Chapter 18 - KAT/ENZO

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I had been on so many flights, I was absolutely exhausted. To be honest, I didn't know how I felt about flying back to Florence, or even if Enzo had looked for me, or even noticed I was missing. I guess when he called my mum he would've realised, but did he say I was caught up in something to not scare my mother, or because he didn't really give a fuck. Nevertheless, I made a promise to Enzo that I would fly back, and I stick to my word, even if I was flying back to someone who may not care whether or not I came back.

Once I was in the airport, I got a taxi to Enzo's complex, arriving at his front gate. There was no one to be seen. The usual guards weren't there, and it all seemed eerily quiet. I pounded on the wooden gate as hard as I could, and called the intercom like six times before someone finally picked up. I heard a sleepy voice ask who it was.

"Katarina Mendez." I stated clearly. Whoever the sleepy voice was audibly gasped, and immediately pushed the button for the gate to unlock. At least six men ran towards me at the gate, and Gian appeared at the door, smiling softly.

They scanned me to see if I was okay, which I obviously wasn't, and called in the doctor to administer ointment on the whip marks that still proudly showed the handiwork of Jean-Marc. One of the men had been trying to dial Enzo since I arrived, but no luck. Guess he doesn't really care anyway. I fell asleep on the sofa, absolutely exhausted, my back on full display, as I didn't want to get any cream on the sofa, or my clothes.



As soon as I turned my phone off airplane mode, I saw I had so many missed calls. I finally picked one of them up, it was Marco, one of my guards, telling me that they had Katarina, she was in the house. My heart fluttered, it had been way too long since I last saw her, and I indicated to Antonio to speed ahead to the compound.

I walked into the living area, flanked by my men, and we all saw the same horrific sight at once. I knew that Jean-Marc, or Jean-Marc's men had whipped her, but I never imagined it to be that bad. Her back was covered in dark, angry red lines. There was barely any normal skin able to be seen, as all the gaps in between the whip marks was just bruising. I saw the sheen on her back, and realised there was some kind of cream or ointment on her back.

Antonio placed a hand on my shoulder, to reassure me, but it did nothing. I was so angry. Although I am glad Jean-Marc and his men are dead, I wish I was the one to put a bullet through his head. I wrapped her back in a blanket, and lifted her up. But this showed to my horror more injuries. As she was only wearing a bra and shorts, I saw the full extent of what Jean-Marc did. Her stomach was covered in so many bruises they formed one huge discoloured patch, and her leg was littered with bruises, all in different stages of their colouring.

I wanted to punch something so bad, but I was carrying precious cargo. As I carried her up to my bedroom, she stirred for a moment, softly saying my name. I wasn't sure if she was awake or dreaming, but just hearing her say my name calmed something animalistic that was rising inside of me. I lay her down, pulling the duvet over her, and went down to the gym, punching the punch bag until my knuckles bled, but it wasn't enough.



When I woke up, I was confused about where I was, but as I took in the surroundings, I quickly realised it was Enzo's room. Wait, how did I get here? But I knew the answer as soon as I turned over and saw Enzo, peacefully sleeping next to me, with his torso bare. I soon noticed the fresh bruises on his abdomen, wondering what happened, then I realised I was only in my bra and shorts, he would've seen every single awful thing that Jean-Marc ordered those men to do to me. He was probably really angry. As I walked down the corridor to the kitchen, I noticed various dents and holes in the walls, and remembered that Enzo's knuckles clearly looked like they had been bleeding. I had no issues with walking or moving around technically, but I was in constant pain whenever I did so.

Sat downstairs, on the sofa, was a woman. She had simple, rather basic features but she was still gorgeous. She had silvery blue eyes, that narrowed into slits when she saw me, and bleach blonde hair, contrasting her dark tan.

"Hi," I politely said. She said Hi back.

"Sorry, may I ask who you are?" I asked her.

"I'm Enzo's girlfriend," she replied. My heart sank. He had a girlfriend. What the fuck.

"You're one of the maids right? I will definitely have to have you fired when I take over the hustle and bustle of the house. Whilst you're here, you may as well check on Enzo. Hurry along." She shooed me away, like I was some kind of annoying bird.

"Your girlfriend is downstairs," I said to a half-awake Enzo, who, when hearing my words, jolted upright. He mumbled something, but I just turned around and walked out the room. I went up to the third floor, which was basically just spare bedrooms and offices. I tried different doors, some were locked, some opened but the bedroom was occupied, but I soon found an empty one. I locked the door behind me, and did the dead bolt too, as you cannot pick the deadbolt from the other side, and crawling into the bed, I covered myself with a duvet and drifted back to sleep.


Thank you for reading so far! Please comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!!

So, Enzo has a girlfriend, wow, what do you think?

Hope you are all staying safe in quarantine! <3

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