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y'all might hate me for this chapter. but we need this.

warning: strong language.


Weeks went by in a blur and the J-Alpha's relationship didn't thaw. The tension between the members, or rather ex-members — Lucas and Justin predominantly — was aroused in every corner of the campus. People chose sides — either they chose to be an ally of the new J-Alpha, or side with Justin and Jacob, or even back Lucas' independence. This divided the campus, but neither side dared to speak ill of the others. They knew the bearing of their words.

When Lucas found out that Justin had secretly given Kayleigh a new phone, leaving it in her locker to replace the old phone that he broke, he realised that Justin was always at least two steps or more ahead of him. He watched Kayleigh's reaction grow into shock, Justin blushing as she giggled in happiness, hugging him, as she said "You didn't have to," in that sweet little voice of hers, while he stood at a safe distance, unable to do the same. Rich kid perks, he thought. Justin was the financier of the old J-Alpha for a reason.

Kayleigh then left for class, leaving Justin alone in his own little thought bubble. Lucas forgot his own, as ge found himself striding towards Justin, standing confidently in front of him. Both of them were almost the same height, but Justin being slightly taller, looked down at him.

"What do you want?" Justin asked, smirking. "Are you jealous that you're too late now?"

"No. There's no need for me to be," Lucas remarked, boring his gaze into Justin. "Also, why buy her a phone? You know she isn't the type to fall for money. You're wasting your money. Should've donated it to some orphanage or some shit. Bet she'd love that more."

Justin challenged, clenching his jaw. "Stop being a hypocrite. Didn't you lose shitloads of money yourself when you lost in a bet before? And what is it to you if I purchase her a phone? Not your money."

"Don't bring old shit up. How did you even find out anyway?"

"I texted her through Roisin. And Jacob told me."

"Sure, right. But do you actually think that you'll get her by spoiling her with your riches?"

"Okay and? Are you Kayleigh? I want to do it my way. Find your own," he muttered. "Oops. I don't think you can. I think your way already failed."

Lucas exploded, punching Justin in the jaw. Justin struck his stomach next, causing Lucas to fall on the floor. Flinging Justin's long legs on Lucas' either side, Justin continued to punch his face, blood spilling as he did so.

"STOP!" someone yelled. "STOP IT YOU TWO!"

Justin stopped, his eyes widening as Lucas coughed out blood. He looked over at the man who helped Lucas up.

"What do you guys think you're doing? On school grounds? Seriously?" Jacob hissed.

Levi, Noah and Joseph were also seen at a distance, rushing over to the fight between their old friends.

"I know we aren't okay right now," Jacob explained. "But remember, Justin we're all on our final years, you are an exchange student. Do you not want to graduate and finish strong?" It was a rhetoric question. "And please, if we cannot be friends again, the least we can do is tolerate and ignore each other. Except of course, for the remaining three."

Jacob nodded at Justin, as the two walked away. Levi tried to help Lucas up, to which Lucas stubbornly replied with a curse, shoving him away, walking off in the opposite direction.

Meanwhile, within the same few weeks, news of He-Jin and Joseph's and Roisin and Noah's relationship were leaked. It spread like wildfire, either pleased to hear of the budding relationships between the current members of the J-Alpha and Kayleigh's friends, or were disappointed, the KANDEE members especially. The couples dated in secret, met each other in secluded areas of the campus and texted each other, continuing their relationships away from the public eye.

After school, the couples decided to meet at a supermarket and had Jjampong (Korean Spicy Seafood Soup) for lunch. It was after school, and they avoided rush hour, as many rushed home to either sleep or go on a date with their boyfriends elsewhere. This, though, wasn't a typical double date.

"Okay. We'll get down to business," He-Jin remarked, slurping the noodles. "But first, congrats to the two of you."

Noah smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate it. Congrats to you both too. I kind of knew anyway."

Roisin blushed. "Anyway, now that that's done and dusted, we get down to business. How do we rekindle you guys? The school is barren without the J-Alpha," Roisin chided.

"Yeah, as much as we love the both of you, it's kind of weird to not have your gang along. We heard what happened between Lucas and Justin. I don't think we can do anything, to be honest," He-Jin sighed, taking a sip.

Noah relaxed, thinking of a way to put them back together. Joseph, on the other hand, just sat there.

"I have an idea!" Noah exclaimed. "The root of everything is Kayleigh, right? To be quite frank, I can't help but blame her for this. I'm sorry." Roisin nudged him. "But, what if we help her?"

Joseph looked at his friend, raising his eyebrows in question. "What do you mean?"

Noah sighed, before proceeding. "Look, our gang broke up because of the unnecessary rivalry between Justin and Lucas. We both knew of Lucas' feelings for Kayleigh. She is totally his type."

"Yeah, but what's that supposed to do with you guys getting back together?" He-Jin asked.

"What if we help Kayleigh decide? If she ends up choosing one of them, at least the rivalry will be done."

Roisin nodded in agreement but shook her head shortly after. "Okay, but isn't that betting on either one of them?"

"No... all we have to do is pitch them to Kayleigh. I heard Jacob convinced Kayleigh to go out on a date with Justin, maybe we can help set the date? Make something special, I don't know. Same goes with Lucas. Then, maybe after she chooses, we can get back together. Justin or Lucas will have to just accept whatever her decision may be."

The remaining three looked at each other, nodding in agreement with Noah's plan, eating their noodles in peace.

That night, without the rest of his gang tagging along, Lucas went to Itaewon, alone. Lucas had to admit that it felt weird going to a nightclub by himself, but he felt freer, drinking cocktails like Bloody Mary to straight-up alcohols like Vodka. He had a high alcohol tolerance, so he was fine pretty much throughout, although he was slightly woozy from the bright lights and the loud club music that thumped and bled through the walls.

When Lucas decided to go to the dancefloor, he'd seen Mi-Rae. Lucas would be lying if he said he didn't want to kiss her that night, as her lips were painted a bright red, sporting a body-tight red dress that was too revealing he drooled when he saw her. He loved Kayleigh. And this girl wasn't Kayleigh. So he restrained himself.

Sitting down on one of the leather couch, Mi-Rae spotted him, taking a seat next to him. He gagged as he smelled the intoxicating smell of oranges.

"Hey, Lucas. Didn't know you were here," she greeted.

That was all it took for Lucas to rummage his tongue into and out of hers, restraint forgotten.


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