Chapter 39 -KAT

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I had absolutely no way to tell the time, and my circadian rhythm was completely off. I slept when I was tired, but it didn't feel like I had stayed awake long enough between sleeping for it to be a day. With no clock and no window to even see if it was light or dark, I felt weird. It did feel pretty strange, and uncomfortable, and maybe that was another way of hurting me, thanks to Dante, just making me feel constantly uncomfortable, on edge, and scared. I had no idea if at any moment he would just storm in and hurt me in some way or other, and so I could barely sleep, not wanting to let my guard down. The lights were also always on, which made it even harder to sleep, and I was completely disorientated and exhausted.

Since I stabbed him in the eye with a needle, he hasn't come in, and therefore I haven't eaten or drank anything in a while. I listened to the rumbling of my stomach, and I tried to moisten my dry mouth with my saliva, but it didn't help.

I had no idea what was going on. Obviously, Enzo would have known by now I was missing, and I was sure he would be searching, but I wondered if my family knew and if they were helping too. I hoped so, because two mafia families trying to find you is better than one. I was still shocked that Dante was the mole, I completely didn't expect it, and if I never would've guessed, I knew there was no way Enzo would've guessed, unless he saw the CCTV and saw that it was Dante who picked me up early from that restaurant.


Just thinking about the restaurant made my stomach grumble. It was now beginning to sound like a whale noise, and if this room wasn't soundproof, I was sure that the entire street I was on would've heard it.

I had to distract myself from thinking of food, and Dante had taken my book away, so I just thought more about the situation. If Dante is a mole, I wondered how many other moles there were in Enzo's organisation, and I really hoped it was only Dante, because I didn't want the Italian mafia to come crumbling down, as I knew Enzo loved his job, and loved working with his men. FUCK. My job. I wonder what excuse Enzo gave as to why I wasn't at work, or if he gave any excuse at all. I wonder what excuse Dante gave for having a needle stuck in his eye.

I knew he would've gone immediately to hospital, for fear he was going to go blind. It depended on how far I stuck the needle in as to whether he went blind or not, but he would still need surgery to fix it all, and that needed to happen as soon as possible, and I just didn't think that Dante would take the time out of his plan of trying to overthrow Enzo to actually go into surgery, but I guess I didn't think Dante would try and overthrow Enzo, so I really had no idea what he would do next, or what his personality is at all. I know the hospital would ask him to wear an eyepatch, and there is no way of concealing that, so everyone would've seen the eyepatch, and probably asked him what that was all about, so I was curious about what he said.

After my little outburst, Dante took away the bag and all of the medical supplies, and so I had no way of cleaning my wound or changing the bandages. Unfortunately, it had got infected, probably when Dante pressed down on the stitches with his disgusting hands, although nothing I used to even sew up the cut was surgical grade anyway. The infection didn't look too bad yet, but I knew without any antibiotics that it would grow out of control, and I dreaded to think what would happen then.

I had no mirror either, which meant I couldn't look at the damage Dante had done to me when he punched me multiple times. From how my face felt, and how tight and painful it was, as well as feeling blood trickling down my face, which I could see when I wiped it away with my hands, I knew it would've been very swollen and probably covered in bruises and scratches, and I must have a lot of dried blood on my face too. I tried not to touch it that much though, because I didn't want to spread any infection, but it was hard not to, as the dried blood made my face slightly stiff.

At some point, Dante had either installed a toilet, or revealed a hidden toilet or something, but it was on the opposite side of the room, although it did not flush, and there was nowhere to wash my hands. I also hadn't showered since I got here, and I stank. I felt dirty, disgusting, uncomfortable, scared and I was in a lot of pain.


As I sat there running through my thoughts, I was alerted to the fact that the door was opening. Part of me hoped it was Enzo, but if not, at least Dante, then I could beg him for some food or something.

Running in the room were three armed soldiers, with huge guns in their hands, that were on straps around their bodies. They were clearly wearing bulletproof vests, and they had some kind of helmet on. I didn't recognise any of their faces, and I was scared that they had come to transport me away, or kill me.

"Katarina?" one of them asked.

I looked up at them, "please don't kill me," I begged, feeling the tears running down my swollen face.

"We aren't here to kill you, we are here with Enzo," he stated. What? Enzo found me! I was so relieved, but I didn't have the energy to jump up and run and find him, I just felt like sleeping or something, finally able to relax as I knew he was here, and I knew I was safe now.

"Hey, don't fall asleep, we need to get you out of here, come," one of them held out their hand to me and I gave them my hand. They tried to pull me up, but when they realised I was too weak, I was scooped up and carried out, and whoever was carrying me carefully placed my injured arm on top of my stomach so it wasn't crushed.

I looked upwards as the ceiling of the house became the sky, and I heard the man carrying me announce that they had found me. Various people ran up to me, and I could slightly recognise voices, but it just sounded like people were talking to me underwater, and it was so muffled. I smiled weakly as I looked up at the sky, watching as a cloud floated past, and then I shut my eyes.


EZNO FOUND HER!! woooooo, but she is defintely not in the best shape, at all.

Decided to post the next chapter early because WE REACHED 2K READS!!!! I am sosoosossoosooooo happy.

Thank you to everyone who has read commented, voted and added to their reading lists!!

Also, we reached #1 in the SEXUALFANTASY category, in addition to being #1 in the SURGEON category!! 

I hope you are enjoying the story so far!!

Ily all. Hope you are staying safe! <3

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