Chapter 26 - ENZO

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There she sat, right in front of me, absolutely stunning, and on a date with me. Yes. ME! I literally couldn't contain my excitement all day since I asked her out, eager to finally be here, and now I was here, I was going to make it the best date ever, although I never go on dates, so I didn't really know what to expect.

I ordered a bottle of Rosé and some water for the table. When she opened her menu I could tell she was annoyed about the price range.

"I only bought fifty euros with me! I can't afford this!" she complained, only causing me to chuckle, and her to look sternly at me.

"My treat," and before she interrupted, I added, "you can get the next one." That seemed to make her content, but I already knew she would definitely not get the next one.

I barely ever had real conversations with people, it was either about business, or to my 'brothers', where every conversation I have with them is easy. I asked her about her parents, and London, whether or not she had spoken to Adam or Laura, her friends from home, and she asked me about my business and my family. I told her I wouldn't tell her anything illegal that I did, so I just told her about the many clubs, hotels, restaurants, galleries, gardens and cinemas that I owned, of which she was very interested.



"I wanted you to come in the ambulance with me." My heart skipped a beat.


"I don't know, I guess... I guess I felt like I would be safe if you were there, like nothing bad would happen."

"I'm glad you think that." Wow, how could one sentence by one woman make me feel such warm feelings? I wasn't used to this, but I liked it.

"I also wish you were the one I explored Florence with, but I knew you had a girlfriend and..." she trailed off.

"That is in the past. Anyway, you went to one garden, that's hardly exploring Florence completely! I will take you to all my favourite places, you will love it." She smiled widely.

"Were you following me yesterday?"



"I wanted you, and someone took what I wanted and took it out on a date, I was angry... I just wanted to know you were safe, and I thought maybe seeing you happy with someone else would help me get over you."

"Did it?" she asked.

"Not in the slightest."

"I'm glad."

After eating, talking the entire way through, I paid the bill and we got up and left.

"I want to show you something," I said, holding my elbow out for her to take it, which she did, and we walked down the street. It was night-time, but the streetlights were on, giving a slight, angelic glow to Katarina's face.

We made it to my favourite church and, after I slipped the guard two 100-euro bills, climbed the bell tower, all the way to the top. We both looked out over the city lights.

"Woah! You can see most of the city from here," exclaimed Katarina.

"I know, it's beautiful," I replied, but my eyes were only on her. She looked up at me and noticed I was directing that comment at her, and blushed, looking down. I saw she was shivering, and removed my blazer to give wrap it around her, she immediately graciously refused, but I insisted.

Her hand was on the railing, slightly leaning onto it and I realised I needed to make a move. I put my hand on top of hers, my huge tattooed hands completely covering her dainty ones. She turned her hand over, and interlaced her fingers with mine, looking up at me with her amber brown eyes. I leant in, and she knew what I was thinking, and went to lean in too. Our lips met. Wow, I had been waiting for this for too long. I grabbed her face, pulling away. She looked nervous, like I suddenly regretted all this, but I didn't I just wanted to take in every inch of her face. I pulled her back and our lips collided, following the rhythm of eachother's tongues.

"Let's get home," I growled, my animalistic nature kicking in. I wanted to rip that dress off and see what was underneath. I'd wanted to see her like that for so long, and now I was finally about to, I couldn't contain myself any longer. I practically carried her as I ran to the car, and sped off back home, carrying her back up to my bedroom.


Thank you for reading so far! It means so much!

The date seems adorable, I wonder what will happen in the bedroom...

Hope you are all staying safe in lockdown! <3

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