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warning: strong language


Once the plan was set and was ready to be put into place, the J-Alpha and the three girls continued having dinner, licking the bowl of fried chicken clean. The group stayed until midnight, drinking soju as they did, closing off the restaurant until no more customers were left.

Before any of them could go home, Kayleigh pulled the tipsy Justin to one corner, bagging the chance to tell her how she really felt for him. "Justin, I'm sorry," she began, gulping down a lump forming in her throat. "I'm sorry."

Justin smiled, yet his tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. He reeked of alcohol and he looked downed with alcohol, yet his soft spot for her never faltered. He ruffled her hair, caressing the back of her head, down to the small of her back, as he pulled her toward him. He was no longer tipsy. He grew sober when he saw her. "I know. This whole time I knew. I did it in hopes that... In hopes that I can change the way you feel. But I knew," he whispered in her ear. Thanks to his towering height, Kayleigh's head could only reach his shoulders, so when his tears ran freely down his eyes, he was able to do so without Kayleigh knowing.

Kayleigh, though, could feel the change in his breathing, hearing his heartbeat racing. "Even if I cannot reciprocate the way you feel, just know that you're very special to me. You'll always be very special to me. Thank you for everything," she promised, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise. It's not your fault," he breathed, trying to remain stoic, but his voice betrayed him, shaking slightly as he cried. "You can't choose who you love."

"I still feel so guilty..."

"Hey, no matter what happened, I'll forever be grateful to have met you. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for giving me a chance," he murmured, kissing the tip of her forehead. "Promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"Promise me, you'll always take care of your heart. Do not be afraid to run back to me whenever he hurts you. Whenever he breaks your heart. Whenever he does anything to you. I promise I will take you back from him," he lamented. "Promise me."

"I promise."

"Good. Then, I'm happy," he smiled, kissing her forehead once again, untangling himself from her. "I love you. Always."

Kayleigh cried at his statement, before he waved his hand to say goodbye to her. He walked away, still sceptical of his decision to let go of the only woman he'd ever loved, but he did not regret it. The only way to love her is to let her go and be happy; because that was what people do when they love someone.

In campus, Hans had still reigned the hallways, despite being disliked by the students around him. Jeong-Gwon seemed to love the attention he got, now that he was one-eighth of the J-Alpha, bragging as if he'd owned the World Cup.

"Are you Kayleigh?" Hans asked her once that day when she steered away from their path.


"Nice. How'd you break those men up? They're tough. Maybe you kissed each of them and fucked them — " he was interrupted by a hard kick on his sensitive area, causing him to stumble down as he wailed in pain.

"No," she simply said, before glaring at Jeong-Gwon and the rest of the J-Alpha, who, interestingly, stood clear. "I am not her."

She walked away, sashaying, before plopping down on her desk, taking out her notes, in preparation for another lesson.

"I heard what you did." Lucas looked down at her eating form, as she gobbled down her japchae hungrily, her black cap covering her face. Roisin had to stay in for the break, as she had to stay in to speak with her professor, along with other students. He-Jin, on the other hand, was at the music room with her boyfriend. She was alone. Well, she wasn't really. Lucas was there. "Quite brave of you."

"Is that why everyone is looking at me?" she whispered, fixing her cap and her low ponytail.

"Yup. Why're you scared though? You should be proud of yourself," he beamed, sitting down in front of her as he watched her while she ate.

"Why? That was embarrassing, Lucas!" Kayleigh lashed out. "And, to think of it, in that — er, area."

"Makes me even more attracted to you. I taught you well," he chuckled. "Did you watch me take down Jeong-Gwon that night? Is that how you learned those ninja moves? Didn't I tell you not to watch?"

"I didn't watch you," she said just above a whisper. "And no, I just know it would... well, trample him."

Lucas laughed, and laughed, rubbing his belly as he did so until he grew breathless.

"Lucas, stop laughing."

"I... can't... HAHAHAHAHA," Lucas said in between breaths.

"Not funny."

It took him a minute or two to stop laughing before he took Kayleigh's cup of water and gulped it down. "Okay. I'm fine, now. I can breathe."

"Hey! That's my water!"

"I'll buy you another one," he smiled, as she reached for her ear at the other end of the table, twisting it a little bit, before ruffling her hair. "I love you."

Kayleigh almost spat the japchae out of her mouth. "What?"

"I love you."

"All of a sudden?"

"Yeah. Do you not?"

"I do. I love you, too."

"So, uhh," he scratched his nape. "I was meaning to ask you this when we, well, when we went to Taean. But I saw you with Justin, and well, you know what happened after."

"That long ago?" Kayleigh gasped. "It's been almost four months since!"

"Well, I was supposed to ask you again when we had that dinner, but the universe seemed to disagree. I don't think I'll have the chance to ask you if I don't know."

"What is it? Sounds very intriguing," she said, voice muffled, through a mouthful of japchae. "Oops. Sorry. Table Manners."

"Are you really that clueless?"

Kayleigh nodded.

"Do you — uh, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Kayleigh spat her japchae for real this time, thankfully on her finished plate. "Uhh..."

"Pretty sure you heard me right the first time."

"Okay," she breathed. "Let me first say this. I've never had a boyfriend and I'm new to all this so I do not know how relationships really work and all that so you're going to have to guide me —"

"You're babbling on. Cute," he chuckled. "Yes. I promise. You're agreeing then?" Lucas' eyes lit up.

Kayleigh smiled, standing up as she returned the plates back to the counter. Lucas sat and watched her, before she nodded her head ever-so slightly he would have missed it if he wasn't looking. Lucas sat up, frozen before he air-punched in delight. He and Kayleigh were finally together.

"Ms Choi Choon-Hee?" the Korean immigration officer read out her name.

"Yes. That's me."

"Welcome back, ma'am. South Korea has missed you," he beamed, lending her passport, before letting her out.

She was home.


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