Chapter 31 - ENZO

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⚠️ warning: sex ⚠️ 

"AGAIN?!" my voice boomed throughout the house, "HOW THE FUCK IS THIS STILL HAPPENING?"

My men: Gian, Antonio, Stefan and Pascal looked at me blankly.


I was absolutely furious, but that word isn't even good enough... I was seething with pure rage, and I swear anyone who got in my way right now would feel the fucking wrath of Lorenzo motherfucking Arcaro, because I was about to explode like a damn volcano. Someone had taken out another one of my storage warehouses, where we stored cocaine and weapons, taking everything in there, cleaning the whole place out, and killing my guards along the way. Although I cared about the financial aspect, I cared more about my respected, skilled men, now lying dead. I would send a bouquet of yellow roses to each of their grieving families, and fully pay for their funerals, and any other expensive, but it would never be enough.

"How the fuck do they keep finding us?" asked Pascal.

"We must have a mole," announced Gian.

"I trust my men, they all have the tattoo, and have pledged allegiance to us, there must be something else," I stated.

"A mole would make sense though Enzo," interjected Antonio.

"I don't want us to go down one path if it is something else though. Up the security, up the cybersecurity, make sure no one is tapping into our phone calls or databases, and at the same time, look for a mole, anyone who is suspicious, we will take aside and... 'question'". They nodded and left, and I collapsed in my chair and ran my hands through my hair. What the fuck now?

There was a quiet knock at the door. I would know that knock anywhere.

"Come in Tesoro," I called out. The door opened and there she was, the love of my life, the only person who could calm me down, Katarina.

"You know I still don't know Italian," she laughed as she walked over and sat sideways on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"It means 'darling', you should at least know that word by now!" I chuckled.

"It's only been two months since you gave me this ring and we became official! And you call me different Italian words of endearment every time, its hard to remember!" she complained, making me laugh again. We locked eyes for a minute or two, before she kissed me with her soft, supple lips.

"Do you want a massage?" she asked breaking away from the kiss.

"What kind of massage are you offering?" I said with a smirk and a wink.

"You are so dirty! I meant shoulder massage, I heard you shouting, and I thought you must be tense."

"The other type of massage would help the tense-ness too," I muttered.

"Hmpf, maybe you get no massage now," she said as she tried to get up, but I stopped her, and launched myself at her lips. I turned her round so she was sitting reverse cowgirl on me, and went deeper and deeper into the kiss. I moved my hands from her waist, to her ass, grabbing it, and lightly slapping it, causing her to moan.

"Well now you made me horny," she panted, pulling my dick out of my boxers. She was wearing a skirt, and a thong, but shifted the thong out of the way, and I thrust myself in her. I grabbed her hips to bounce her slowly on top of me, all the while kissing deeper and deeper. She moaned, and I moaned, and I let go of her waist. She moved her hips herself now, and I focused on her breasts, pulling off her top and undoing her bra so I could see them. I grabbed one, and sucked the nipple of the other, causing her to call out my name in a moan. Then I swapped breasts, and sucked the nipple of the other. I moved to her neck and planted a big lovebite right where everyone could see, marking her as mine, and it made her even more wet and horny as she moved up and down on my dick. We both climaxed at the same time, and I came inside her. I pulled out, and pulled her in close for a hug.

"I need to go to the bathroom!" she complained, trying to wiggle out of the hug.

"Fine," I released her, "I will see you for dinner this evening?"

She nodded her head, giving me a quick peck on the lips before slipping her top on and picking up her bra, closing the door behind her.

Thursday nights were our dinner date nights, and on Sundays we would go for daytrips, sometimes we had to rearrange and adjust, but having a set two days more or less meant we always made sure to clear our schedules, as I was so busy with work, and she had got a new job in an English speaking hospital and was also extremely busy. I had slowly been showing her all of my favourite restaurants, but tonight we were going to the same one that I had taken her to on the first date together, which I know she loved, and it was my favourite.

After what seemed like endless meetings and phone calls to try and figure out what the fuck was going on, I finally went upstairs to get ready. I needed less time than Katarina, so she was already in the bathroom, halfway through her makeup. When we got back from Moscow I moved all her stuff into my room, but we both had way too much, so we made a door in the wall and turned the spare bedroom next to mine into a huge walk-in wardrobe, but the large bathroom was just perfect already, so we didn't need to extend there.

I quickly got out of my clothes and went into the shower. I could see Kat stealing a glance through the mirror, cheeky minx. "What you looking at?" I called out to her.

She smirked and turned around, "my boyfriend's hot body, what else?"

"I like the honesty stellina."

"What does that one mean?" she asked.

"Little star," I replied.

"Cute." She turned around and went back to applying her makeup, and I quickly got out of the shower and dried off, but my hair was still dripping wet. I went over to the sink to brush my teeth.

"Hey malish, you're dripping on me!" complained Kat.

"Are you doing that to get back at me?" I asked, getting closer.

"Doing what?" she smirked.

"Deciding to call me names in Russian, because I don't know that language hm?"

"Maybe," she continued smirking, pure cheekiness filling her golden amber eyes.

"What does it mean?"

"Toddler!" she exclaimed. I shook my head, so water went all over her, and she squealed with anger but delight. "Lorenzo! You are so annoying!"

I quickly went into the room and dried my hair, got changed and went downstairs for some last minute discussions with my men. I told them to call me if anything happened, and not to hesitate. When she came into the room, I lost my train of thought. I should be used to seeing her perfect face by now, but I never was. She was wearing a black, slim-fitting minidress with a sweetheart neckline, ruffled edge hem and the silk straps were tied into bows. Her gorgeous light-brown hair was put up in a bun that wasn't too messy or too perfect, and she wore big pearls in her ears and a pendant necklace with a single pearl.

"You look sensational baby," I said, walking up to kiss her.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she smiled.

I walked her out of the house and we drove in my Lamborghini Huracán Evo Spyder, probably my favourite car at this moment, in a stunning turquoise colour.



What do you think?!

They are so cute together though aw,

Hope you are all staying safe! <3

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