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"Do you think this will work?" Aine began, as she zipped her Carolina Herrera dress closed.

"Yes. It's the only way we can make our daughter happy." Miguel fiddled with his polo, fixing it as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Miguel..." Aine called out to him, tone growing serious. Miguel looked at her quizzically. It was around 5 PM, a few hours left before the meeting. Twilight crept through the creaks of their hotel windows, as Seoul was slowly enveloped in temporary darkness. "You know that I never really loved you, but in spite of that, in spite of the way I treated you, you were still there for me, regardless of my upbringing. You knew that I was raised in a very toxic household, who projected lies to the media just for the sake of the publicity. Yet, you still welcomed me, despite knowing that I loved someone else. Despite knowing how I felt heartbroken during the time the love of my life left me for another woman. Thank you. I've never properly told you how I felt for you, but whenever I see you with... our daughter I realised that I've loved you ever since."

Miguel had always loved her. When he'd seen her the first day at school, how her hair flowed as she walked waving at everyone and then looking at her pictures on social media as she donated food to the children and how she fell in love with the man who ended up breaking her heart. He was the antipode of her; he was nerdy, workaholic, ugly and just not her type back in high school. Of course, she'd hated him. He expected she would. Compared to the man she loved, he was a nobody. "I... You don't have to say these things to make me feel better, Aine. I love you, you know I do, but you don't have to reciprocate it."

"But I do," she murmured. She looked at him, her eyes warring with his. "I do." Her eyes did not falter. He smiled hugging her. "Let's go. We might be late. I think I understand what you meant about me being selfish. I now understand how falling in love feels like and I realised that I should let my daughter be happy."

The dining table was cluttered with food. Literally. There were too many foods that Kayleigh wondered how she could stomach the dishes in, and she felt as if her eyes had already been full just by looking at it. Lucas sat opposite of her, while her parents sat on either of her sides. She grew increasingly fidgety whenever Lucas looked at her and incredibly shy when she looked at Georgina, whom she thought was beautiful. Her palms grew clammy, as her parents sat eerily calm, not even gaping at the vast number of dishes in front of them. Lucas' complete family were there, while Kayleigh's, being an only child, was present too.

When the silence became deafening, Christopher cleared his throat, beginning the conversation. "Alright. Thank you for coming tonight, Miguel, Aine and Kayleigh," he nodded. "But let's not milk time, shall we? What is it you want to discuss with us?" His tone wasn't threatening, it wasn't rude either, he was rather encouraging, as Christopher was a straightforward man, and it resonated in his tone.

"Well, we are aware of Kayleigh's and Lucas' clandestine rendezvous. I'm sure you've heard of it too." Miguel took a piece of seafood to his mouth, swallowing as he continued. "If not, well now you do."

"Thank you for informing us. We didn't know. We will surely discipline him as a result of this," Georgina chided. "Is that all it is?"

"No. There's something more important we need to tell you." Aine hovered her red painted nails over the tip of the wine glass. Between Aine and Miguel, Aine was the speaker. Back in high school, he was timid and shy, while she flaunted her public speaking skills to everyone, participating in not only debate competitions, but also in spelling bee competitions as well. She won medals and trophies, while he only won her. He awed at that. "We've thought of what happened so far. I'm sure your company is suffering just as much as ours is, and I'd like to apologise in advance because I am sure that it is caused by our unnecessary feud."

"That's alright."

"But, I've been through a similar situation as my daughter before and I'd like to change that. What I've done was a selfish thing." She looked at her daughter. "I purposely ruined your family's image in my daughter's eyes. Again, if that's the case, I'm sorry."

"Lucas told me he did not do any of that. Those were allegations, Mum!" Kayleigh dropped her utensils as she stared at her Mum, demanding an answer. She and her mother haven't had a proper conversation since she found out the truth about her parents.

"We knew. And I lied to you because I wanted you away from him. But I realised how selfish it was for me to take away your happiness just because I couldn't experience it myself. However, your father and I spoke. He made me realise that indeed I was being selfish. So, if Georgina and Christopher do not mind, I am finally allowing you two to live freely and love each other freely," Aine smiled, watching her daughter's eyes grow wide in shock.

"Are you serious, Mum?"

"Dead serious. But that depends on Georgina and Christopher now."

Christopher and Georgina looked at each other. They both were fond of Kayleigh, after what she'd done to help Lucas change as a person and help him become more loving to his family. The pair nodded.

"We've always liked Kayleigh for our son. She'd done so much to him. To be honest, if it wasn't for her, my son and I wouldn't have talked to each other," Christopher chuckled. "So yes, I give my stamp of approval.

"Me too," Georgina smiled.

Kayleigh and Lucas stood up from their seats, enveloping each other in a tight hug. Kayleigh was bewildered while Lucas cried, eyes watering as he looked at his father and mother. "Really, Umma, Abeoji?"


As the two families laughed and talked to each other about their stories and Lucas and Kayleigh continued to show their profound love, the twilight of the night became darker.

"Just a few reminders," Georgina began. "Please be mindful of your actions. Christopher and I were careless back then, and I do not want the same happening to the both of you. Kayleigh, you're only nineteen, Lucas you are only twenty-two. Don't do anything you'll regret later on."

"Of course, Umma. I promise." Lucas kissed Kayleigh's forehead. "I respect Kayleigh and we'll never do anything that could possibly lead to serious consequences. I promise. I'll give her the world."

Eyes glistening, the couple looked at each other, knowing that the only place they'll find solace is with each other. Forever.


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