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Kayleigh got ready the next day, blushing all the while. Jacob, a member of the J-Alpha, called her "beautiful." Something she herself could not believe and would not ever believe. Kayleigh grew up insecure of herself, to the point where she'd cry whenever she saw herself in front of a mirror. Her parents, albeit growing up quite close to her father and mother, would make snide comments on her weight and her physical appearance as a whole. Kayleigh never spoke up, as growing up in a Filipino household speaking back to the elderly sort of equated to disrespect, so she took it in, but it took a toll on the way she viewed herself thereafter.

So today, after Jacob's comment, she took a long look at herself in the mirror, for the first time in ten years. Roisin knew her struggles and tried to help her with her insecurities. Kayleigh was thankful for her, really, but Roisin could only do so much.

She thanked herself. Her body was healthy and she was at a healthy weight, thanks to the constant exercise she did and her healthy diet. Her straight light brown hair flowed to just below her shoulders and her dark brown eyes looked prettier than ever. She was happy. And her body radiated that happiness. After Jacob's comment, and Roisin's constant support, she felt more confident. She felt guilty for hating her body in the past. Now, she loved it, more than ever before, because of the support that was given to her by Roisin, and now, Jacob.

"Kayleigh? You finally looked at the mirror!" Roisin exclaimed, hugging her.

"Yeah. I realised I should love myself more," she half-lied. "Thank you, Roisin, for helping me."

"No problem!" She hugged Kayleigh again. "Let's go to school! I don't want to be late for my exam."

Roisin and Kayleigh walked together, with Kayleigh dropping Roisin first to her class. She was on her way to her own class when two pretty girls that seemed to be idol trainees walked passed her, conversing about something that had nothing to do with her.

"Wait, so you heard from the J-Alpha themselves that Mi-Rae will no longer be their muse for the opening?" the girl with purple and brown hair said.

"Yes. I kinda eavesdropped. I heard them talking about it last night after the game. Apparently, it's this girl called Kayleigh. She's not even from this place," the other girl with turquoise hair replied, glaring.

Apparently, it had to do something with her.

"So, what are we gonna do? Are we gonna tell Mi-Rae?"

"No. I think it's better if —"

"Hey, girls!" Mi-Rae beamed, looking at the two equally beautiful girls. "How are you Dan-Ah? I missed you," she hugged the girl with purple and brown hair, apparently called Dan-Ah. "I missed you too, Eun-Kyo," she beamed at the other girl.

The two girls looked at each other nervously until finally, Dan-Ah sighed, "Mi-Rae, stop acting like you haven't seen us two days ago."

"Sure, I did. But honestly, going to Japan for two days to shoot for a magazine was exhausting. I missed you both," Mi-Rae explained. "By the way, to more interesting and important matters, what was that I heard? I've been replaced by this girl called Kayleigh?"

The two girls, again, looked at each other nervously. Mi-Rae crossed her arms over her chest, demanding an answer right away. Eun-Kyo caved in, taking a deep sigh before explaining, "Yes. I've overheard the J-Alpha talking about —"

"And who may this Kayleigh be?"

"A new girl. She's not even from here. She's the lucky exchange stud —"

"A foreign student?"


Mi-Rae smirked, making her way to the J-Alpha's dugout, the other two trailing after her. Kayleigh shuddered in fear, as she was involved with people she did not want to be involved with, because of the J-Alpha. She stood up, trembled in fear, sighed and walked away, knowing that what was about to come will once again, ruin her reputation.

A single knock echoed through the J-Alpha's dugout. It was the end of another day and the six men decided to stay a few hours longer, catching up about what had happened in the past weeks, Jacob's advancements on Kayleigh and to talk about their upcoming game.

"Who can that be? Everyone in this school knows they are not allowed to be here," Justin yelped.

"Prolly those girls," Noah chided and all five men looked at him in unison. "You know, those girls who think they're some sort of queens or something."

Lucas glared his eyes at the mention of their names. The J-Alpha hated them, and Lucas was no exception. Lucas stood up and opened the door, only to see Mi-Rae and her girls scowling at him and at the rest of the boys, who were now playing pool.

"What do you want?" Lucas scowled in return, raising his eyebrows.

"Lucas, babe, I heard something," she cooed, the other two making their way to the pool table.

"Stop calling me that. You do not have the right to call me that."

Mi-Rae acquiesced, "Aww, boo. Okay. I won't. But I want to clarify something."

"Stop. It. I do not like being called these petty nicknames," Lucas growled. "What is it?"

"Who is this Kayleigh and why is she replacing me?"

Oh. Good. She knew. He no longer needed to speak with her.

"A girl," Lucas sarcastically said. He looked over at the rest of the boys who were all equally annoyed at the unprecedented arrival of the three.

"Of course I know she is a girl," Mi-Rae glared. "Why is she replacing me?"

"Because you are annoying and so hard to work with."

"WHAT?!?" she screamed, and immediately everyone in the room turned to look at her. "NO! I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS."

"I do not care whether you accept it or not. We have decided this collectively," Lucas grunted.

"But... but... my reputation..."

"I could not care less about your reputation. We're not born into this world to be your reputation-builder. Make a reputation for yourself and by yourself. That's the only way you'll get your desired reputation and the only way you'll feel accomplished."

"Lucas, I am known in this school for a reason. Please don't take that away from me..."

"What are you even talking about? We aren't taking anything away from you."

"Please, Lucas. I promise I'll change."

Lucas sighed. "Mi-Rae, the only reason why you want to be our muse is because you want us to fall in love with you."

"What? No!"

"Yes. I've heard you talk about it. Leave, Mi-Rae and please leave us alone once and for all."

With that, Mi-Rae slammed her fists on the nearest wall, scathing her knuckles. The other two retreated alongside Mi-Rae, ashamed of what just happened. However, Mi-Rae retreated not of shame, but of motivation because Kayleigh's life, whoever that may be, would now be a living hell.


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