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"Attention passengers. Hyun Airlines Flight HSK 558 to Incheon International Airport is now boarding."

As exchange students, both of the universities, Dr Cook and Hangkuk National, provided them with the highest level of luxury, including their tickets to South Korea. They were flying First Class of Hyun Airlines — one of the most expensive airlines in the world. She wasn't unhappy with the privilege, she was just bored with its tediousness, and how she was reminded everyday of how her family swam in billions of dollars, of how her parents choked their richness down her throat, and how her whole life revolved around luxury.

Kayleigh and Roisin hauled their suitcases, as they approached the boarding gate. As soon as the announcement was made, Roisin and Kayleigh lined up, although there really wasn't any considering the fact that they were flying First Class, and proceeded to board the aircraft.

Upon boarding, Kayleigh's reaction remained unchanged. Everything she saw was all too familiar. Hyun Airlines was the epitome of comfort and affluence. All passengers had their own room and there were makeshift walls to give the passengers some level of privacy. The seats were made of expensive leather, and could even become a massage chair. Freebies for each passenger included a set of pyjamas and Havaianas slippers, decorated with Hyun Airlines' logo, and a bag filled with Godiva sweets. The seat — if it was even called a seat — itself was too large for a single person. The TV was almost too large, but thankfully not too much, and it stood opposite the seat. The room had several pockets around, giving the passengers the freedom to unload and put their personal items in, and a mini-fridge complete with red wine and a fine selection of cheese.

"Psst, Kayleigh," Roisin whispered as they both placed their luggage in the overhead compartment. "Do you know why Hyun Airlines is so luxurious and extremely expensive?"

Kayleigh flew Hyun Airlines a lot with her parents during their trips overseas, considering they were successful international lawyers, but never really thought of the history behind the lavishness.

Unbothered, Kayleigh sighed. "Why?"

"Because the CEO's son has quite an eye for travelling in luxury. He loves money. He lives for, by and with it. His father built this empire and was inspired by him," Roisin explained.

Kayleigh huffed, "Who can this guy be? Man, he seems so arrogant. What's his name?"

"Apparently he is, according to my research, he's the leader of a notorious gang in Hangkuk National University, the J-Alpha. His name is —"

A cabin crew with bright red lips passed behind them, knocking Roisin off balance along the way and suggested they take their seat as the plane was about to take-off.

Kayleigh did not care about the spoiled brat of an heir anyway. She took her seat, slid the door shut and closed herself off, as the plane became stationary for a few moments, in preparation for take-off. Kayleigh eventually hauled herself to sleep, as soon as the plane ascended towards the sky, starting its 12-hour flight to Seoul.

While Kayleigh was exhausted from the 12-hour flight — despite the free massage courtesy of the first-class-seat-turned-massage-chair — Roisin was full of energy, excited to explore the new city. Kayleigh just wanted to settle into her room, eat a proper meal, sleep and prepare for the year. Roisin, on the other hand, wanted to visit the headquarters of some international celebrity.

"But Kay-leeeeee," Roisin accentuated the "e" in hopes of getting attention. She won't get it. "I want to see BTS and Astro. This has been on my bucket list."

"Your bucket list can wait until tomorrow. Let's go home first. Mr Kim is waiting for us."

She hoisted Roisin's arm in hopes to calm her down. But she failed. Of course, Roisin did not wait until tomorrow. They had lunch at a nearby authentic Korean restaurant before going to campus. Kayleigh wished Mr Kim waited for them, considering the fact that Samgyeopsal took hours. Although, yes, despite her initial worries, she was starving, and having Samgyeopsal immediately after a flight filled her hungry stomach; she was more than satisfied to diverge herself in delicious Korean cuisine.

Once full, the pair paid their bill and made their way to Hangkuk National University. Mr Kim, who just emerged from a meeting, stood by the entrance, welcoming them.

"Hello, sir" Kayleigh greeted. "Sorry, we're a bit late."

"No no. It's alright. The meeting took quite a while, anyway," he paused. "Welcome, girls! Let me show you around your home for a year."

Mr Kim proceeded to show them the ins and outs of the school campus, from its picturesque buildings, well-equipped libraries, cafes to the recreational areas and sleeping arena. The university was large, each departmental building connected through streets adorned with trees of the season. The windows of each building were glass-paned, overlooking the greenery the school took pride in. The cafeteria served delicious Asian cuisine, which Kayleigh loved.

Each department had its own building, separated from the others, and was supplied with the most up-to-date equipment. Upon entering the campus, the College of Medicine and Sciences and the College of Engineering greeted the guests. A few kilometres away was the College of Business and Economics and adjacent to it was the College of Fine Arts. Kayleigh and Roisin's department, the College of Social Sciences, was situated far from the others and stood alone. Not far from the housing area though, Kayleigh noted. Perfect. No need to rush whenever Kayleigh woke up late. The campus was beautiful — it really showcased the beauty and culture of Korea. It was also very easy to get around the campus, as there were mini cabs readily available, and a number of them lined up just outside the housing areas.

"I just have to warn you about something though," Mr Kim became serious all of a sudden. "I may be the principal of this school, but I have no control over how everything works behind the scenes. The CEO's son, Mr Park, is a member of a disreputable gang known all over Asia as the J-Alpha, led by Chang-Min Hyun or Lucas John Hyun."

"Chang-Min Hyun of Hyun Airlines?" Roisin excitedly asked, eyes wide open and blushing.

Kayleigh glared at Roisin's sudden fangirling outburst. "Oh... and? Am I supposed to be wary of their presence? I apologise if that came out rude."

"It's alright. And yes, the son Hyun Airlines' CEO studies here too. And he's known here as Chang-Min but his English name is Lucas. Also, I suggest you avoid them, especially that you've been granted a rare experience. They're known all over Asia for a reason. They're not only rich, they're handsome young men too. Bachelors of Asia, they say. They're notorious. Consider my warnings."

"Alright. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

"Good luck. Oh, and you see that Chinese-looking student over there?" he pointed. "He's a member of the J-Alpha. He's an exchange student like the both of you."

Kayleigh and Roisin looked at the direction where Mr Kim pointed and boy, must they admit — the man was absolutely good-looking. Handsome, even.

"Alright. Thank you, sir. Is that the end of the tour?"

"Yes. You may head to your housing."

Kayleigh and Roisin thanked Mr Kim for his kindness and headed to their rooms. It was small, and could only fit the two of them, but it had everything to be functional. Two beds, a bathroom to share, a stove, a fridge and a table, with a window overlooking the campus.

Out of the blue, Roisin gushed, "That Chinese guy was handsome."

Kayleigh sighed, "He may be, but don't forget what he told us. Stay away from them. They're dangerous people. Best we stay away from them. I want to leave Korea on a clean slate. I don't want to be expelled due to behavioural issues."

"Gee Kay, take it lightly. Relax. Although, I really can't wait to meet the gang tomorrow. I'm excited to see them serving their visuals."

With that, Kayleigh took a deeper sigh, as Roisin proceeded to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower.

"I cannot wait to meet the J-Alpha!" Roisin screamed.


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