Chapter 29 - KAT/ENZO

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That evening I had to go out to a formal dinner with a lady, whom I had worked closely with in the past, Fleur. I could always see her flirting with me, the way she twizzled her hair with her fingers, touched my forearm, rubbing it softly, the way she seductively bit her lip, looking at me with sex eyes. I didn't see her in that way though, but she was great at what she does, so I continued working with her. She was a personal investigator, finding things out for me about the current drug scene and such, letting me know who my competition was and who was hot on my tails. We would have a formal meeting about once every month, where she would hand me a file that contained the run-down of the month's activities and would have other supplementary meetings if something big happened.

After the formal part of the meeting, our main courses arrived. I sat and ate ravioli, whilst she watched me eat... bit weird. All I could think of was how much I wished it was Katarina sitting opposite me instead, thinking back to our day out and how much fun I had; it was truly amazing and would probably leave me on a high for days. I still needed to remove my tattoo, she really didn't like it, but I didn't blame her, and it made me smile at the fact she was slightly possessive over me.

"Is that okay Enzo?" Fleur's voice interrupted my daydream. I had no idea what she had been talking about.


"Can I drop by the house to pick up those files?" she asked. No idea what files she was on about, but I agreed because I didn't want her to explain it all again, especially as I would just start daydreaming about Katarina again...

Fleur drove her car behind me, and followed me through the gates. We went up to my office, and she picked up some files from the cabinet, then I led her out.

"I had a really nice dinner today," Fleur said as her hand ran down my arm to hold my hand.

"It was very informative, thank you," I stated matter-of-factly, pulling my hand away. Unfortunately, me moving away only made her move closer. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. I was stuck in a trance, so confused and in shock. I tried to move but I couldn't. I started thinking about Katarina, and how much I wished I was with her right now. As soon as I realised exactly what was going on, I lifted my two hands and shoved Fleur off me.

"Look Fleur, you work for me, nothing else. If you cannot accept that, you will have to leave my employ. Can you accept that?" Fleur's face fell and she looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"Yeah, I can accept that," she mumbled as she went to her car and drove away.



I tried looking for Enzo, but he was nowhere to be seen. When I ask Antonio about his whereabouts, he just said he was at a meeting this evening. That's fair enough, so I decided I wanted to stroll through the gardens of the compound. The gardens were stunning, huge lush bushes, shaped into intricate shapes and balls, or triangles. There was a vast array of different trees, casting shadows in different ways. The colour that the flowers provided was absolutely stunning. I could stroll these gardens all day. I sat down on a bench that was hidden from the house and the driveway by a bush that had been shaped in a perfect cuboid and took a nap.

The sound of a car driving down the driveway woke me up. I poked my head out to see who it was and noticed Enzo's red car. I still know barely anything about cars, but I liked the horse symbol that was on the front, it looked cute. Following behind was another car. I am not even going to try and explain it or say the make of car, but it was silver. When they parked up, a woman stepped out of the silver car and followed Enzo into the house. Is he serious right now? Bringing girls into the house literally a couple days after we did it? Why did I let myself think I was special? I mean, I know we never said we were exclusive, but still, there is a certain amount of respect you show someone, and this wasn't it. I was also annoyed, waiting for when he would tell me that we were exclusive, but I now knew the answer: we weren't and we never would be.

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