Chapter 35 - ENZO

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I paced in my office back and forth. No one had seen Kat last night since we left the house, and it was morning now and still no sign. I knew I had to call her grandfather, but I was terrified of the man, and I didn't want him to take it out on me, because of my insolence. Just suck it up Enzo, having her grandfather and the whole of the Russian mafia looking for her increases your chances of finding her by tenfold. I knew I had to do it. I went to my desk, picked up my phone and dialled the number.

"Hello Enzo, I wasn't expecting a call from you, how are you?" asked Reznikov, sounding jolly. I was about to ruin that.

"Not a joyous occasion I'm afraid, Rez. Someone has taken Katarina." I heard smashing on the other side of the line, and a lot of shouting in Russian.

"I will be at your house by this afternoon, with the rest of my family and a lot of my men. There will be at least fifty. Organise accommodation," he spoke gruffly, and with purpose.

"See you then," I said, and he said goodbye and hung up.

I sat down at my chair and ran my hands through my hair for the millionth time today. I just didn't know what to do now. I should've never left her alone, how could I have been so stupid. It felt like the call was supposed to drag me out of the restaurant, like it was a distraction. That would make sense as to why they didn't do it to steal, or kill, or just destroy. I'm such a fucking idiot. I slammed my hand down on the table, causing various things to fall over, and I thought fuck it and with one swift movement I slammed everything on the desk onto the floor. I flipped the desk over, and pulls books off the bookshelves, throwing them at the walls. Pages ripped out and floated to the ground, and when throwing the books individually wasn't good enough, I brought down each of the bookshelves.

"What the fu-" Antonio ran into the room, but seeing the destruction realised I just trashed my office out of anger, again. "I swear you just got this refurbished after last time!"

"I don't give a fuck," I picked up a glass off the floor and threw it against the wall so it smashed and fell, "how could I have let her out of my site," I picked up another and threw it, "the fucking explosion was a distraction so I would leave her side," I picked up a third glass and threw that one too, "and I fucking fell for it." I went to pick up a fourth glass, but Antonio took it out of my reach before I could, so I picked up a book instead and threw that.

"LOOK AT ME!" yelled Antonio. I had never heard him yell before. I stopped in my tracks and snapped my head up to look at him. "Now, you can either sit in here like a crazy person and throw glasses and books and keep trashing your office, or you can calm the fuck down, have a coffee, and be a fucking leader. People need you to tell them what to do, and for you to fucking lead. Okay?" I felt so weird him telling me off, it was so unnatural.

"We know the explosions and therefore probably the stealing from the warehouses are linked with the kidnapping of Katarina. So, if we get to the bottom of the warehouses, we should find her. In terms of the kidnapping of Katarina alone, there are no leads. But there are leads for the warehouses. Did you called Mr Romanovich?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Good. If he comes and sees you've just been skulking around the house and smashing stuff, firstly he won't see you as a leader, or an equal, secondly we will probably lose any alliance with him, and he definitely will not allow Katarina to stay here when we get her back. Okay?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Rant over, I am back to being the best friend. Now go lead brother."

I looked at all my men and women, sitting in the board room, ready to listen to my every word. I was at the head, obviously, and next to me sat Antonio, Gian, Stefan and Pascal, but no Dante. I texted him about the meeting but he never texted back, and he hadn't turned up, I even tried calling him but it rang out. I would have to do it without him.

"By now everyone must know the situation, so I will not explain or I will start shooting something," I started, "now, we believe that the explosion at the warehouse was an attempt to distract me and get me out of the restaurant, so they could take Kat, meaning the previous thefts and shoot-outs at the other warehouses are linked with the kidnapping. One theory about the thefts at the warhouses was it was an inside mole, and we still have not given up that theory, but I will not risk going entirely down one path if it is false. Looking around this room, I don't know whether there is a mole in here, but I have no t that much personal contact with any of you. You do have contact with eachother. IF YOU HAVE EVEN THE TINIEST SUSPICION ABOUT ANYONE YOU WILL TELL ME DIRECTLY," my voice boomed, "you should all have my phone number. You will text me or call me, and you will NOT tell anyone else, especially the person you believe it is. We will deal with it ASIDE, is that clear?" I asked. There were nods and words of understanding from around the room.

"There is no more evidence to help us at the site of the kidnapping, but if we find who stole from the warehouses, we will find who stole Katarina, this is the current theory. Now, you," I pointed at a group, "I want you to contact every single person who has ever had any issue with us, and find out as much information. If they refuse to cooperate, feel free to tell them about the massacre of the French mafia when they did not cooperate, tell them I am on the warpath, and the Russians are on my side, and if they still refuse to cooperate, put them on the kill list." They all nodded.

"You," I pointed at another group, "go back to the warehouses and get as much shit you can. I am talking tyre tracks, CCTV from the warehouse if you can restore it, and if you cannot, find someone else to restore it, shells of bullets, fucking bootprints, anything." They nodded.

"You," pointing to a different group, "find the CCTV from the surrounding area of each warehouse from the time when the attack was carried out. Find every single van, and follow it, check it out against the database for anything suspicious. A car wouldn't be able to carry that much cocaine, and there would be at least a couple of vans, see if any are under the same name, or were bought on the same date, or are registered to the same house, any evidence that links them, then follow them." They nodded.

I looked around the room, then started again, "there will be other demands and duties. DO this to the best of your ability. The Romanoviches arrive tonight, we need to welcome them, and get them accommodation, he said about fifty, can you do that?" I directed the question at a man who looked like a secretary of sorts, "good. Everyone is dismissed."

Everyone stood up and filed out of the meeting room, just as Dante ran in, panting.

"Care to explain where you were?" scolded Pascal.

"I slept in till late, then went for breakfast with a girl, and fucked her, I didn't have my phone on,'" apologised Dante. Pascal didn't look convinced, and I wasn't particularly happy with him either.

"Dante, you have missed so many crucial meetings in regard to these warehouses recently, it is important you start turning up or I will have to re-consider your position. The Russians will be here this afternoon, I expect you to be here too," I advised, "as for today, all jobs have been allocated, I do not need you. Leave." He turned around, looking quite pissed off, and left the room.

"I don't trust him right now," admitted Pascal.

"There is something weird about him... keep an eye on his Pascal, a distant one obviously." Pascal nodded.


Reached #1 in the category surgeon omg!! and I think now 1k reads!! so thank you guys so so so much, keep reading and voting I appreciate it so so much, ily all!!

As promised, chapter 35!! There will be no chapter for a couple of days, but stay tuned and follow me for updates or add to your library or something! ily all.

also Dante man, I always thought he was a bit dodgy, and never around, but this, wow...

hope you are staying safe <3

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