Chapter 5 - KAT

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After two days of being lazy, I finally decided to go back to work. I tried my best to cover my injuries with makeup, and it worked to some extent, but I still had a scab on my cheek, which I covered with a plaster. I also had no way of dealing with the swelling. It wasn't as bad as it could've been, as I put ice on it pretty quickly after it happened, but it was still swollen, especially my eye. I left the bruise on my arm; I would just wear a top that covered it. I completely forgot though that I had to put on scrubs, which proudly showed off the huge purple bruise on my right arm, spreading completely over my bicep, although they are pretty small anyway, and round the edges.


I got so many looks that day, of concern, of sorry, of empathy and sympathy. A bruise on the arm, you can explain, to some extent, a black eye, again, you can explain to some extent, same with the cheek. But a black swollen eye, a bruised, cut cheek and a huge bruise on my arm, there is no explaining other than the truth; it was obvious I had been hit.

Another mistake I made was not bringing makeup with me to work. Soon enough I had sweated most of the concealer off, and my black, blue and purple, with a bit of yellowy-green at the edges, bruise was on proud display. No one raised their voice at me today, barely anyone called for my assistance, even my superiors, who often would look down on the trainees, making them do the brunt of the work, softened their expressions when they saw my face. It was a rather quiet day for me, luckily, I was back on the day shift, finally.

"Hey Kat, I'm supposed to be removing stitches at half 1, and someone is coming in for emergency surgery right now, I don't mind swapping, I don't want you doing anything more than needed right now," said Adam. He, out of everyone, felt the worst for me. He was friends with Jack, all of Jack's mates knew about the cheating, he felt so guilty for not finding out about it sooner. It isn't his fault though; Jack is a twat. He is also the only one at work who knows I was cheated on as well as physically abused. Cheating doesn't show on the face like a bruise does.

"Yeah, sure, but if you need help-"

"I promise, I will call you," I smiled, at least people weren't giving me that wide a berth.

I opened the door to one of the side rooms, where we did things like taking out stitches. I was looking down at the chart as I walked in, not realising who I was walking in to see.

"Hi, I'm sorry, Dr Sharp has had to go into emergency surgery, so he asked me to take over. I'm Dr Mendez. So how are you-" as I read the name Mr Enzo Arcaro, my heart stopped. I looked up at him. Until then, the right side of my face was facing the wall, but when I turned to look at him, he was able to take in my bruises for all their glory.

"Who did this to you?" he said, demanding an answer, he was filled with a volcanic anger.

"It's just home troubles. Can I see your shoulder please?" I asked. We locked eyes, in a sort of stare down. He gave up first, but he kind of had to, I wasn't about the leave, I have a job. He unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his shoulder and collarbone.

"It has healed well, almost good as new, the stitches can definitely come out today," I said, examining it, "I will be back in a second, just have to get some equipment."

When I came back into the room, I noticed the other two men that were sat in the corner of the room, two of the same men from when he first came in. Usually, I try and have light conversation with patients, but I felt too awkward, and uncomfortable, especially with my face like this. As I went around to the right hand side of the bed, his friend's got the full picture, and one of them noticed my arm bruise, which hadn't been noticed as of yet by the other two.

"Are you okay miss?" asked one of the men.

"I'm fine, let me just take out the stitches then you can be on your way," I replied.

I finished up as quick as possible, eager to just get out of that room. I had been stared at all day, but nothing like this. As they left, they each shook my hand, with Mr Enzo Arcaro lingering for a moment longer. In sync they all picked up their phones and started dialling numbers, angrily yelling in Italian. Something came over me, and I fainted.

I woke up in a hospital bed, one of the many I tend to everyday. I looked up to see my mother and my father, Adam, and Jack. Jack was separate from the others, and every now and again my mother, father or Adam would shoot him a death glare.

"Oh honey, you're awake, how are you feeling?" my mother asked.

"I'm fine mum, I missed you," I said. We had a quick catch up, before my father came over and said, "I have no idea why that scumbag is here, I can have him leave if you want?"

"I probably should talk to him; can I have a minute?" The three of them nodded and left, but probably only behind the privacy curtain, still hearing everything I said.

My conversation with Jack was short, but to the point. I said I was moving out, and I didn't want to ever see him again. Simple enough. He agreed.

My parents, Adam and Laura helped me move all my stuff out that night. Most of it went into storage until I found another apartment, and some of it, like my clothes, went into the hotel room I was staying at now. My parents had to leave to go back to Manchester the next day unfortunately, and I was left in my hotel room, alone.

One day after dinner in the restaurant downstairs, I went back up to my hotel room, to find a sorry looking Jack waiting for me. I told him to fuck off, but he wouldn't leave. I was so angry that he dared show up, he didn't even show me the respect to let me move on in peace. He tried saying all these nice things, how sorry he was, how he misses me, how he realises he did bad but would never do it again. All I could think of is how stupid he is to have only JUST realised what he did was bad. I ran to the lift, closing the doors before he could follow me, and ran out into the street at the ground floor. I knew he was following me; I could hear him calling out my name, but I kept running, his voice gradually getting quieter behind me. I reached a tree and leant against it, catching my breath. I felt a prick in my arm, and something injected into me. "What the fuck?" I spoke, turning to see who just injected me, but all I saw was black nothing, I could feel myself going limp, even though I couldn't see anything, and felt myself being picked up and carried.

"If this is Jack, fuck off," I weakly said, trying to muster up as much anger as I could, but whoever was carrying me just laughed. I tried to open my eyes, but felt another prick in my arm, more sedative, I guess. Within seconds I was knocked out cold.


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I wonder who sedated Kat... have you got any ideas?!

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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