Chapter 38 - ENZO

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As soon as I heard the Italian dialling code I could feel my heart drop, and my stomach tied into a tight knot. I felt like an idiot. How could I let there be a mole in my organisation? One that was so close to me that they knew the location of every warehouse? Or who knew whether or not Katarina had security? How was I supposed to protect Katarina if I couldn't even see a damn mole in my own mafia?!

At that moment I saw red. I felt like a bull in a china shop, and all I wanted to do was smash things. MY office had been put back upright, and all I wanted to do was run up there and smash everything, and then go to the kitchen where I had just bought all new plates because I smashed the last lot, and smash the new lot. Then I wanted to go and find some lowlife, or someone who had wronged me, and I wanted to punch him till he bled red all over the floor. I was so angry.

I knew I couldn't do any of this though; I had to find Katarina. The punching and the smashing I will save until I find the guy who took her and betrayed me, or maybe by then, when I have Kat in my arms, all I will want to do is be with her, and maybe the smashing desire will be gone, but the killing of the traitor will definitely not be.

I cannot imagine what she is thinking right now. I wondered whether she had met the mole, and whether she recognised the man, perhaps one of the guards, I am not sure. I knew I had to talk to my men, because multiple heads together work better. What if it is one of my close men? How do I trust it? I thought I could trust every one of my capos, but what if I can't? I don't know what I would do if I found out the mole was someone like Antonino, or Pascal. I think my heart would truly be broken.

"I need a minute with my men," I said as I stood up, followed by Antonio, Gian, Pascal and Stefan. We left the room and went into the kitchen.

"Any more news on the damn CCTV Pascal?" I demanded.

"Give me five minutes, there is just two more things I need to do to recover the deleted footage," replied Pascal.

I turned to Gian, "you were the one who sent her to Manchester without security, who else knew?"

"Just the men here, Dante and the security at the gate," he replied.

"I want the names of every man on the gate at that time, and I want their home addresses... why the fuck did you send her without security?! That is so unlike you Gian!" I was beginning to yell at him.

"In all honesty, it was Dante who told me she would be fine without security," he admitted.

"That guy has been fucking suspicious lately," chimed in Stefan.

"Do you think he could be the mole?" asked Antonio with a raised eyebrow.

"But how? My father knew his father, I have known him since we were children. How could my fucking underboss be a FUCKING MOLE!" I was really roaring by now, and I was absolutely furious.

"Enzo, I've got the security footage. One second," Pascal clicked something, and a video came up, "right it is way too small, I need to hook it up to the TV in the main room." I gestured for him to go, and I followed behind. Once it was all hooked up the picture was slightly bigger, and he pressed play.

"Okay here is you leaving on the phone," he fast-forwarded, "coming back and telling Kat you were leaving, she ate a few more courses," he fast-forwarded through her eating, "and here."

"Well I can only see the fucking back of his head," I complained, "change the camera."

Pascal clicked a couple of buttons and changed the camera, changing the view. I looked at the face, and I recognised it instantly, but I examined it slightly more to make sure I was right. When I knew for certain who it was, I picked up my glass from the table, and threw it at the wall so it smashed in tiny pieces and fell to the floor. "Dante," I growled. Every single cell of my body was on fire and I was erupting with a volcanic anger that was incontrollable.

"Surround his fucking house now, find that traitor and get me back my fucking girlfriend," I commanded as the room watched me, "NOW!" I yelled and everyone suddenly got up, even Reznikov got up, looking slightly scared at my rage.

Everyone kitted up quickly, helmets, bulletproof vests, various armoured pieces, and many, many, guns. There were men coming from all over the place, and various different weapons warehouses, and we all converged outside Dante's house.

We surrounded the house, and on my command it was stormed. Dante was sat in his lounge, and he was dragged out and thrown onto the pavement outside, "no one kills him but me, understand?" I snarled at the men who held him down, "but you can make him suffer a little," the men smiled and began kicking and beating him.

Where the fuck is Katarina? We searched the house top to bottom but there was no sign of her. Furious I left the house and grabbed Dante by his neck, holding him in the air with one hand.

"Tell me where the fuck Katarina is now," I demanded. He laughed through being choked, and I slammed him onto the floor, causing him to scream in pain. I looked up and noticed a woman walking a dog looking over at me, fuck, witnesses. I gestured to the guards to go and sort that out, they usually pay witnesses for their silence, or threaten them, depends on what works better. As they did that, I punched Dante in the face.

A soldier came up to me from out of Dante's house, and handed me something. On examination I saw it was the promise ring I gave to Katarina, confirming all suspicions, and I gave Dante a hard kick in the stomach, making him cough up blood onto the floor. I put the ring in one of the pockets from my jacket and zipped it up, to make sure it didn't fall out. I kicked Dante again, for good measure.

One of the men ran up to me and told me the lady was saying that she had heard someone shouting the name Enzo and Katarina around here yesterday, but when she turned, she didn't see who yelled it. I quickly let go of Dante and ran over to her.

"What exactly did you hear?" I asked quickly, but softly, I didn't want to scare her into silence.

"Some lady yelling saying something in English about telling a man called Enzo that her name was Katarina, I'm not sure exactly, my English is not great. When I looked to see who yelled, there was no one," she answered.

"Could it possibly have come from that house?" I pointed at Dante's house.

"No, I was on that side of the road, and it sounded like it came from the other side of the road, maybe that house?" she pointed at a different house, and I gestured to the men who were next to me to raid that house.

"Thank you so much for your assistance. Have my men talked to you about being a witness?"

"They said they would give me money if I didn't say anything," she answered.

"I will give you five million if your information helps me find my girlfriend," I said, shaking her hand.

"What? No, I don't need that money!" rejected the lady.

"Then I will donate it to a charity in your name," I replied, and she smiled at me, taking my hand and holding it with both of hers.


Hey, hope you are enjoying it. So close to 2k!!

reached #2 for #sexualfantasy so that's pretty cool, thank you all so much!

please keep voting and commenting and reading and everything, I appreciate it loads!!

No update for a couple of days, will probably post another chapter Monday, so stay tuned!! 

Hope you all are staying safe!! <3

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