Chapter 45 - KAT

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I don't know why I was in such a bad mood with him. I genuinely couldn't tell you. I think it was just a hormonal mood swing, but I was irritated about what he said too. There I was, kidnapped for however many days it was, by Dante, by absolutely no fault of Enzo, and he was blaming himself, and asking me if I wanted to leave. If I wanted to leave, I would. I know he is a little insecure right now, and maybe it was a bit dramatic of me to move out for the night, but I did need a night to myself too; I had been under a lot of stress, I was literally kidnapped, and then when I actually want my boyfriend to give me a bit of support for the recovery, he fucking asks me if I want to leave. I guess he did ask me, and if I said no, he might've moved on... I am doubting my own convictions, ugh.

I called the maid from the phone next to the bed, and asked her to bring up food and some alcohol, and then I ran a bubble bath. I tied my hair in a bun, and put on a headband to keep the strands back off my face, so they wouldn't stick to the face mask I was applying next. Once the facemask was applied, I turned off the taps for the bath and got into the warm, bubbled water, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the end of the bath.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, and I shouted from the bath that it was unlocked and to come in. I heard the door open and shut, footsteps, and then the sound of a tray going onto the side table. Then there was a knock on the bathroom door. I quickly checked my privates were covered with bubbles, and invited the maid in, only it wasn't the maid, it was Enzo, holding an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne poking out of the top.

"You asked for alcohol, milady," he smiled, showing me the bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. I smiled back at him.

He pulled up the soft armchair that was in the corner of the bathroom, and positioned it next to the bathtub, so that he was facing the opposite direction to where I was laying in the tub.

"Is it okay that I am here, or do you need more time to breath?" was the first thing he said, what a gentleman.

"It's fine Enzo," I replied.

"Good." He sighed a sigh of relief, and relaxed visibly in his chair. "You know I wasn't asking you to leave, I was just saying if you didn't feel like you could handle it, you could leave."

"I know I do have the option to leave you know, you aren't keeping me trapped here. My family wouldn't allow that anyway. I know if I wanted to leave I could, but I don't want to, and I hate when you say stuff like that, because all I want is your support right now, not you to be doubting how much I want to be here, with you."

"I get that. I shouldn't doubt how much you want to be with me. I know if you wanted to leave you would, you are headstrong, and confident, and that is something I love about you, I just hate to see you hurt."

"You don't hurt me though."

"But other people hurt you to get to me."

"Other people might do it to get to my blood-family as well, or just randomly... there aren't any rules that tell you who is off limits or whatever. I know the risks, I am still choosing to stay," I said.


I lifted my good arm out of the water, the bad one had to stay out of the water, and it dripped water and bubbles all over the floor and him, but I didn't care, and neither did Enzo. I moved my hands to his face, and took his face in my hands, moving him closer to me. We kissed gently, and I pulled away, looking straight into his beautiful eyes, and opened my mouth, saying, "because I love you."

"I love you too," smiled Enzo. He quickly moved forward to smash his lips against mine, kissing me passionately.

After a few minutes of just kissing, he pulled away.

"I bought this the day you were first in the hospital, but I have been waiting for the right time to give it to you," he started. I was curious about what it was. "Your grandfather even said to me that he wanted me to give this to you, so don't worry about that," he continued. I was so confused now, my grandfather? Since when does he put in his opinion on gifts that Enzo gives to me? He got out of his chair, but instead of standing, he was kneeling, on one knee. NO. Is this what I think it is?! Is he proposing?

This was confirmed by him pulling out a navy velvet ring box, and opening it. Inside on the black cushion, was the largest diamond I had ever seen. It was a large oval cut diamond, set on a small band, that was studded with diamonds next to it, and then went into just the platinum band round the sides and the back. It shimmered under the lights off the bathroom, and I managed to tear my eyes away from it to look at Enzo's eyes. His eyes were full of humbleness and pure, unfiltered love.

"Katarina Romanovich," he said, I nodded my head slightly, absolutely speechless. "You make every day better. I have been obsessed with you since I first saw you that day in the hospital, and I wanted to make you mine. You have saved my life an uncountable amount of times, and not just physically by surgery, but also by being who you are, keeping me on the right path, and saving me from myself, and a life of loneliness. You have shown me what true love really is, and there are no proper words I can use to explain how highly I think of you, or any gift that can show you my gratitude for all you have done around here." He went to undo his shirt, to show me the tattoo he had of my name, with a rock, on a bed of flowers, with the sun shining over it. "Katarina, you are my rock. You keep me grounded, and you keep me sane. You are the sun in my life, lighting up the house with your joyful laughs and your singing in the shower," I let out a sharp laugh when he said that, and he smiled warmly at me. "You are my everything, and I want you to be my wife." He breathed in deeply. "Will you marry me?"

"My turn to talk now," I started, he smiled back at me. "Lorenzo Arcaro, you have saved me an innumerable amount of times too, before I even saved your life, because that stab wound was not life-threatening, even though you and Antonio insist it is," we both giggled. "You saved me from an evil man in London, you came to save me from an evil man in Paris, then followed me to Moscow, and to Manchester, and then back home to Florence. You saved me from an evil man here. But forget about all of the evil men, you saved me from a loveless life of nothing. You have always been there for me, lighting up my life, being my rock, and I love you for it. I love waking up next to you, I love cuddling you, I love fucking you. I love how you are so bad at making breakfast, and when you get angry and your little face scrunches up. I love how with others you are this absolutely terrifying person, but with me you are this lovable little teddy bear. I love how when you are around me you can be unapologetically yourself, and I love how you make me feel so safe, cared for and loved. I love you, Lorenzo Arcaro, and so yes, of course I will marry you," we both laughed at eachother, and he leant forwards, kissing me in the bathtub. He took the promise ring, I had put back on my ring finger, off, and then replaced it with the stunning engagement ring.

"It fits!" I jokingly exclaimed, pulling him in for another kiss.

"I love you," he kissed me on the lips, "I love you," he kissed me again, doing that about fifteen times, kissing me on the lips each time.

"Pick me up," I said, acting like a baby, offering my arms out. He quickly took off his top, and scooped me up out of the bath, carrying me bridal-style, grabbing a towel and sticking it on top of me so I could dry myself. He set me down, and I quickly took off the facemask, that had dried ages ago, and I turned around to look at him, and his stunning, tattoo-studded, toned, ripped body. I kissed every inch of it, whilst he giggled at me, and then scooped me up to put me on the bed.

We didn't have sex that night, but we didn't need to, we had eachother, and cuddling in eachother's arms, fitting just like a jigsaw piece, just absorbing eachother's energy, was enough.


Okay, but this chapter was cute. 

Story is drawing to an end now :( hope you enjoyed! Be sure to check out The Thorned Rose, out now!!

ily all. please vote and comment and add to reading lists, thank you so much to everyone that has so far!! my messages are always open too!

Hope you are all staying safe! <3

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