Chapter 34 - KAT

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I was half expecting to wake up in a stone-cold dungeon, considering the last time I got kidnapped that is what happened, but somehow this place is worse. It was clearly in a soundproof room, with soft walls that had the studded walls with the bits that stuck out, and a ceiling of the same. The floor wasn't studded, but it was soft, and so still soundproof.

I couldn't see a door, but it must've blended into the walls because of the nature of the soundproofing material, and I couldn't see any windows. There was a single bed pushed up against one of the walls, with just a simple mattress, white sheets, a quilt and a single pillow. There was also one book on the floor, and that was it. I tried crying out, but it was completely futile because there is no way anyone would ever hear me.

As I sat on the bed, I tried to piece my thoughts together. What I just couldn't understand is why Dante put me here, or at least helped whoever did put me here. I thought Dante and I were friends, and I definitely thought Dante and Enzo were friends. Why did he betray him, and me, like that? I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I didn't know what the endgame was either. Did they want to hurt me, torture me, kill me or just keep me here? Surely they couldn't keep me here for that long, but I guess, there isn't anyone stopping them right now. Enzo would never suspect Dante, the least of everyone, so I had really lost hope in anyone finding me. I looked down at my hands and noticed my ring had gone. Why? It's just a damn ring, I guess he thought there must be a tracker or something in it, but Enzo would've told me if there was, it was just a ring.

I picked up the book on the floor – 'The Little Princess' – and just started reading; I had nothing else to do, and until someone decided to come and get me, there was no way of me calling out for them. I also wanted a distraction from the situation, because I knew I would start crying in any minute and I didn't want to appear weak to my captor.

I had read six chapters when part of the wall opposite the bed opened. So that was where the door was...

Through the door came Dante, shutting it behind him. I ran towards him, but stopped when I saw him pull out a large knife.

"You aren't going to hurt me," I said, but I was unsure.

"Do you wanna bet?" asked Dante, with an evil smile. He strolled up towards me and grabbed my arm. Then, he slashed the knife across my arm, causing me to scream out in pain.

"What the fuck?!"

"Don't make presumptions about me. Now sit on the bed, and if you don't, I will restrain you, and cut your other arm," he demanded. I did as he said, and also took a bit of the sheet on the bed to help me put pressure on the cut on my arm that was slowly seeping blood.

"Why are you doing this?" I glared at him.

"Various reasons: power, money, fame... because I can," he smiled evilly as he said the last reason.


"Well, my father hated Enzo's father in secret, always wanting his position, and he never did manage to complete his wish before he died, so he bestowed the task onto me. I needed to distract Enzo so he would be concentrating on someone else rather than what I was up to, and what better way than a woman? Initially I got my sister, Natale, to seduce him, which worked, to an extent, but then you came along and well, you were the best distraction of them all. Although, my sister has agreed with me that I'll get rid of you soon, so she can have Enzo all to herself. Once we take over though I don't see much point in him anymore, maybe I'll just kill him..." he watched me as I gasped audibly. "Once he fell in love with you, I knew it was time to kidnap you, so I enlisted the help of Jean-Paul Marc, but obviously your family came in and well... I didn't expect that complication. I waited a while, building up my empire by stealing his cocaine and killing his men, weakening him whilst I got stronger, and the last bit of the puzzle was taking you. I set up an explosion at the warehouse to distract him, so I could take you. Already he is worrying more about where you are than his crumbling empire." He clapped his hands together.

"Enzo will kill you, if my family doesn't first," I growled.

"Well, my darling, the beauty of this situation is that no one would ever suspect the underboss," he smiled that wicked smile again and pulled my hand away from where I was trying to stabilise my cut. Then he stuck his finger into it, making me scream in pain as he opened the cut even more. "I am untouchable." He turned and left. Two minutes later a bag was thrown through the door.

I went over to the bag and opened it. Inside were non-surgical grade materials: needles, threads, tweezers, antiseptic, plasters and bandages. When you sew someone up in the hospital you don't use a literal needle with an eye and some embroidery thread, you use special needles which curve and the special thread is already attached to the needle so there is no way it can loosen whilst you are working. But I had no other choice. I split the thick thread into smaller strands, and used the blunt needle to try and sew up my arm, but a blunt needle, with no anaesthetic, made it really painful. I had to resort to sticking the pillow in my mouth so I wouldn't scream in pain every time I had to do a stich. I guess this was just more torture for me, and Enzo didn't even have to lift a finger for this bit. Another thing about sewing up a cut is often you use a special stitch and specific knots which use two hands, but I only had the one and it was extremely difficult, and I was using my non-dominant hand.

I tried so hard to stop the tears escaping my eyes, partly because they would cloud my vision when I needed to concentrate on stitching myself, partly because I just didn't want to feel the awful feeling I know was waiting for me, and partly because I still didn't want to seem weak. By the end it was just a swollen, red, badly stitched up mess, but at least it was stitched up and no longer bleeding. When I finished, I wrapped it in a bandage and sat on the bed, using the wall as a backrest, but even though I was trying as hard as I could to stop the tears escaping, they did, and once they started they didn't stop until I passed out from exhaustion.


Poor Kat :/ I hope Enzo figures out soon! But why would he suspect Dante?

Thanks so much for all the reads and votes so far, and comments, I love reading them!

If I get to 1K reads by tonight, I will released chapter 35 early!! If not I will release it tomorrow afternoon as scheduled!

Hope you are all staying safe! <3

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