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here's a little premature update because ily'all and i cant stop spoiling you! i guess this is a thank you chapter for the 160 reads! i am also already halfway through the book and i must say, it's quite a wild ride. as always, ily, stay safe everyone and enjoy xx


Despite just being grazed on the knee and pretty much okay, Joseph carried her to the clinic to tend her wounds. He-Jin insisted that she had to go to Kayleigh at the court, and Joseph argued that he, too, had to practice for a recital. But Joseph insisted that he wouldn't be left at peace unless He-Jin was treated by the nurse.

She thought Kayleigh would be worried for her. Unfortunately, she had no means to assure her that she was okay, now that her phone had been damaged beyond repair. He-Jin and Joseph remained quiet on their way to the clinic, but He-Jin couldn't help but lock her gaze at the man carrying her, who felt like he was her prince charming.

She would never have had the chance to look at him as close as she could right now, so He-Jin all but took that chance. He had dark messy hair that fell to his eyes. Visible dark bags formed below his eyes, perhaps from insomnia as he stayed up late writing music, painting or anything artistic that actually complimented his appearance. His jawline was sharp and he looked so handsome up close, that He-Jin started to like him even harder than she already had.

"Staring is rude you know," he said, barely above a whisper. He-Jin knew that he wasn't much of a talker.

He-Jin just smiled at the comment he made, and just let her head fall on his broad shoulders. The clinic immediately got to work when they arrived, tending to her grazed knee and her bruised arm. They were done in a matter of minutes, and by the time they were finished, it was probably almost the end of the J-Alpha's practice game.

"Thanks, Joseph. I have to go to Kayleigh now," He-Jin declared, standing up and fixing herself.

"No. I'll take you to your housing. You're quite wounded. You need rest," he simply remarked.

He sounded deadly serious, so He-Jin did not push further on the subject. He carried her on their way back in silence, but He-Jin all but heard his heart beating loudly out of his chest.

As expected, the J-Alpha won their practice game. Everyone rushed to the court to congratulate the five for their phenomenal performance at court, but Kayleigh decided otherwise. She watched the five become surrounded by both women and men; the women congratulating them and hugging them as much as they could, while the men asked for tips.

Jacob and Kayleigh locked eyes once again, but this time, Jacob held her gaze, smiling then running towards her. Kayleigh looked for Levi among the crowd, but he was nowhere to be seen albeit being tall.

"Looking for someone?" a sweet voice asked.

Kayleigh realised it was Jacob's. "Not really. Congrats! You did well!"

"Thank you," he smiled, dimples protruding. "I wouldn't have done it without those four."

Kayleigh just smiled in return. The air surrounding the pair started to grow thick.

"I have to —"

"Kayleigh, do you wanna have an early dinner? I'll show you a little bit of Taiwanese cuisine if you don't mind," Jacob blurted.

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