Chapter 25 - KAT

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We were going out to dinner that evening, and I couldn't contain my excitement. As soon as I went into my room I jumped for joy. When he went downstairs, I heard a huge roar of applause, I'm guessing that's when he told them.

I went into the bathroom, to see what was happening with all my various injuries. The bruises on my legs and abdomen had faded and disappeared. Thank God. It had been about 5 weeks since I was in Paris, being beaten by Jean-Marc Duval's men, fuck him. I turned to look at my back. The cuts took a lot longer to heal, but were now almost invisible, leaving just the faint scars behind. There were still yellowy-green bruises on my back, in the last stage of healing. They'll be gone soon, I hope. Luckily for me, David's sucker punch didn't connect with my eye or my cheek, and didn't really bruise my temple. Fuck him too. I wonder what Enzo meant when he said he dealt with him...

I washed my hair in the shower and shaved my legs and armpits. I also did a hell of a lot of singing! I looked down at the bush that was growing around my vagina. Fuck it, I'll shave it anyway. Nothing will happen tonight, but I like being clean-shaven, I'd only let it grow because it hurt so much to bend over with all my injuries.

I lay out a couple of dresses on the bed. Enzo told me it was a fancy restaurant, so I tried to find something fancy, but I had never been to a restaurant above 3 stars, and this was a Michelin star restaurant, one of the best in the country; I had no idea what I was in for.

After drying my hair, I decided to curl it loosely, brushing the curls out with a wide-toothed comb so that they wouldn't be clumped together. I put on light makeup, with a gold eye and a winged eyeliner, and added a natural-pink lip. I just had to make sure my dress matched my makeup. I probably should've thought about that earlier.

When Enzo filled my wardrobe with clothes, I dared not look at any of the prices or labels, and I tried my hardest to barely wear any of them, but I bought no clothes that matched the 'fancy' theme, so I had to try on the clothes he bought.

"ANTONIO!!" I yelled, and I could hear running up the stairs, but not just him, him and Pascal and Stefan and Dante and even Enzo ran into the room.

"Oi, Enzo, get out!" I shouted, wanting to surprise him with my outfit. When he realised all I wanted was advice, he chuckled and left the room.

"The pink one," said Antonio.

"No, I think blue," retorted Dante.

"C'mon guys, pink forsure," disagreed Pascal.

"I agree with him, blue," said Stefan.

"YOU GUYS ARE USELESS," I shouted, dropping the pink and blue dresses back on my bed. I walked back over to my wardrobe, pulling out a red dress.

"Oh yeah, red," nodded Antonio.

"Red," the other three agreed.

"Red it is." Everyone turned to leave except Ant, who walked over to me.

"I am so happy you are going on a date with Enzo! I have to admit, David just wasn't right, I didn't see a spark between you guys," it was like Ant could read my mind, "I know Enzo likes you, a lot, ever since he met you in that London hospital. In my opinion, fate brought you two together. Enzo is like my brother, and I love him dearly, but he can be rather... stupid when it comes to girls. He should've asked you out the day he met you in London, but of course it took him months to grow the balls..." I grabbed Ant in for a hug, but he was still scared to hug me, not wanting to hurt me.

"Everything is healed pretty much," I said, and with my confirmation, he grabbed me and spun me around. When he released me, he jumped around, like a little child, obviously very excited!

"Oh, by the way, don't wear a necklace," then he left, letting me continue to get ready.

The softened red dress was absolutely gorgeous. It loosely hugged my figure, but still showed pretty much every curve on my body. The neckline was a flattering V-neck, showing off a bit of cleavage, but still leaving lots to the imagination. The fabric stayed rather tight fitting until just below my ass, then became loose and flowy, but not in a mermaid tail kind of way, just very naturally. It had one long slit on the right-hand side, going all the way up my leg. I span around a couple of times, letting the dress flow around me, stopping before I got too dizzy. I opted for some white, strappy heals, I couldn't find my white wedges anywhere, in fact, all of my clothes from my date with David had disappeared, and I thought I saw them in the bin yesterday. Ah Enzo. To be honest, apart from the shoes, I didn't mind the other stuff being thrown out.

Antonio asked me not to wear a necklace, odd, but I had a couple of ideas as to the reason why... He said nothing about other jewellery, so I opened the top drawer of my dresser, where all my jewellery was laid out, and chose a pair of white, crystal earrings, which looked like diamonds, but weren't actually. They were just studs, but the crystal was rather large, taking up a large proportion of my earlobe. I opted for a simple silver bracelet, and seven different rings. I love wearing rings. I wore four on my right hand, and three on my left hand, always leaving the ring-finger on my left hand bare. My mother always told me it was unlucky for love to wear a ring on that finger, so I never did, although I haven't been that lucky in love as of yet, but we will see what tonight holds...

I sprayed myself with my favourite perfume, picked up a white clutch bag, putting my lipstick and epipen in, plus a bit of money, and headed downstairs.

All of the boys were waiting for me in the large open-plan kitchen/living space, I knew because I could hear them chattering away. Everything fell silent when I walked in. Enzo stood there, in a black suit, with a white, shirt, the top three buttons unbuttoned, revealing a golden chain. He wore about fifteen different rings, covering his tattooed fingers. He looked picture perfect. He looked me up and down, his eyes slowly going up my leg that was poking out of the slit in my dress, pausing at my waist, pausing at my breasts, and stopping completely when we locked eyes.

"You look absolutely breath-taking," Enzo's voice was so sexy, I'd never heard it like this before, but it was so damn sexy.

I smiled at him, "as do you," and he smiled back at me. I looked over to the boys, Antonio winked at me, holding his thumbs up, and the others smiled. They watched me, proudly.

"Absolutely gorgeous," spoke Gian as he entered the room, kissing me once on each cheek, "you two have a lovely evening."

Before we left, Enzo pulled out a box from his blazer, opening it to reveal a gorgeous necklace. It sparkled in the same way that diamonds do, but I didn't want to speculate. It was a line of crystals, all around the front, getting thicker in the middle of the front, forming a triangle, and ending in a simple red droplet. I gasped; it was beautiful. He pulled the necklace out of the box, and came up behind me. I pulled my hair up, out of his way, and he fastened it around my neck, his hands slightly lingering.

"You two better hurry up and leave before they give away your booking!" warned Stefan, but all Enzo did was laugh, as if to say they wouldn't dare give away his booking, for fear of their lives.

Enzo held his hand out to me, and I took it as he led me to his car outside. I know absolutely nothing about cars, so I couldn't tell you the make or model, or what brand it was... can you even get car brands? No idea. But I can tell you, it looked fancy and clean. Like a gentleman, he opened the car door for me before getting in himself. We drove into the centre of Florence, parking right outside the restaurant, handing his keys over to the valet-man, who drove it away to park it elsewhere. Again, he got my chair for me, tucking me in, before sitting down himself. The restaurant was indeed fancy. I looked around, taking it all in – the crystal chandeliers, the golden accents on the wall, the silk tablecloths and fancy chairs, the patterned carpet and well-dressed waiters. All Enzo did was look at me, his bright green eyes eager to meet mine, and mine were eager to meet his. We locked eyes for what seemed like a lifetime, but the best lifetime ever, before the waiter came and interrupted, asking what we wanted to drink.


Thank you for reading!! It means so much to me.

This is so cute. Keep reading to see what happens on their date!!

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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