Chapter 11 - KAT

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My head was killing me. I wanted to open my eyes, but they were so heavy, and they felt like they were stuck together. I tried to lift my arm, but it was hard as stone. I couldn't even open my mouth to scream for help. I felt myself drifting back into sleep.

I woke up again, this time my eyes finally opened, but they were so sore, and I had loads of sleep that had built up around them. I rubbed them gently and scanned the room. I was in my original room, with the chestnut wardrobe and chest of drawer, but someone had moved a sofa into the room, and lying on it was a sleeping Enzo.

I sat up, swung my legs over the bed, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. The water on my skin felt gorgeous. I just stood there in the shower, letting the water fall down my face and fall down my body. I snapped out of it when I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a sec," I called out, and quickly washed the conditioner out of my hair. I walked out, my hair in a towel and my body wrapped in a different towel, to see it wasn't just Enzo in the room, but Pascal, Stefan, Antonio, Dante and even Gian. They all awkwardly looked away, except Enzo, who watched me. I walked over to the bed, and sat down, using the covers to cover a bit more of my body, and gradually the other men started watching me again.

"Are you just going to watch me?" I asked, but that caused a lot of arguing in Italian between the men. I couldn't understand a word, but it seemed like everyone agreed on something that Enzo didn't. God, I hope it wasn't to kill me or something.

"How would you like a job?" spoke Gian. I had not heard him speak much, he was a man of few words.

"A job? What do you mean?"

"We don't want you unhappy here," spoke Antonio, walking over to sit by me on the bed, placing his hand on top of mine, "I know how much you loved your job-"

"So, it's gone?" I interrupted.

"The job they want you to do is be an in-house surgeon, for any stab wounds, gunshots or anything else my men suffer from. I think it is too dangerous," sighed Enzo. This led to more arguing in Italian.

"I know how much you like to earn your own money, and I admire your independence. You will be paid well. If you want to leave though, go back to England... I'll book you the first flight back," spoke Enzo, in a calm, cool voice. I'm just so confused, was that the reason he brought me out here? I'm not exactly the best surgeon in the world, far from it. I looked at him, puzzled, and he gestured for the other men to leave the room.

"Katarina, you showed me such kindness in the hospital, when I found out about your boyfriend cheating... I couldn't deal with it, I acted selfishly, I should've just asked you to come. You are very talented, and you would be an asset to have here." His words were nice, but I was so angry at him.

"I'll consider it. But don't you dare hurt me again," I was speaking about emotional and physical pain at that point.

"I promise on my life, I will never lay a finger on you again, nor will any of my men, if you stay, it is your free choice, if you want to leave, you may." He clearly only thought I was referring to physical pain.

"Thank you." I managed to say, but I was still pissed beyond belief. 


I opened my wardrobe to find my gym clothes. I noticed it was full to the brim, and so were my chest of drawers. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed he hadn't thrown away all my clothes that I bought on that shopping trip. I quickly got changed and headed downstairs. In the main living room, the boys were all playing video games, or watching their friends watch video games. I noticed there were way more men and guards around the house, I wondered why, probably to keep me in. As I walked to the door into the garden, a guard stepped between me and the door.

"Where are you going Miss Mendez?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"For a run," I replied.

"I don't think so." I turned to the boys on the sofas, who had paused their game and were watching me. I looked at them with pleading eyes.

"I just want to run around the grounds. I don't care if you have five or fifty men watching my every move or running next to me. I don't want to run away; I just need to go on a run." I met Enzo's gaze, who looked up and down my body, his eyes maybe lingering a bit too long.

"Fine," grunted Enzo. I turned around to the guard, who nodded his head at Enzo, and moved out my way.

As I ran past the pool, I noticed there were new spikes and barbed wire at the top of the cliff, but I wasn't lying when I said I didn't want to run away. I was eager to start my new job, and although it was a bit crap being stuck in this compound, it could be worse, and Enzo was looking out for me, right?

I came back into the house through the same door I left, and everyone was in exactly the same place. They looked up a second, noting I looked fine, healthy even, and then back to their game.


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I wonder what stuff she will get up to in her new job! Kat is starting to look more comfortable round the house, what do you think?

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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