
68 3 7


warning: strong language.

hey! im really not happy with the number of votes and comments this book has been getting. but here is another update.


Lucas got down to business as soon as he came, kicking every piece of debris that cluttered the floor and punching every member that came his way, his eyes hooded and dark. When he faced the leader, Jeong-Gwon, the wannabe Lucas, he noticed that he donned the rip-off of his expensive leather jacket. He came right in time, just when was running his mouth down her neck, slipping it into the crooks of her slightly-parted lips, while two other men were in line to do the same.

"Get the fuck off her!" Lucas bellowed, his voice echoing in the empty garage.

"Oh. You were two minutes late, and we got hungry so we decided to tease your girlfriend," Jeong-Gwon chided.

"I am not his girlfriend," Kayleigh snarled. She looked tired and exhausted from crying, but she did not let her vulnerability weaken her. He loved her even more for that.

"I do not give a fuck. Lucas, since you're here might as well —"

Jeong-Gwon did not get to finish his sentence, as Lucas punched his face and kicked his shins, causing his nose to bleed and crippling him down. The two other men retaliated, both coming forward to punch Lucas at the same time, to which Lucas dodged. He then grabbed their arms, flipping them the other way around, purposely making them land harshly on their backs so that they could not stand up, losing consciousness temporarily. The remaining two of the squad came rushing in, one armed with a knife, the other with a gun.

"Love the extra little props right there. Will make your loss a little spicier," Lucas spat, as he went in for the strike.

Lucas dodged the first swipe of the knife, purposely holding his leg out so that the man would trip on it and lose balance. Stupid man, he fell for it, almost killing himself in the process because the knife was upright as he fell. Lucas then proceeded with the other guy holding the gun, kicking the pistol away from his grip, then kicking his sensitive area, causing him to fall down to the floor. Once he laid on the floor, Lucas came looming over him, stepping on his face repeatedly, breaking his teeth, nose and jaw in the process, again making the man beneath him lose consciousness. The other man with the knife stood up, lunging his knife at Lucas' spine. With his instinct and sharp hearing, Lucas dodged right on time, taking the knife, and then slicing the man's arm deeply in the process, his whole arm bleeding.

Kayleigh screamed as blood spilt all over the floor. The leader stood up, holding a bat, preparing to engage in a proper battle.

"Five versus one. Last time it was five versus five and y'all lost by a landslide. Now it's me against all of you. What a loss," Lucas bragged, as he grabbed Kayleigh by the arm, dragging her behind him, where he could keep her safe, guarding her. "Kayleigh close your eyes."

"What?" Kayleigh asked, crying and shivering.

"Close your eyes."


"Trust me. You wouldn't want to see this side of me."

Hesitantly, Kayleigh closed her eyes, her tears rolling down her cheeks, and she heard Lucas lunge forward, only to be hit by Jeong-Gwon's bat on his right arm. Wincing in pain, Lucas aimed his feet at the leader's face, blinding him for a few minutes. Before Lucas could regain his strength, Jeong-Gwon took out a hammer, now arming himself with both a hammer and a bat. As Lucas balled his hands in defence, Jeong-Gwon came forward, hitting the hammer on Lucas's left shoulder, and then the bat on his forehead, with Lucas falling forward in defeat.

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