Chapter 32 - KAT

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This was my favourite restaurant, and I knew it was Enzo's too, because not only was it beautiful, with great food and service, it was where we went on our first date. Obviously after that date there was a bit of stuff with him kissing a girl and a tattoo and all that, but I consider that now to be the past. Ever since he gatecrashed my ball in Moscow, our relationship has only gone from strength to strength. We barely argue, and if we do it is about nothing actually important.

I think it is good that we both have quite busy jobs now, because I can imagine if I just sat at home all day waiting around for him, I definitely would get bored, and probably quite agitated too. It also means the bits of time we do spend with eachother are just that much more important, and so we savour every second. A lot of the seconds are filled with sex... What? We are both horny adults, nothing wrong! Then we have our dates on Thursday evenings and for the day on Sunday, which I always look forward to. He said he had a surprise day planned for me this Sunday (usually we plan them together), and I was very much looking forward to what it could be! As much as I reject his expensive gifts of love and adornment, he never fails to somehow sneak them in my closet, and then tell me they are non-refundable or something like that, and because it would be so much more effort to argue with him, because he never gives up, I just swallow my pride and take them, as I would rather spend my time with him cuddling, fucking or doing something else fun.

I also have this diamond ring now on my ring finger on my left hand, it can be there because it is a ring given by someone out of love, so not unlucky. At least I hope it isn't unlucky. It is a beautiful ring though, and I can't help staring at it from time to time. It is a set of diamonds in a circle, with a bigger diamond circle around it, on a gold band. It isn't too showy-offy, but is still a diamond ring, so must've cost a lot. I used to wear loads of rings, but now I only just really wear this one, I guess I don't want to crowd my fingers, and let the importance of this one shine. I just have no idea what the engagement ring is going to be if this is the promise ring. I really hope it isn't huge; it would completely drown my dainty little fingers.

We both got the tasting menu for the evening, which was seven courses, and each course came with a paired glass of wine. I was going to be off my tits by the end of this! Each course had such intricate and well put together flavours, and I will never be able to explain it enough to do it justice, because of the presentation and the taste. I have never tasted anything like it, and the wines were amazing, matching the courses perfectly.

Halfway through the fourth course, of a really fancy risotto, Enzo got a phone call and had to take it outside. When he came back, I saw he was absolutely raging, and told me he had to leave now, and that I should finish the rest of my dinner and he would send someone to pick me up. I was a little upset because I was having a fun evening, but I knew he couldn't do anything about it, much like I couldn't do anything about it if I was on-call at the hospital and I got called in for an emergency surgery or something.

I was just finishing my fifth course when I saw Dante coming into the restaurant. He sat opposite me and grabbed a spare fork, taking a bit of the beetroot from my plate.

"Hey gallinetta, you ready to go?" he asked, taking another bit of beetroot.

"I haven't finished, and I need to pay," I replied.

"Enzo wants you home now, don't worry, I'll sort it later. Shall we?" he asked, picking up my bag and holding his hand out to me. I was looking forward to the last course, a créme brûlée, but if I needed to go I could always have it another time, or next time we come back. Dante opened the door to the car for me, and a large muscular man got out, indicating for me to sit in the middle seat. I noticed there was another large muscular man in the other seat, and one in the passenger seat, and I looked up at Dante, slightly concerned.

"Just extra security, Enzo asked us to increase it, so this is the result," shrugged Dante. I got in the car, but not very confidently.

Dante began driving, but I soon noticed we weren't taking the right roads to be going home. "Dante, where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm just taking a different route, don't worry," he answered, but I still wasn't convinced. I tried to get my phone, which was in my purse, but then I remembered that Dante took my purse back at the restaurant.

"Dante, can I have my phone please?" I asked.

"What for piaga?"

"Can I just have it?"


"Let me out of the car," I objected.

"No, my little stronzetta, no can do," he laughed, but it sounded kind of evil. What the fuck is going on? Dante is Enzo's underboss, why would he be taking me away from the house and not letting me have my phone back? I started really struggling, and when Dante realised, he raised one of his hands, and I guess this was some sort of indication for the guards to stab me with a needle. More sedative, yay.

"You could've come with us without sedative genia, but it was your choice," I heard Dante say, before it all went black.


Whaaaaaaaat the heckkkkkkk?!


Hope you are all staying safe and enjoying the new chapters, more tomorrow!! <3

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