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warning: strong language. also guys, im about four chapters done with the book! expect an update every two days from now on xx


While Jacob comforted Kayleigh in a secluded area of the campus, Joseph approached He-Jin and Roisin minutes later, scaring Mi-Rae, Dan-Ah and Eun-Kyo away. The trainee idols retreated upon seeing Joseph, running away despite wearing three-inch heels.

"Hey, you two," Joseph greeted. "Where's Kayleigh?"

He-Jin blushed, as Roisin stood up from her seat leaving the pair behind. "She's with Jacob, somewhere."

"Oh," he said. "Want to go to class? Uhh, it's almost time. Not like I'm rushing you to finish up or anything. Not like I want you to get to class either but uhh... you know what I mean."

"Yes, of course. Let's go."

The two walked to class in silence, their hearts beating rapidly and loudly in their chests.

Days after Jacob and Kayleigh's heartfelt conversation, the two became inseparable. They became close friends. Whenever Roisin hung out with her new friends (she said it was to ask for some advice on how to learn Korean faster), and whenever He-Jin had lunch with Joseph (they had been hanging out quite a lot), Jacob and Kayleigh walked together to class, went out on study sessions to the library and had dinner and lunch at the cafeteria together.

Kayleigh was grateful for her and Jacob's friendship. He was there throughout her struggles when their professors gave them surprise quizzes, he was there whenever she felt extreme trepidation from upcoming deadlines and he was there whenever she needed a laugh. Truly, he, Roisin and He-Jin became her pillar of strength throughout her first month at Hangkuk National University, and she was gratified for having been able to meet such incredible people.

"Jacob, thank you," she thanked one day when they both stayed up late studying for their upcoming test the following day.

"For what?" Jacob smiled, chewing a piece of peanut.

"For everything. Thank you," Kayleigh smiled in return.

"You've thanked me enough. It's alright," he replied. "Let's go back to studying. We have two more units to finish."

"Yeah... but I want to tell you something, Jacob."

"What is it?"

"I've been thinking about the J-Alpha's offer. The muse thing?"

"Oh? Yeah we haven't had much luck in that area, but don't worry, Lucas got it in control. Levi's got quite a lot of girls, so worst-case scenario, we'll use one of the girls in his contacts —"

"I'm accepting the offer," Kayleigh interrupted, taking a deep breath.

"Kayleigh..." he trailed off. "I appreciate it, but I don't want to force you. I know you aren't comfortable with Lucas and Levi, and you'll probably be paired with either one of them, mind you, so I don't want you to do this if you're uncomfortable. We're the J-Alpha for a reason, we can find someone else."

"Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate your concern. But I actually want to do this. Who am I to pass up such an opportunity, right? This would be a new door open for me, so I am willing to take it."

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