Chapter 20 - KAT

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After about three weeks of not a lot, and about zero of Enzo, I was back on duty. What was going down tonight wasn't that big, and the only person I knew by name involved in this deal was Dante. Although it was very unlikely to end in shootings or stabbings or anything, I still called in Sofia and David, because at least if they were here now I wouldn't have to call them later on. Sofia couldn't make it though, and I thought it would probably be okay without her for now, and if I needed her later on, I could always call her again. It was a long night, and nothing much happened at all, so David and I got to talking. We talked about everything, our family, our childhood, favourite books, most of which happened to be the same – 'Goodnight Mr Tom', 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Skyhawk', and favourite films. I hadn't seen most of his favourites, and he hadn't seen most of mine, so we agreed we would have a viewing party one day.

"Are you... are you seeing Enzo?" he asked, after we had just had a long conversation about pasta and which one was better, I thought spaghetti, but he said penne, so basic! The question caught me off guard, why was he asking? Why did he care?

"No, I'm not, why?" I replied.

"Well, I just, I like you, you're nice," he answered me. Honest, I like it. I hate when people beat around the bush, like honestly, get to the point. But I was still shocked. I know he said I'm nice, but why actually did he like me? Anyone and everyone can be 'nice', he isn't crushing on them.


"Well, like I said, you're nice, you're clever, you are amazing at what you do, and you're stunning."


"Yeah." I was so confused? He thought I was stunning. What the fuck? "I was wondering..." he started, "well as we don't have any work tomorrow... I was wondering if you wanted to go for lunch." Lunch? I am SO CONFUSED. For a split second I thought of Enzo, and how I would be betraying him if I said yes, but he had a damn girlfriend, I can go for lunch with a boy if he has a whole ass girlfriend.

"Yeah okay, sounds nice." He beamed up at me, and we continued chatting about pasta, well, arguing about pasta. There were no injuries that night, so I went to bed, and David went home.

About an hour before my lunch with David, I went downstairs, to see Ant and Stef playing video games, whilst Pascal watched eagerly, hoping for one of them to die so he could take over. Enzo watched them silently, flicking his attention between the TV and a newspaper he was reading. When they heard me come in, they paused the game and turned around, noticing I looked rather dolled up, I swear I even saw Enzo do a double take. I must be imagining it, because he went back to look at his newspaper pretty quickly.

"You look fancy, what's the occasion?" asked Ant.

"I'm going for lunch," I replied.

"With who?" questioned Stef.

"A friend." They looked at each other oddly/

"What friend, you don't have any friends," chuckled Ant.

"You're my friends!" I complained.

"No seriously, tell the truth Kat," chimed in Pascal. Damn, these boys were interested in what I was doing.

"I swear, I'm going to lunch, he'll be here in about thirty minutes!"

"He?" said Ant, Stef and Pascal all at the same time, which caught the attention of Enzo, who looked up at me, his eyes narrowing. He looked pissed. The boys turned to look at Enzo, awkwardly, and then back at me, waiting for what he would say.

"Who?" was all Enzo said.

"David, you know, the other doctor I work with, well we got talking last night, and he asked me to lunch today, and I think it's nice to have company other than all of the soldiers and guards and bosses," I replied.

"No." stated Enzo.

"Fuck off, I'm going on my date. There's no one that's going to kidnap me, or blackmail me, and anyone who would before is fucking terrified because of who my family is, and what they did to the last person who kidnapped me. You don't need to be worried about my safety."

"I don't care."

"Fuck you Enzo." I turned around and went upstairs.

I was going on my fucking date whether he liked it or not. Did I just call it a date? Was it a date, or just lunch with a friend? I had no idea, but definitely in front of Enzo I would make sure to call it a damn date. I went into my room and got changed, and to piss him off, I put on a white t-shirt that showed off my cleavage, not that there was a lot, but it also showed my red, lacy bra underneath, which I thought was way sexier. Then I put on a figure-hugging denim skirt, and white wedges. I tied up my hair into a ponytail and put on a necklace that fell right in between my cleavage perfectly. Fuck you Enzo. I chose the perfume that smelt the sexiest and sprayed myself. Then I headed back downstairs. I noticed Enzo was no longer in the room. The boys turned around when they heard me coming in, and jaws dropped.

"I'm going out," I informed them.

"Enzo will kill you," Ant informed me.

"He has no right to be jealous, he has no right to tell me who I can and cannot go on dates with, and he has no right to keep me in here, you can tell him that from me if you want." That shut them up.

"Anyway, he goes on about how I'm not necessarily held captive here, so I should be able to leave whenever I want. People who are told they cannot leave the house when they want to leave the house are held captive. So, I ask you, am I held captive or not?"

They shook their heads, and they knew I won this argument, and I knew I won this argument.

"Then I am going out," and with that I walked out the room, out of the front gates, where David was waiting in his red pickup truck. He smiled at me, and I jumped in the car.

"You look nice," he complimented.

"Thank you, you look nice too," I smiled. I had never really looked at David's face. I mean, obviously I've seen his face, but I've never really looked at his face. He had slicked his jet-black hair back, which he didn't usually do at work, and I think had put in contact lenses, as he was not wearing any glasses. He did have an attractive face, no cuts or wonky noses like Enzo and his boys, and he was nice. His eyes were kind, but always stayed kind, and they never looked terrifying. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a yellow polo shirt, with sunglasses on the top of his head. As I did my seatbelt up, he started driving. We were going into the city centre, I was so excited because I hadn't yet explored it.


Thank you so much for reading so far! Please comment your thoughts if you want to, and vote if you liked the chapter! Would mean so much to me.

Soooo, Kat is going on a date!! Wow. Enzo is definitely jealous, but he has no right to be. I wonder how this will all go down...

Find out in the next chapter! I will post more this afternoon (Wednesday 24th June).

Hope you are all staying safe during lockdown! <3

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