip on her wrist, until she eventually yanked her arm back aggressively, nudging her elbow and hitting the locker door with a loud pang. She shrieked in pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Kayleigh replied, still looking at the floor, rubbing her elbow.

"You don't have to give me an answer. I'll text you the place tonight. I'll wait for you no matter what," he said, as he turned around, glancing at Kayleigh for a few seconds, before walking off.

As he did so, he faced the new J-Alpha, comprised of only Noah, Levi and Joseph. Clearing his throat, Lucas felt a slight tug in his heart and memories of their long-standing friendship reflected in his head suddenly, as he stared back at them. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for his selfishness, and guilt suddenly washed over him. He looked at the three remaining men, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly in a slight smirk, nodding, then walking away, swearing that he would be the one to rebuild their friendship.

Kayleigh couldn't focus in class. She took notes, writing them out on Muji notebooks, using Muji gel pens, yet she felt restless, feet wanting to move and heart racing all the while.

Roisin wasn't in class with her and was currently in a different elective. This was one of those rare, selfish moments she wished Roisin was with her to help calm her down, but she had to endure a two-hour lecture on East Asian History and Diplomacy, banging her head slightly on the table as she resisted the urge to fall asleep.

When the bell rang, indicating break time, Kayleigh sprang to the door, meeting Roisin and He-Jin at the cafeteria, who were sitting at the far-end. She texted them prior, asking them to take a time off with their boyfriends, and hang out with her that break, to which they thankfully agreed. When she plopped down on the seat, Kayleigh released a sigh that she did not know she was holding.

"Guys," Kayleigh began.

"Is there something wrong?" He-Jin touched her arm.

"Yes. I mean, no. Whatever you think of it," Kayleigh shrugged, obviously frustrated.

He-Jin and Roisin exchanged nervous glances before Kayleigh finally spoke. "Lucas asked me to go out on a date with him. Should I go?"

Roisin smiled. "Why not?"

"But, Justin..."

"So? What about him? As far as I know, you two are not in a relationship so you both are free to date whoever you want," Roisin explained, taking a bite off of her Bingsu.

"But, still. If I do that, isn't that disrespectful to Justin?"

"As Roisin said, no," He-Jin agreed. "It will probably strain their relationship more, but I suggest you go with it. I know you're confused between Justin and Lucas, I can see it."

"And we both know that you like Lucas more," Roisin winked. "You just have to admit it. I can see the way you act when you're around Justin — very platonic. But Lucas, on the other hand, is a different story. Say yes to him and then you'll know how you feel."

That night, Roisin decided to give her some privacy, leaving her alone in their shared dorm room. She paced back and forth, deciding on what to wear while waiting on Lucas's text, wondering how he'd get her number considering that he broke her phone. She bit her nails, rummaging through her closet to find something decent to wear.

She decided to wear a white lace dress that was slightly above-the-knee, pairing it with her Keds. She combed her hair down, applying blush and mascara and swiping a pink tint on her lips. She stared at her reflection, pleased with the outcome when her phone rang. Lucas was outside.

He drove her to his backyard, leading her to his secret garden. A candlelit dinner under the stars. He said he was the chauffeur, and rushed to his home, changing into casual clothes as Kayleigh studied the dinner table.

Rose petals were scattered all over the floor, the table draped with a red tablecloth complimenting the roses. In the middle of the table was a bouquet of flowers, cut at the stems to act as the centrepiece. Adjacent to it was a candle, illuminating the table. She gazed at the ceiling. There was none. Everything was raw, the sunbeams dimming as it made way for the moon to shine.

"Hey, my chauffeur had to escort you. Apologies," he joked.

Kayleigh laughed. "You have a nice sense of humour, Lucas."

"That's the first time someone ever told me that," he smiled, yet his tone hinted melancholy.

His Dior Sauvage Eau de Parfum wafted in the air, and Kayleigh felt her knees weaken. She loved the smell of him.

"Well, there's always a first."

Their appetiser arrived and soon the two talked as if they had known each other for so long, missing each other's company. Food came in and went; a thirteen-course meal that had filled her halfway through, wishing that she could take home the leftovers.

When the molten chocolate brownie came, Kayleigh's mouth watered, devouring it in less than a minute. Lucas laughed, and once she licked her plate clean, he took her hand as they stood in each other's embrace, gazing up at the stars.

"I know, you probably hate me. I understand. But I want you to listen to me," Lucas began, placing his finger on top of her lips in attempts to silence her. "I love you, Kayleigh. So much that it's hurting me. It hurts to see someone else make you happy when it should've been me. It hurts to see you blush at someone else's comment when I should be the only one making you blush. I saw you, the minute you walked to campus for a school tour and I never felt my heart skip a beat like that before. I love you, and I'm sorry for everything."

Kayleigh sighed, standing on her tippy toes, as she caressed his cheek. "I forgive you. Jacob told me you six met a similar way; under the stars, I mean. Is that how you meet and confess to someone you love?" she asked, although it was a rhetorical question. "Funny, I was there that night too. I remember bumping into someone and splashing chocolate sauce all over —"

"That was you?" Lucas interrupted.

"Yes. Was that you? Were you the boy?" Kayleigh asked, a smile growing wider.

"Yes. I guess we're soulmates," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered.

Lucas leaned in for a kiss, smiling as he did so, asking for her approval. Kayleigh nodded, closing her eyes as she felt him bend lower to reach her lips, ready to commit herself to the man she only ever loved before. He hummed before he kissed her, whispering I love you, until —

Someone moved. A shadow shifted. Someone was there. And both Kayleigh and Lucas knew who it was.

Justin had witnessed them.


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