Chapter 44 - KAT

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After my delicious breakfast-in-bed, I decided to get up and get changed, and see my parents downstairs, who had arrived the afternoon before, but I was a bit busy with Enzo to see them... The house was pretty much empty, apart from us, even Enzo wasn't in his office, and I missed him slightly. I remembered the day I was kidnapped when I went to his office and fucked him on his desk chair, and I really just had the urge to do it again. I asked one of the men where Enzo was, and they said he was in the middle of something important. God, I hoped it wasn't killing anyone, I really don't think I could deal with that right now. I smiled at the man, and went into the lounge, where my mother and father were drinking some tea, deciding to maybe surprise him later, when things had settled a bit.

I watched some trash TV with them for a bit, then I had a lovely lunch, and went for a swim. After my swim, I quickly showered and got changed, putting on a skirt and top, as well as some trainers, and then headed up to Enzo's office. He wasn't in there, but I knew if I did a bit of snooping, I would find out the location of some of his offices. There was just one office block I found the address to, so I banked on that being the one. I said to my parents I was going out, and I went downstairs and met one of the guards at the door.

"Don Arcaro said you shouldn't leave the house," the guard stated.

"He just texted me to meet him at the Fountain Offices," I completely bluffed, hoping that was where he actually was, knowing that the guard would know whether or not he was there, and if that place didn't even exist he would be able to call bullshit. Instead of calling me a damned liar, he nodded and stepped aside. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief, and got in my car, driving all the way there, at speed; I was hungry for him.

When I parked up, there were various guards around, who all recognised me, and guessed that if I was there, it was because Enzo would have told me where he was and would've asked me to come. I quickly went into the building and went up the stairs, to the third floor, where his office was. His door was slightly ajar, and I could see a man standing in front of Enzo, and although Enzo couldn't see me, I could see his face, and he looked slightly scared, but still putting on a brave face. I realised the man was pointing a gun at Enzo, and my heart began beating so face I thought it would jump right out of my chest and fall on the floor. I looked around where I was quickly, and noticed a box of guns next to me. I had never really shot a gun before, and I had no idea what I was doing, but based on various shows I had watched, I knew there was at least a safety switch, and I flicked it off. I assumed it was filled with bullets, at least I hoped it was. I lifted it, to try and shoot the guy, but my hands were shaking like mad, and I was absolutely terrified. Fuck it. I flicked the safety off, and turned the gun around. I walked over to the man and I whacked him on the head with the butt of the gun, with as much force as I could possibly muster, which distracted him slightly. I noticed as soon as the barrel of the gun was off Enzo, in one slick movement he opened the top drawer of his desk, grabbed a handgun and shot the man straight in the head. Blood and brains spilt everywhere, including over me, and I didn't know what the fuck to do, so I just sat on the floor and put my head in my hands.

"Katarina, Kat, are you okay?" asked Enzo, rushing over to me, putting his arms around me.

"I don't know," I said. I wasn't crying, I think I was just in shock. "Who was that?"

"Some asshole, he is dead now, don't worry baby, he is dead," he reassured me.

"I recognised him; he was in the car with Dante when he kidnapped me. He sedated me," I started to cry now, softly sobbing into my knees as I hugged them.

"No one will hurt you ever again, I promise," he said. I didn't know whether or not I believed him, but I chose to compose myself.

"Are you okay?" I asked; he was the one who just had a damn gun pointed at his head, and I was bringing all the attention on to me!

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