Chapter 14 - KAT

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It had been 2 days since I was assaulted on my way to the airport and stolen away. They held a cloth up to my face, which I can only assume was soaked in chloroform, and I passed out into someone's arms, then I woke up here, in some stone-cold jail cell. I held out hope that Enzo would come to find me, but I knew it was futile, he probably didn't even realise I was missing yet.

After two days of staring at bare stone walls, I heard the click of lock in the door, and it creaked open. A huge burly man gruffled "come with me." I did as he said, worried about what may happen if I objected. I followed him up a stone spiral staircase, into a stone hallway. Everything around her was made of stone, and that made it freezing cold, or maybe I was just nervous, maybe both.

He pointed towards a large wooden door, indicating for me to go in, and so I did. On a sofa lay a man, perhaps in his sixties, and besides him were various other men and women, all younger, with concerned looks on their faces.

"Ah! Bonjour belle," the older man said, "English?" I nodded. I knew French pretty much fluently, so I knew he said 'Hello Beautiful', but I felt like I shouldn't let my captor knew I could hear what they said whenever they spoke French, it may be useful later on.

"I know you are the private surgeon of Don Lorenzo Arcaro." I nodded.

"Well, belle, I need you to..." he gestured to his stomach, which had a kitchen knife, one with a blade about the size of my middle finger, sticking out of his stomach.

"Don't you have your own..." I was puzzled.

"I am the Caïd of the Milieu, here in Françias, my name is Jean-Marc Duval, but just call me Jean. Your boss has upset me recently, so I though the least he could do is give me his personal surgeon, and looks like I needed you quicker than I thought."

"I don't know what you mean." Did Enzo just hand me over to this man? Surely not.

"I'm basically the boss of the French mafia, at war, currently, with the Italian Mafia." I nodded understandingly. "Ignore my family, they are a bunch of withering, smothering losers, also cannot speak English, luckily. Biological family, but not symbolically." He spoke some words in French and they all got up and left the room.

I noticed the tools on the coffee table, and proceeded to do what I do, and stitch this random man up.

"I have heard no talk of anyone worrying about you missing yet, within my web of connections," pondered Jean-Marc. I guess maybe Enzo didn't just hand me over, but he definitely wasn't looking for me at least. "I need to grow my alliances to help me take down Don Lorenzo Arcaro and his dumb mafia, then I can take over the drug and weapons business he has running." Ah, so Enzo was short for Lorenzo, I didn't realise.

Drug and weapons, I knew he fought people, but... I guess I never really thought about what he did, but it should've been obvious to me. The mafia aren't exactly babysitters or teachers, and they get stabbed and shot a lot.

"Tomorrow night I am holding a ball, and I hope to convince as many as I can to join me. My main target is the Russian mafia though, they are a huge crime family, perhaps the biggest and scariest in the world. You will join me." I guess I didn't really have a choice.

"I have already chosen your gown for you. Now, I don't want to turn up with a broken doll tomorrow, do I belle, at least not visibly. I will only punch you where your dress will cover it," he cackled an evil laugh, rang a bell, and in came the same burly man as before, followed by two more. They ripped my clothes, leaving only my underwear, and began beating me. The legs were completely free reign, as were kicks to the stomach, and whips to the back, causing me to feel blood trickling lightly down my back. I was then carried by one of them, as I faded out of consciousness.

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