Chapter 41 - KAT

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When I finally opened my eyes, I looked around the room, a hospital room. I had been saved. If I wasn't so weak and dehydrated, I probably would've broken out into tears and started hysterically crying. I tried to sit up, but my aunt, Irina, pushed me back down gently, and instead got the controller for the bed and clicked a button so it tilted upwards, allowing me to look around the room better. Lyamina also came up to me, and she stroked my hair out of my face, smiling sweetly.

"How do you feel?" asked Irina.

"W-weak," I tried to say, but it was hard to talk, and I didn't have much energy at all.

"You've had a hard few days, but you are okay now, you just need to regain your strength and you will be perfect," smiled Lyamina.

"W-where's E-e-enzo?" I stuttered.

"I will find out," said Lyamina as she left the room.

It was a short while later that she came back in with Enzo, and all of the boys. I smiled at him, and tried to lift my hand so that he would come and hold it, which he did. We looked into eachother's eyes, my hero, my boyfriend, my partner-in-crime, although he would probably never let me anywhere near real crime, I don't fancy it anyway.

"Dante will never touch you again," he said to me, and I smiled at him. I knew what that meant; Dante was dead, either by the hands of someone in the Italian mafia or the Russian mafia. I didn't agree with killing people, but I know that neither of the two mafia's that protected and looked over me would have it any other way, and arguing or being upset in my state would only drain more of my non-existent energy.

He kissed me on the forehead, and I felt a warm feeling flood all the way through my body, but I was too weak to smile. He was here, and that was all I needed. I was safe, and I could sleep peacefully knowing that Dante wouldn't come in in the middle of the night, or anyone else, and try and harm me. I was also absolutely exhausted, as I had barely let myself sleep, thinking that if I slept I might never wake up or something, but now I could sleep in peace, so I drifted off, with my knight in shining armour holding my hand, surrounded by my close family.


When I woke up, he wasn't there anymore, but Irina, Lyamina, Vlad, Uncle Stev and my grandfather were. It was basically just my Russian family, apart from my parents. Oh my God, my parents.

"Is my mum and dad okay?" I said. Now I have had some sleep, I felt a lot more full of energy, and the fluids they were putting straight into my blood via IV had rehydrated me. I no longer felt that weak, although there were still various injuries that held me back, like my arm and the bruises and swelling on my face.

"They are fine, your dad knows what has happened, your mother has been told that you were mugged in the street. She, of course, is very worried, and they are both flying over this afternoon," answered Uncle Stev.

"Thank you," I smiled.

I got up out of the hospital bed, assisted by Lyamina and Irina, and they helped me change out of the hospital gown (all of the males had been kicked out). I got changed into something comfortable and normal: dark grey joggers, a black vest top, a red sweater and some uggs.

"Can we go home?" I asked.

"Of course darling," answered Irina, helping me get up and taking me to the car.

We drove back to Enzo's house, and they helped me get into bed, before flicking the lights off and letting me sleep. The bed smelt just like him, and I let it fill my nose as I drifted off to sleep again. I was briefly awoken by a movement in the mattress as I felt someone get in, but I could smell that it was Enzo, and I fell straight back to sleep again. When I woke up I felt a pair of arms wrapped carefully around me, being sure to not touch my injured arm, and I snuggled further into them.

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