Chapter 46 - ENZO/KAT

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Dante's organisation was nothing, my organisation was everything, and I was, again, the most feared man in Italy. Although, there were a few people who didn't fear me. One was my beautiful fiancé, who I woke up to every single day, and thanked whatever God that might exist for allowing a man like me to be honoured with such a happiness and joy like Katarina Romanovich, who lay next to me. Another was my best friend, Antonio, who never took me seriously, unless we were in front of company, and never failed to make me laugh. Martha, Katarina's mother, was the final person. Granted, she didn't know what I actually did, but the point still stands: she was not scared of me. Most of the Russians would only be scared of me when I was actually being scary, I guess Martha would never see that, so she doesn't count, but I am not putting any rules on this.

In the end, Katarina wasn't pregnant, and it kind of made us both a little sad, even though initially we were apprehensive about bringing a baby into this world. We had been trying again and again, but she wasn't pregnant yet, although I know these things can take time.

The wedding is next weekend, and it had been about six months since I proposed, so it was pretty well planned, by pretty much everyone in the Russian mafia and the Italian mafia, as well as her mother and father. Most people had a say, because when we couldn't decide on something, we put it out to a vote, although Katarina always got the last word.

This weekend however, was the Bachelor and Bachelorette party, separate, in completely different places, but for the same period of time.

I was, of course, going to Monaco with my boys, Antonio, Pascal and Stefan. Reznikov and Gian are both a bit old, but they have actually become very good friends, and are going to Monaco too, with Vlad and Lomovstev, but will mostly be drinking champagne on a roof terrace somewhere, whereas the boys and I will be doing shots on a yacht with strippers.

"You better not touch a damn stripper Lorenzo Arcaro," scolded Katarina. She only ever calls me Lorenzo if she is angry at me, or trying to be serious, and she only ever calls me Lorenzo Arcaro if it is life or death serious.

"I wouldn't dare!" I grinned, teasing her.

"I swear to God I will call off this wedding and you can live the rest of your loveless life surrounded by as many strippers as you want if you touch one," she folded her arms over her chest, a stone-cold expression on her face.

I went over to her and slipped my arms around her waist, pecking her on the lips. "And what about you and those pool boys hmm?"

Her face went harder, "the pool boys aren't scantily clad, trying to give me a lap dance!"

"And what if they did?" I couldn't stop grinning; I love to tease her.

"I would kick them where the Sun don't shine," she nodded her head slightly.

"That's my baby." She stood on her tiptoes slightly, and kissed me. "I promise," I said, "I won't touch a stripper, only if you give me a lap dance when I'm back, I mean, come on, this is a big sacrifice, I need some kind of reward."

"LORENZO ARCARO," she slapped me across the face, "you prick."

I couldn't stop laughing, she was so funny when she was angry. "I'm joking baby, I promise!"

"You better be."

We had a couple of rounds of amazing sex, before I had to catch my flight, and she had to catch hers. We kissed eachother goodbye, she glared at me one last time, before breaking out into a huge grin when I dotted kisses all over her face, and we got into our cars.

The boys and I flew in the private jet to Nice airport, where two helicopters took us to the various destinations. The other group of boys, with Reznikov and Gian, went to a hotel, and we went to a different one. I had rented an apartment for the weekend for the other group, but for my group, we stayed in my huge penthouse apartment, where I had the largest bedroom, although a large bed with no fiancé to share with is a little lonely. It was only just after lunchtime, so once I had showered and got changed into something a little warmer, I went down into the lounge area, where Stefan was waiting with Antonio.

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