Chapter 50 - KAT/ENZO - EPILOGUE

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8 years later

"FRANCESCO," I shouted at my son, who was pulling at his sister's plaits. "Leave Ana alone."

"But muuuum," he droned, "she said my name was girly. I want to be Vincenzo, Enzo, like daddy!" Francesco complained.

"You want me to call you by your middle name?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. He nodded eagerly. "Fine, but I will call you Vince, not Enzo, that would just complicate things."

"Vince..." he pondered on it for a second or two. "I like it!" he exclaimed, jumping up onto the sofa.

"You little monster," I heard Enzo say, grabbing my other son, Diego, and lifting him up into the air.

"Enzo, Francesco has decided he wants us all to call him Vince," I informed him.

"Really?" Enzo looked lovingly down at his son. "You know, you're named Vincenzo after my father, his friends called him Vince too. I like it."

"I like it too! Grandad Vince would be so happy!" Vince/Francesco clapped his hands in delight.

"Ana, Melissa, Diego, Vince, Enzo will you help me in the kitchen?" I asked. They followed me in like little ducklings, and I set everyone a task. Really, it was just me and Ana doing everything. Even though Ana was only 8, she was very clever, and very helpful. Vince was busy having a food fight with Enzo and Diego, and Melissa was playing with her barbies on the floor, completely oblivious to the food flying everywhere.

"Can you guys help?" I snapped at Enzo.

"You really want me to help?" Enzo looked at me like I was crazy. It is true, Enzo is an awful cook. I don't even know how he can mess up as much as he does, but somehow he manages to royally screw up every meal, even if I take him through it step by step.

"At least set the table," I said. He nodded his head, picked up a son in each arm as they giggled maniacally, and walked into the dining room.

The doorbell rung, and the first to arrive was the boys, Pascal, Stefan and Antonio, and their respective wives and girlfriends. Pascal had hopped through the ladies quite a bit, but he had seemed to settle on this one girl for now, and she seems lovely. Antonio met his wife pretty soon after I had given birth to Vince and Ana, and they married a couple of years later, and Stefan had been hiding a boyfriend from us all for a while, and also decided to marry him pretty recently, he was lovely, and very sweet with the kids. Antonio's wife was pretty heavily pregnant, and it was quite sweet to see him so in love.

When Enzo told me he was building a house for us on the estate, I was ecstatic, because not only could we have our own privacy and our own space with our children, I could also help in the decorating. The other guys still lived in the main house on the estate, so they didn't have that far to go.

The next guests to arrive were my family, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousins and my grandfather. Finally, Gian arrived with his wife. It was a huge ordeal, and I had cooked for everyone. "Honey, it smells amazing, you are amazing," Enzo wrapped his arms around me from behind, and kissed me on the cheek. "What do you want to drink?"

"Just some orange juice please," I answered.

"Merry Christmas!" we all shouted to eachother, and pulled the Christmas crackers so they all popped. Everyone put their hats on, and we dug into the huge feast that I had prepared. As I was pregnant I couldn't even drink any of the mulled wine that I had made, but hopefully I would be able to next year, as after this baby I was thinking that was just about enough, considering that would make it five.

After lunch we all settled by the tree and opened presents. Everyone was spoiling my children, and they were inundated with various toys. I rolled my eyes and sighed, snuggling deeper into Enzo as he wrapped his arm around me, kissing me softly on the head. "I guess we need some more storage in the playroom," he jokingly suggested, although with all the new toys they were given, we might need a whole new playroom.

Christmas ended up turning out lovely, and it was so nice to have everyone around again, especially my family, because I didn't see them that often as they all lived in Russia, except my parents who were still in Manchester.


"I would say that was a success," I said to Kat, as I watched her flop onto the bed.

"A huge success baby," she said back to me. I rolled her over onto her front, picked her up bridal style, turned and sat on the bed, and held her in my arms like she was a baby. I felt her snuggle into my warm chest, and sigh in contentment. I loved when she snuggled into my chest, it made me feel so whole, and loved. "I'm so glad I was stabbed in London," I said to her, out of the blue.

"What?!" she snapped her head up to look at me.

"See," I showed her the scar from when I was stabbed back in London, and she stitched me back up, and we first laid eyes on eachother. "If I hadn't been stabbed, who knows if I ever would have met you."

"As a doctor, I cannot say that I am happy you were stabbed, but I am happy I met you," she smiled at me. "And if you weren't stabbed, fate would have found another way to bring us together."

"You're perfect, do you know that? You're absolutely perfect." I studied her face, trailing my finger across her perfect features, brushing her lip, her cheekbones, her jawline, her eyebrows.

"I love you, Lorenzo Arcaro," she said softly.

"I love you too, Katarina Arcaro," I smiled down at her, loving the way my last name fit perfectly with hers.

I was happy, absolutely perfectly happy. Before I met her, I couldn't breathe, but she was pure oxygen, purely made for me, purely perfect.

That is our story.


Okay okay, we have actually actually ACTUALLY reached the end now. I feel like I have now tied up some loose ends, and its just some cute fun with Enzo and Kat and their kids and their friends and her family, and it is all wholesome good fun!

Thank you everyone who has read this book, thank you to everyone who has supported the book and myself, people who have voted, commented, shared, added to reading lists etc etc, it means so much to me.

Hope you guys all stay safe! Stay tuned because I will be releasing a new book soon about a boxer and his girl and that's pretty cute, with some crazy twists and turns. Also, if you want more mafia good fun reading stuff, check out 'The Thorned Rose', which is on my page.

Okay, ily all, stay safe, have fun, woooo xxx

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