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With Justin recuperating in the infirmary, the Mythical Five of Hangkuk National University's basketball team were incomplete. Justin wasn't even allowed to watch the game and so he had no choice but to watch through a live stream on YouTube from Jamsil Arena, which he always hated to do.

After Noah's blunt remark demanding her to stay away from them as if she caused trouble between the J-Alpha, Kayleigh had no choice but to also watch their game on YouTube. As much as she wanted to cheer for her current university by being physically present, she couldn't, especially after Noah's plead and Jacob's text saying it was best for her to stay away from them for a while. Kayleigh thought of visiting Justin on one of the days too since he was there because of her in the first place after all, but that had not been an option, because as she promised, she won't be talking to any members of the J-Alpha for a while before the situation worsened.

He-Jin and Roisin offered to stay with her at their room, but Kayleigh politely declined, saying they shouldn't be deprived of watching the game live, as they weren't warned anyway. He-Jin and Joseph were in a relationship, and Joseph was a member of the J-Alpha, so it was only right for her to watch the game with her boyfriend. And Roisin... well, she seemed to have developed feelings for one of the J-Alpha, Kayleigh just couldn't figure out who it was.

"Before I go, I just wanted to say something," Roisin began, once He-Jin and Joseph were out of earshot, as they called for a cab to Jamsil Arena. Kayleigh was preparing herself a bowl of snacks before the game."I know you hate the fact that you got involved with the J-Alpha. But, this might sound selfish, I'm actually glad we're somehow involved."

Kayleigh was surprised. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, listen. See, if it wasn't for the J-Alpha, we'd only be the exchange students from Australia. He-Jin wouldn't have become our good friend. I bet she wouldn't have stuck with us if Lucas didn't bully you the first time."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm glad she's happy. And I'm glad we're friends with her," Kayleigh compromised.

"And... well, how do I say this, uh..." Roisin stammered.


"I wouldn't have met Noah either," Roisin blurted, blushing. Kayleigh turned to her wide-eyed. "BYE KAYLEIGH! CAB'S HERE! TALK TO YOU LATER!"

Roisin sped right out of the door, not looking back, as she grew extremely red. Kayleigh just laughed. She put the pieces together and realised that she had been clueless to her friends' feelings. No wonder Roisin had been blushing when Noah confronted me, Kayleigh thought, she likes Noah.

When the game started, the crowd was displeased upon seeing Justin's absence. In replacement for the original starting five's small forward was a familiar-looking man called Jeong-Gwon Lee, who didn't look fazed upon knowing he'd play with the J-Alpha. He wasn't as tall as Justin — he was only 176cm or five-foot-nine — but he seemed to be decent in playing the position. Kayleigh noticed that he was good in ball-handling, decent at shooting but lacked in dribbling and footwork, causing him to be charged with travelling quite a lot, leading to an unwanted turnover multiple times.

In the first quarter, Hangkuk National University was on a comfortable lead; around twenty points. But after finishing the first quarter, the J-Alpha had to be subbed out, giving an opportunity for other students of the collegiate team to play. However, changing players gave an open to the Japanese team, causing the lead to turn the other way around. After the coach noticed the Japanese team's momentum as they scored every shot they threw, the J-Alpha and Jeong-Gwon were tasked to take over and play halfway through the third quarter which lessened the gap between the two teams. Thankfully, at the end of the third quarter, the J-Alpha was able to dominate the points, as they were ahead with two points.

Throughout the final quarter, it was a toss between the two teams. One minute, Hangkuk National University was on the lead, courtesy of the J-Alpha's exemplary basketball skills, and in the next, the Japanese team would take over. The toss between the scores has led to inevitable over time, the audience at the edge of their seats.

Mi-Rae was the head of the cheerleading team and during the ten-minute break in between the final quarter and overtime, Mi-Rae was whisked into an interview. She winked at the J-Alpha the whole time, handing water to the J-Alpha mostly, ignoring the rest of the team.

"Here's the ever-pretty Seo Mi-Rae, the head of the cheerleading team!" the interviewer beamed who was approximately twenty years older than her.

"Hello! Annyeonghaseyo!" Mi-Rae waved at the camera. "Nice to meet you all!"

"Wow! The gorgeous Mi-Rae is here! What do you think of the game so far?"

Mi-Rae batted her eyelashes and laughed. "Quite intense, actually. It's sad to not see Justin play tonight, as he is currently in the hospital! But I know his teammates will do the best of their ability to make him proud."

The interviewer laughed as well. "Alright. Now the big question is: Who is your favourite player from your school?"

"Well, to be honest, I cannot pick a favourite," she lied. Kayleigh and Justin and the rest of the audience knew. "But if you insist, it has to be all of the J-Alpha right?"

The whistle blew, indicating the commencement of the overtime. "Well. thank you for the minute Mi-Rae! Let's get back to the game!"

Kayleigh watched the game unfold before her eyes, the J-Alpha now hyper-focused on the game. Again, the Japanese did not let down their guard, going as far as even threatening Lucas' knee into an injury. Thankfully, Lucas shook it off and was able to continue the game, eager to get back at the Japanese team's dirty, and desperate, playmaking. By the last ten seconds of the game, the Japanese were ahead by two points, and the only way left to salvage the team's victory was a three-pointer. Once Jacob threw the ball in the air in hopes of a three-pointer, everyone held their breaths.

And it was a win for the Hangkuk National University against the People's University of Japan! All the players rushed to the court, congratulating Jacob for their unexpected win.

Not everyone was pleased though. While the players of the Japanese team and its supporters were not pleased, on one side of the court, away from the eye of the crowd, stood five men — the Ghostriders, the rival gang, and the men who harrassed Kayleigh.

"Oi. We lost. What are we gonna do?" one of the men said.

"We'll take down the J-Alpha. I heard that girl we saw that night has caused quite a strain in their friendship. We'll start with her," the leader said, as he walked away from the Arena, the rest of his gang followed suit.


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