Chapter 43 -ENZO

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I didn't know what to think about the baby. I was a bit of an idiot completely forgetting about the fact she wouldn't have been able to take her pill, even though it was only a couple of days. I did notice that she had accidentally missed a couple already though, before being kidnapped, meaning the protection they give was lowered by a lot. I was slightly worried, because I didn't know if I was ready for a baby yet, even though I am at an age where many people have babies, I was still unsure. Of course, one day, I would be eager to have a baby, maybe one day soon, and I definitely wanted Katarina to be my wife and the mother of my children but... I guess I was just nervous about the whole betrayal by Dante, and I didn't want to bring in a baby if the situation was dangerous, especially as a baby is completely helpless against someone just picking it up and running away with it or anything awful like that. I had to sort the situation out, and until it was sorted, I was going to hold back on the proposal.

After I gave Katarina her breakfast, and told her I was going to work, I headed into my office, picked up my laptop and phone and got into the car, where Antonio drove the two of us to one of the office blocks I own. Everyone else was there already, chatting away with eachother, including all of the Russians. I strolled in, and the chattering went silent, as they all watched me walk to my place. Word had got around about how furious and angry I had been, and since then, everyone had been walking on eggshells around me; worried about me flipping my switch on them. To be honest, I was absolutely raging still, and I wouldn't hesitate to pull my gun out and shoot any of the people in this room, especially if they were a damn mole.

"No formalities today," I started, "I want the entire of Dante's organisation found, rounded up, and interrogated. I want them, ultimately, all to be killed," there were a couple of sharp intakes of breath around the room, so I turned in the general direction of those and said, "if you do not agree with that, you are either a sympathiser, and you can fuck off, or die too, or you are weak, and you can fuck off. Anything anyone wants to say?"

Everyone shook their heads, with blank faces, trying to look anywhere except my threatening gaze. One man stood up slowly, and said, "Dante was my closest friend and-"

Before he got the chance to finish, I grabbed my gun out of my waist and he shut up.

"Do you sympathise with him?" The man nodded, so I pulled the trigger and shot him in the head. "Dante was a traitor to our organisation. Him and his men stole from us, killed our men, people we all respected and many of us cared for, kidnapped my girlfriend, practically tortured her, and who knows what else they would've done it their plan was allowed to run to completion, but I know I would definitely be dead. Anyone who sympathises with that scumbag, essentially, wishes that I was dead and anyone who wishes that, I will shoot. How can you people not see this?!" I slammed my hand, that didn't have the gun in, on the table, causing one or two people to jump slightly.

"So, if I may start again. Find every man from that scum's organisation, round them up in warehouse J. Find out if there are any other fucking sympathisers, or moles in this organisation as well, round them up in warehouse J, I would like to speak to them first, before I shoot, if I shoot. Find the shit they stole from us and take it back to our warehouses that are still functional, and someone contact a warehouse builder to build some more fucking warehouses!" I looked around at the faces of the men and women stood before me, who looked confident in me, slightly scared of me, but ultimately, I knew many of them would put their life on the line for me.

I distributed the roles out to certain groups, and the group who was looking for moles and sympathisers stayed in the meeting room, as we were to go through Dante's phone to find who he spoke to about everything, and move on from there.

"You spoke well," said Reznikov, slapping me on the shoulder.

"Thank you Rez," I spoke back.

"I see there is no engagement ring on my granddaughter yet, cold feet?" he asked.

"No, I will do it, I just want to make sure all of this is sorted," I answered.

"Sensible boy. I respect you for that."

"Sir, we have found one mole in the organisation. His name was Fulgenzio D'Addario," spoke a woman, looking up from her laptop.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked. She pointed at the dead man on the floor, who I had just shot. "Good fucking riddance, keep going. I want every mole dead."

My crew rounded up every known person in Dante's organisation, and every mole in mine, which, other than that Fulgenzio scumbag, was only three. There were no other sympathisers with Dante. I ordered the deaths of every man in his organisation, which was pretty small, only about twenty, and the three moles, but before that, I took photos of every man's face, so that I could ask Katarina if she had seen any of those men; I wanted to make sure I had got everyone she had seen.

As well as rounding up people, my crew also went to the three warehouses that belonged to Dante's organisation, and completely cleared them out, taking the goods back to my warehouses. By the end of the day there were four new warehouses scheduled to be built, and two of them had started construction.

I sat in my office, in the block of offices that I owned, and sat back in my chair, running my hair through my hands, still feeling like there was something wrong.

"Sir," said a voice, coming into my room, "where there were doubts before about you being the most feared man in Italy, you have reclaimed that title now. Too bad you are about to die."

I quickly snapped my head up, and saw the face of someone who I noticed had slightly jumped in the meeting earlier. The other person who slightly jumped was also a mole, and I should've known this guy would be too. I am so stupid. I knew I had a gun in my top drawer, but I knew if I moved then this man would shoot me there and then. I decided to stall for a bit.

"What is your name at least?" I asked.

"Taziano Vona," he said confidently, "remember this name in hell, as the man who killed the great Don Lorenzo Arcaro." He lifted his gun up, and perfectly aligned it with my head.


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