Chapter 10 - KAT/ENZO

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My men were patrolling the forest, which we knew she had run into, but were also going through the local villages, in case she had somehow made it there. How the fuck did she get away? If I ever got her back, I would ensure there was no escape. But I didn't want her to feel as though she needed to escape, I wanted her to feel... I wanted her to feel safe. I knew she wasn't safe right now. None of my enemies knew she existed, so at least they weren't after her, but the woods at night are unsafe.

It is my fault, I got angry at her, too angry. I swear, I will find her and make it up to her. I couldn't live with myself if she got hurt. Why was I feeling all of these emotions? I have never felt anything like this before. I've had women before, lots of them, models, actresses, strippers, prostitutes, I could get anyone I wanted. Maybe that's why I liked her so much, she is something I can't have, and it makes me want her more.

It was getting really dark now, and I was still searching through the forest, no one had brought torches with them because no one thought it would be this late till we found her. Where the fuck are you Katarina?

"Come on Enzo, we need to regroup, and you should get some rest," Antonio's voice spoke from behind me, with a somewhat pleading tone in it. When I didn't move, I heard him come closer, placing a hand on my shoulder, "We will find her brother."

I turned and left, calling my men to stop the search for the night.

"Sir, I have sent a man to each of the surrounding villages with a photo of her face, asking if any of them see her to alert us immediately. I have sent another team to continue to search the forest, with torches. They will be replaced by another team in the morning," stated Gian, as I sat at my redwood desk, my elbows on the table, my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder, possibly a sign to reassure me everything would be okay, but I have no idea how it would be.

"Brother, brother, brother, you could have any girl. Natale is still gagging for you. Yet you choose one who runs away. You always make it so complicated for yourself," chuckled Dante as he walked into the room. I stared daggers at him. This was not the time for jokes.



I heard Enzo's voice calling off the search, and I heard all of the men walking out of the forest. I guess maybe I wasn't worth the effort anymore. I slipped out of my cavern hiding spot, and continued to go deeper into the forest, which began rising up hill. I didn't feel safe till I was at the other side of the hill, and even then, I didn't feel safe, but I saw lights of a nearby village and ran down as fast as I could. The first building I got to was a wooden barn. It was full of hay and horse blankets. I was allergic to horses, and these blankets were covered in horse hair, but I was freezing, so I tried to keep the blankets as far from my eyes as possible, and drifted to sleep.

In the morning, I was awoken by an Italian man, pointing his gun at me, speaking something in Italian, which I didn't understand.

"English?" I asked.

"Who are you?" he questioned, gun still pointing directly at me. I thought maybe the mafia had told people my name, so I thought of the first one that came to mind.


"What are you doing in my barn?"

"I just needed somewhere to rest for the-" he cut me off, lowering his gun and looking at my face. Before, I had been too scared to look at myself, but I felt my eyes completely swollen, pouring tears down my cheeks, and I looked at my arms, covered in blood and scratches. The man, maybe in his mid-forties, indicated for me to follow him into his house, and I did so. I didn't know if this was safe or not to be honest, but I followed anyway.

Inside was a woman, who I guessed was his wife when he went up and kissed her, who was boiling tea on the stove, and laying out breakfast. They spoke some words in Italian, and she smiled at me, grabbing an extra mug and plate, and indicating me to sit.

"My wife does not speak English, but wants to help clean you up. Are you allergic to horses?" asked the man. I nodded. He spoke some more words of Italian. The woman reached into a cupboard and gave me some pills, antihistamines I guess, to stop the reaction. Then she got a warm flannel and washed the blood off my arms and legs, and face. Some of the cuts were deeper than others, and she helped me apply plasters to them, but the others we left.

Midway through breakfast, there was a loud knock at the door. I was ushered into the pantry by the wife, and she put her finger to her lips, indicating to me to stay silent. I heard the man open the door, and spoke Italian to another man, whose voice I recognised as Stefan, another one of the men that had been around Enzo's hospital bed back in London. The front door shut, and the pantry door opened.

"You know, the mafia are after you?" asked the man. I nodded, visibly scared.

"I don't want to bring evil on my house or my land, you can stay till they have left, but then you need to go."

A few hours later, the wife gave me a change of clothes, a bit bigger, but at least different to the ones I wore before. She also handed me a bag with some food and a bottle of water. I thanked them both for their kindness, and left out the back door. I quietly snuck out of the village, looking around in every direction. There was a bus stop not too far out of the village, and I got on the first bus that arrived, paying with my credit card. Everyone on the bus watched me as I walked on and sat down at a seat, halfway down the bus. I looked out the window, watching the world go by.



"She's on a bus headed towards Florence city. At least three people have called the number alerting us," exclaimed Pascal, rushing into the room. I got up at once, and we jumped into one of my cars, I rode shotgun, Antonio drove, and Pascal and Dante sat in the back.

Antonio sped down the country roads, until we saw the bus. We quickly overtook it, and came to a stop in front of it. The bus driver looked frustrated, but when he saw our guns and had some sort of idea of who we were, he just looked down.

There, peacefully sleeping on the bus, was Katarina. She always did look peaceful when she slept. Pascal went over to her, and grabbed her arm, waking her up, dragging her off the bus. I signalled to the driver that he could continue his journey.

"Katarina, will you come with us, or will we have to sedate you," cautioned Dante. She looked down. I glared at her so hard, when her eyes lifted to meet mine, she darted them away instantly. Without a word, my men picked her up, putting her in the backseat, sat between Dante and Pascal.

Two minutes into the ride the started struggling, and reached out to grab Antonio, who almost drove us off the road. I signalled to Dante, who shoved a needle in her arm, knocking her out cold.

I watched her as she slept. It had been four days now, and she still hadn't woken up. I was furious at Dante; he gave her way too much sedative. Her face changes everyday; her eyes stopped swelling after the first day, and gradually her various cuts and bruises faded, although the deeper ones were still slightly visible. Just when I thought she was finally waking up, all she did was breathe deeply, never opening her eyes. I missed her eyes, her golden amber eye.


Hey guys! Please vote and comment I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! Also, follow me for updates! Keep reading, it gets dramaticccccc.

Well, he found her! Do you think he's angry, relieved, or a pinch of both? I can't tell right now. I don't think he knows himself, but he definitely wants to see her okay!

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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