Chapter 7 - ENZO

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Of course, she would put on that dress. She knew it drove me crazy, but that was once upon a time. It was a hot pink, lacy dress, that captured all the right angles, perfectly caressing her breasts. The top section was corseted, whilst the skirt flowed loosely, to about mid-thigh. She walked over to me; I could hear her heels on the floor with every step.

"Hey Boo, you missed me?" she asked, whispering in my ear, then lightly biting it. I stood, like a statue, and completely silent, watching her. What was she up to? She made her way down to my neck, gently sucking on it.

"I definitely missed you. And I missed this," she said, grabbing my cock over my trousers. It started to get erect. I couldn't help it. I did feel a sexual desire for Natale not long ago, it was just my animal instincts.

"Did it miss me?" she asked, whilst still holding my cock.

"Not you specifically, but it missed being sucked," I said, smirking. She looked up, confused, but when she saw me smirking went back to attempting to be a seductress.

Natale grabbed my hand, leading me, and I followed. She sat me down on the sofa, and walked away, not far, maybe a couple of metres. She unzipped her dress, letting it fall to her ankles, revealing completely sheer panties, and no bra. She turned around, and I took in the view, then she got on her hands and knees and crawled to me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, called Pascal, and told him that no one was to disturb me. This brought a sly smile to her face as she continued crawling. When she reached my legs, she parted them with her hands, slowly standing up. She leant in, brushing my face with her breasts, and my lips with her nipples. She knelt back down, tying her hair up as she did so, and then unzipped my trousers, grabbing my cock with her hands and thrusting it into her mouth.

As it was happening, I realised I didn't feel anything for her anymore; there was no love, there never was love with Natale though, only lust, but that has almost gone.

I came, she swallowed like a good girl, and I helped her up off the floor.

"So, when can you ship that British ditz back to London, and we can finish what we started?" she asked.

"Firstly, I just did finish what you started tonight, and you swallowed it. Secondly, I have no desire to start anything again with you. Thirdly, she is no ditz, and she is not being shipped anywhere. Finally, I suggest you get the fuck out of my house before I kill you. Thank you for relieving some of my tension, but please do not stop by here again, you will not be invited in."

"But Enzo-"

"Look, Natale, I know you were sleeping with other people behind my back, did you not think I would find out? To be honest, I don't care anymore, I have found the most beautiful woman and I intend to make her mine. I do hope you have a lovely life from here on out, and if you ever need any help, I will leave you the number of a man to call." I shook her hand and escorted her out.

Fuck, I regretted what I just did with her already.

I poured myself a Bourbon, and headed back upstairs, only to be greeted by half of my men responding to some commotion, some female commotion.

"Let me through," I commanded, and my guards parted to let me through. Pascal and Antonio were trying to hold her down as she kicked and screamed, as Stefan and Dante stood beside, on high alert in case they had to jump in.

"I told you to call me," I angrily said to Pascal.

"You did, then you told me not to disturb you!" I knew he was right; all I could do was groan in annoyance. I downed my bourbon and placed the glass on the floor, by the end of the bed, then headed towards Pascal and Antonio. Dante's hand grabbed my arm.

"You look like you had fun downstairs," he laughed, gesturing towards my neck. I quickly looked in the mirror to see a number of hickeys all over my neck. Fucking Natale, trying to mark her territory, but I am not hers. Right now, I am no ones.

I couldn't do anything about the hickeys now, and I doubt she'll notice, considering she is more worried about fighting my men.

"She's a strong one you picked Enzo," said Pascal.

"She bloody punched me!" complained Antonio. I chuckled.

"Boys, leave, I'll handle it from here," I said, and they all filed out, shutting the door behind them.


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"Some female commotion" I love that haha. BUT WHAT THE FUCK ENZO, I was rooting for you, we were ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. Glad he threw Natale out though, are you?

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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