Chapter 24 - KAT/ENZO

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I was in Enzo's bed. Why was I in Enzo's bed? He wasn't in his room. I looked out of the window to see whether it was light or dark, and saw Enzo guiding his girlfriend to her car, probably just after having a quickie. Well, that's fine and dandy to me.

When I got into my own bed, I reached over and found my phone on my bedside table. I barely ever use my phone nowadays, and I see no reason to bring it with me anywhere, unless Enzo asked me to take it with me, 'just in case', as he would say.

There were fourteen missed called and thirty texts from David asking if I was okay, if he could be let in, that Enzo was a twat and wasn't letting him in, I couldn't be bothered to read them all, my head hurt and I was hungry. My phone rang again, David, again. I picked up.

"Hello?" said his voice over the phone.

"Hi David, look I'm fine, I'm tired and I am hungr-" he interrupted me.

"I am so sorry Katarina; I am so so sorry. I should've asked, I should've let you order, I should've done better, I am so sorry I ruined our date." So it was a date to him huh.

"I should've told you, I was careless. But I had fun today, you're a great friend." I could hear him wounded over the phone as I put him and locked him tightly in the friendzone.

"What about our kiss?"

"I like you a lot David, but I think we are better as friends. I'm sorry, don't be mad." Then he went off. Talking about Enzo this, Enzo that, swearing at me. I have never heard him use language like that before.

"Come to the gates, I wanna see you one last time," he said, and I agreed. I slipped on a jacket and some flip flops and headed over to the gate. When I arrived, the guards said to me they had direct orders to not allow him in, but I told them I was leaving, and as they hadn't had direct orders to not let me leave, they opened the gates. I walked over to David's car, beginning to shiver in the cold. I knew one of the guards would've called Enzo by now telling him I had gone out to see David, and he was probably already storming over here, so I didn't have long to speak to him. I apologised again, and he got angry, again. He came right up in my face, shouting at me, angry that I put him in the friendzone, angry that I had rejected him, angry that I had said there was nothing going on between Enzo and I, and I told him again there was nothing between us, he had a damn girlfriend. All I saw was black as I felt his fist connect with my head and I crashed to the floor.



I was storming over to the gate, for fuck sake, I should've commanded them to not let her leave, but I didn't realise she would bloody be awake anytime soon. The gates opened as soon as I neared them, just in time for me to see David sucker punch Katarina right in the temple. I pulled out my gun and, without thinking twice, shot him in the head.

I ran over to Katarina, checking for a pulse, to see if she was okay. Her heartbeat was strong, so I picked her up and carried her back to the house.

"Dispose of the body and car," I commanded to my soldiers, who nodded.

I waited next to her for forty-six minutes – I knew because I was counting down every single one – before her eyes fluttered open, to reveal those golden amber eyes that I loved. She looked straight at me, before clutching her head. I handed her two paracetamol and a glass of water, and she smiled, her sweet, beautiful, kind smile.

"David?" she asked. Not him again. For fuck sake, how was I supposed to tell her I killed him.

"I dealt with him, he won't be bothering you again," I stated, expecting her to jump up in anger and start yelling at me, but she just breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and thanked me. I wonder if she knew that me dealing with him was me killing him. Oh well, she didn't ask for the details, she didn't need to know the details.

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