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i know. i've changed the cover for the second time now. i know. it's annoying. i understand.

but im indecisive. lol. i really want the cover to be aesthetic, and want the book covers of my future stories (wink wink) to have a cohesive theme. please let me know what you think about the new cover. i'd love to hear your thoughts.

also, please dont forget to vote and comment. many of you are silent readers, and dont get me wrong, im extremely grateful, but dont be scared to hit the vote button, and leave one or two lines in the comments. i really wanna hear your thoughts.

also warning: strong language.

as always, take care, stay healthy and know that i love you all. xx


Kayleigh was fine two days later; the doctor had diagnosed that the cause of her loss of consciousness was from extreme fatigue and low sugar levels. Making sure that she had eight hours of sleep the night before and sufficient nutrition for breakfast, Kayleigh packed her bags and walked to campus with Roisin; her first day since winning the 1st runner up award in the Best Muse category.

After winning first runner up, she was congratulated by many of the students at the campus. The boys now took the liberty of showering her with roses, while some smiled at her as she walked down the halls. She smiled in return.

In one of her classes that day, she sat next to a good-looking guy in the same year, who did nothing but bother her the whole time. Bored out of her mind, she decided to doodle at the back of her notebook to ease her lack of enthusiasm and to avoid conversation with him.

"I've seen that some of you — well, most actually — have been underperforming academically. Most of us actually took surveys around the school and noticed that some of you are stressed due to thesis work. The Board of Directors, including Mr Park the school's CEO, decided that we cannot risk the reputation of the school," the professor explained, catching most of the students' attention. "Have you guys all heard of the popular drama, Crash Landing On You? Well, you know, despite being set in North Korea, Captain Ri Jeong-Hyeok's village scenes were actually shot here in South Korea."

The students whispered amongst themselves, some discussed the drama's plot while some were suspicious of the professor's sudden interest in the popular K-Drama.

"Well, Mr Park decided that the students will be going on a two-day tour to Captain Ri's village! The shooting location is located in Taean, which is approximately three hours away from Seoul. The sophomore and the seniors will go this weekend, of course with a few chaperones, while the freshmen and juniors go next month. The students will have a tour guide too. At the end of this session, feel free to take a permission slip from my desk. The two exchange students will be coming as part of their exchange programmes, and you may expect the J-Alpha's appearance as well."

The whole class screamed in glee, the man next to her and two of his friends punched the air in extreme joy.

"Now, now. Today is only Monday. Let's continue with the lesson before I tear the permission slips into shreds."

That silenced the whole class. Kayleigh was beyond excited. While Roisin was in a different class, she knew that she would have been tremendously ecstatic upon finding out — Crash Landing On You was her favourite K-Drama. Kayleigh watched a few episodes or so, and due to her busy schedule, she had not been able to finish the show (guess she had to binge-watch tonight). But to see the set first-hand as it unfolds in front of her eyes made her giddy. She was beyond excited; Kayleigh was a lover of slow-burn, heartbreaking romance, which was why Crash Landing On You perked her interest in the first place. Technically, Kayleigh saw the drama as the Korean reincarnation of Romeo & Juliet; a story about Captain Ri Jeong-Hyeok, a North Korean soldier, and Yoon Se-Ri, a South Korean chaebol heiress, who fall in love after crash landing, literally and figuratively, into North Korea, despite the odds thrown at them. Kayleigh already laughed and sobbed uncontrollably in the first few episodes, and even thinking about it made her want to go home and snuggle in bed and finish the whole drama.

Packing her things as soon as she heard the bell rang, Kayleigh rushed out of the room as her classmates crowded around the professor's table taking a permission slip. She bumped into Justin on the way — who looked like he was waiting for her — muttering apologies as she ran to her and Roisin's shared apartment. She would definitely finish the drama tonight.

"My father hops onto whatever is in these days — a bandwagoner, I must admit," Levi blurted, glaring his eyes as he played pool with the J-Alpha. "I hate him for that."

"Don't you think it's a good thing though?" Noah declared, shooting the ball in one of the holes. "We get to go there. It's a tourist spot now."

"No shit, Sherlock. Obviously, Noah. It is. I thought you were smart," Levi sarcastically said. "But like, I hate how he had to hop onto what's in, you know?"

Lucas shot a goal and spoke, "Can I just comment on how much I hate that drama? There were so many plot holes. So many sappy shits. So unrealistic. Who would even kiss when they're about to get caught by the border police?"

"You can direct your own rom-com someday, Lucas. But unfortunately, I can foresee that your drama will be a flop," Jacob chimed in. "Considering how boring and dry your drama will be."

Levi, Joseph and Noah laughed. Lucas glared at him, a consequence of Jacob's sarcastic, yet realistic, comment.

"Anyway, we know you don't like rom-coms, so I figured you wouldn't direct one in the future," Jacob settled. "But for real though, I'm excited."

"Yeah, you love sappy love stories. Cringefest, Jacob," Levi muttered. "I agree with Lucas, though. I do not get the hype around CLOY. Why do people fall for an unrealistic love story between a North Korean soldier and a South Korean woman who crash lands into the North Korean DMZ? I mean, the plot itself is questionable."

"Facts, sir," Lucas agreed, shooting a ball. "Plot holes, plot holes, everywhere. She would've gotten killed the first time she landed."

"Regardless of the plot, the drama accurately depicts the daily life of a North Korean home. Well, that is, according to defectors. Seems pretty accurate to me," Noah said.

"Yeah. The drama is good. You should watch it," Jacob dropped his cue, grabbing a drink from the nearest counter.


"No, thanks."

"The OST is good too, and the cinematography is great. You both should watch it. He-Jin loves it," Joseph claimed, walking towards the mini-fridge to grab food.

"Aye, when are you going to introduce your little girlfriend?" Levi asked, draping his arm over Joseph's slacked shoulder.

"She's coming to the trip this weekend."

"Good. She has to get to know her boyfriend's friends," Lucas said, now leaving the pool table. "Are the two girls coming? Is Mi-Rae? Where's Justin by the way?"

The remaining members of the J-Alpha looked around the room; there were only five of them. Weird. Usually, at times like these, the J-Alpha meet and play pool together, which usually ended up in a heated debate between Noah and Justin. At this point, Noah seemed to be at a huge advantage over Jacob, Lucas and Levi. With the overwhelming score in favour of Noah, it was obvious that Justin wasn't there to challenge him.

"Yeah. The two girls are. Mi-Rae and her friends probably will too, considering that we will be there," Noah answered.

"Oh fuck. Headache! And Justin?"

"He told me he was going to Kayleigh..." Joseph pondered.

Lucas just nodded, shifting his focus to Noah.

Noah's lips quivered. A dull pause filled the air as Noah took another shot; he missed. Unable to focus any longer, he dropped his cue, drinking a glass of cold water.

Noah, standing on one corner, analysed Justin's behaviour lately. Staring at the floor, Noah realised that Justin's actions have been indeed weird. He took notice of Justin's unexpected absence just today, the way his gaze lingered when he saw Kayleigh all made up, his obvious musings whenever they talked about Kayleigh — Noah concluded that Justin was in love, and in love with Kayleigh.


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