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here's an update xx


The next day, paparazzi and journalists craved for the family's status, scrambling over their doorsteps and following them around wherever they would go . They asked them questions about the status with their current rival, as if there was something new to say. The media went into a frenzy when Georgina confirmed that the Hyun and Ramirez families spoke to each other in a private meeting in regards to Lucas' and Kayleigh's relationship, admitting that the two parties agreed to separate them for good.

With Alexander finding out the true nature of his son's identity, that it had been Joseph Edward Sato this whole time, a member of the notorious gang he was aware of, he decided to track him down, mainly to find out his son's location or current university. He found out that his beloved son was studying in the prestigious Hangkuk National University which forced him to pay a visit the day after. He knew of the Ramirez and Hyun drama and noticed that Joseph was somehow involved, as the girl's boyfriend was his son's best friend; it truly was a small world.

Forgetting his ex-partner's current controversy, knowing that he might bump into her as her son was also taking up postgraduate studies at the same university, he surmised that it was time for him to find and finally, meet his son, after twenty-two long years. Hauling his car in front of the campus' vast entrance, he immediately bowed at the security guard, leaving his identification card and bumping into Hans, of all people, along the way.

The two met eyes, with Hans ripping away as soon as he realised who it was. "Min-Jun-sshi," he breathed. He never called him Dad. He was never his father; Alexander never treated him like a son.

"Hans. Nice seeing you here," Alexander murmured. He truly was happy to see him, now that Hans found his true father. Now it was time for him to find his own son. "I am happy for you, truly. You finally met your true father. Your real father. I'm sorry I couldn't be the father you were looking for."

"We're over that part of our lives, Min-Jun-sshi. No regrets now. I'm thankful for everything." Hans scratched the back of his head, as he began to reminisce on his memories with his... mentor. Yes, mentor. Or his guardian. Either was fine.

"You were a good child. Georgina is a lucky woman to have you."

Hans gushed. "Is there anything you need. Min-Jun-sshi? I'm surprised you came back here and I'm guessing it's not to run after, Mum, right?"

"No, no. We're over that," he shifted his weight between his feet as Alexander thought of Georgina. "Your mum never loved me and I was so selfish that I constantly hurt myself. And I unconsciously hurt you too as a result of that. I am sorry, Chang-Seop."

"As I said, I forgive you," Hans patted his ex-guardian on his shoulder. "You're kinda scaring me, Min-Jun-sshi. Is there something wrong?"

"Hans... have you, by any chance, heard of Sato Hiromitsu?" he asked, eyes hopeful.

Hans contemplated for a few minutes, before surmising that he did not hear of that name before. "Uhh, no. Why?"

"Nothing. I thought you would've known him." Of course. He thought that. He hoped Hans did.

"I mean, does he use an alias? Or is that an alias? Maybe it's a native name? I'm aware of people here since... er, I've established quite a name here. Maybe he uses a different name? And I honestly only know people by their first names."

Alexander took a second to think. His private investigator mentioned a particular name. If he'd only remember...

"Wait!" Hans exclaimed. "I do know a Sato! He's a member of the J-Alpha. Joseph Edward Sato. That's the Sato I know. Is it him you're looking for?"

That was it. "Yes. That's him. Do you know where he is?"

"I mean he's usually at their dugout. It's near the basketball court and you'll see an Alpha wolf emblem around that area so—"

Alexander did not let Hans finish, sprinting quickly to the dugout he had described.

"Why are you looking for him?" he heard Hans shout.

He paused for a breath, turning around as he sighed. "He's my son."

Joseph was the only one in the dugout, having a meal before he played the instrument in preparation for the seniors' upcoming graduation. Currently, everyone was still in the process of completing their requirements and writing their exams and since Joseph was a music major, he was graded based on repertoires and practical exams, not theory-based. Levi's and Noah's exams had to be postponed due to family issues, despite them trying to insist that they could do it online, causing them to go back to their second home countries, to the Philippines and Japan respectively. Lucas was able to catch up quickly, enabling him to participate in their finals. Justin and Jacob attended all classes, so they had no issues with that. While Lucas, Jacob and Justin were being examined theoretically, Joseph sat alone in their loft-type room, munching down on some sushi and chicken katsu, when a knock on the door hauled him back to reality. He hadn't expected Jacob, Justin nor Lucas to be done too early.

He approached the wooden door, turning the doorknob as he rolled his eyes. "Too early, guys. I was just having lunch—" He looked at the tall man who stood at the door. He seemed to be lost. He thought he was lost. "Uh, yes? May I help you?"

He did not expect what happened next.

The tall man hugged him, squeezing him until he was almost out of breath. He remained frozen, idle as he patted the man's shoulder and pulling it away from him. "I'm afraid you are mistaken, Sir," he grumbled.

"No. Are you Joseph Edward Sato? You're my son. I'm your father," the man cried, hugging him again. Joseph stood frozen as he opened his arms, slowly, to welcome his father. "I'm Alexander Sung. Me and your mother were in a relationship for a short time... I did not know she..."

Joseph was overwhelmed with emotions. Was he his real father? Should he be angry at him for leaving him to suffer from grief after his mother's death? Should he be happy he was finally within his reach and that he had found him? Should he ask him what happened between him and his mum's relationship which led to him? Should he slap him? Should he just run away?

Instead, as tears ran down freely, he muttered the words, "How can I trust that you are my father? Why are you here?"

Alexander was taken aback. "I... I hired a private investigator. Sato Hina was your mother. She was my lover." He stared at the floor as Alexander suppressed a sob. "I wanted to find you. I'm sorry I only found you now. Forgive me for everything. I love you."

He thought of the next question to ask. "Why did you leave mum?"

"I didn't—I thought—" he paused, as he thought. "We spent a night together. I never thought I got her pregnant. I only found out recently."

Joseph gave a moment as he looked suspiciously at his father, until he finally gave in, hugging him and sobbing into his shoulder. "I missed you, Dad. I never thought this day would come."

"Me too, son. Me too."


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