Chapter 28 - KAT

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Fortunately, I was completely covered by the duvet of Enzo's bed when Antonio burst into the room, but Enzo was not so fortunate. I pretended to be asleep, really not wanting to be part of this morning reunion.

"DUDE! Put it away!" yelled Antonio, causing Enzo to groan and pull the duvet so it just covered his manhood.

"Bro, that tattoo, you gotta get it removed," he pointed at the one of Natale's name, in a heart, under his pec.

"I'll get it done today."

"Soooooo, brother got lucky!"

"I did indeed," chuckled Enzo, "because she is one of the kindest, cleverest, most beautiful girls I have ever met, she lights up my heart and my life." Wow, okay, that was cute.

"She lights up all our lives, she really is something. I'm happy for you," and with that Antonio left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Enzo turned over, pulling me in closer to spoon him, whispering in my ear "you're bad at pretending to sleep you know." I hit him.

"I am asleep," I complained.

"People who are asleep don't hit people and then reply to what they said." So I pretended to snore loudly, causing him to start laughing. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Get that fucking tattoo removed, or the only thing you're going to do with me, is watch me pack my shit up and leave."

"Damn babe, you got a mouth on you huh. It's going asap, promise."

"Asap better be today."

"It is."

"Good, also, next time, lock the damn door." Then as a little thank you, I went under the duvet and started to suck his dick. When he came, I swallowed, I'm no quitter, and spitters are quitters, according to Laura back in London.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" asked Enzo, as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"You won't have me till you have that tattoo gone, I hope you realise that."

"Possessive little princess you are aren't you, and I thought I was the possessive one." Enzo kissed my lips softly, and got up out of bed, announcing that it was time for breakfast.

"Believe me when I say I don't cook, but I know many men cook breakfast for their ladies after a night of fun, and I want to do that for you too!" well that's romantic. I sat on one of the stools at the island and watching him work. When I tell you he is a bad cook, I mean a really bad cook. Not bad in a cute way, not pretending to be bad, actually awful.

"Damn Enzo, you finally get the girl and you go and try to poison her the next day!" exclaimed Antonio as he walked into the room. I laughed, but Enzo looked angry. Ant walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder, whispering stories about how awful Enzo's cooking it, causing me to giggle. Enzo still looked angry, maybe angrier than before. He turned around, slammed a plate of food on the table, breaking the plate in half, and went off in a huff, which only made Ant and I uncontrollably laugh, to the point I even snorted, which made Ant laugh more, and me go red.

I tried the food. He had tried to make pancakes, but they tasted overwhelmingly floury, like he put the whole bag of flour in there and barely anything else. They also tasted slightly... salty, and there was pepper in them, did he add salt and pepper to pancakes? Of course they didn't cook well at all, and broke in tiny pieces when he tried to flip them over, causing them to break into many little bits, serving me a half-raw, slightly seasoned pancake. After my courtesy bite, I offered it over to Antonio.

"I've barely got the taste out of my mouth from the last time he 'cooked', I'll pass," he laughed. I put the pancake aside, on a non-broken plate, and put it in the fridge, in case Enzo wanted to try any of his concoction first before we chucked it out, then I got out the ingredient for pancakes, and began making a huge batch of batter. I cooked each one perfectly evenly, adding them all to a plate of pancakes getting increasingly tall that I was keeping in the warming oven. When I had used all the batter, I called for the boys, who all practically ran down the stairs, following the smell of fresh pancakes.

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