Chapter 17 - ENZO

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We pulled up to the complex of the Romanoviches. It was surrounded by huge gates and brick walls, guards on every entrance, and in between entrances.

"There is no way we will be able to sneak her out," complained Antonio. He was right. I would have to go in and talk to Reznikov, the boss of bosses in regard to the Russian crime syndicate, and Katarina's grandfather.

I walked up to the main gate, alone, my hands raised in surrender.

"Drop any weapons now," commanded a voice. I took out the gun from my belt and lay it on the floor, kicking it back to my friends, waiting a distance behind me. I had to do this alone and they were not happy about it, at all.

The iron gates creaked open and I walked in, but I should've known it wouldn't be that easy, instantly being kneed in the stomach, causing me to keel over, clutching my stomach in pain. I still had loads of bruising and tenderness from being shot before. I felt hands all over me, searching for anymore weapons, but I only had my gun, I left everything else in the car. Perhaps that let them trust me a little, as I didn't lie about the number of weapons I had. I don't know. A sack went over my head, I felt my wrists be handcuffed together, and I was shoved into a truck.

We arrived at the main house, I think, and I was pushed inside. After a few minutes of sitting there the sack was lifted. It took a few moments for my eyes to become adjusted to the light after the darkness of the sack, but I instantly recognised who was in front of me.

"Reznikov Romanovich," I stated.

"Don Lorenzo Arcaro. Welcome to my humble abode. Call me Rez," he chuckled.

"Call me Enzo."

"Sorry about my guards, a figure like you, just turning up at my house, it reeks of suspicion." Reznikov watched me curiously, trying to figure out what I was doing in his house, and why.

"It is about Katarina." This caused his ears to prick up.

"Go on."

"When I was in London a few months ago, I was stabbed by a member of the Wilson family's crew, and Katarina stitched me up at the hospital. Initially I saw her beauty, and followed her, finding out she was being cheated on by her boyfriend, who subsequently abused her," at those words, Reznikov banged the table, causing a tray of glasses to bounce up, some toppling over, some falling all the way to the floor and smashing.

"My apologies, continue."

"It made me angry too."

"I will have that man shot."

"I had the Wilson family take care of him, as a favour." At that, Reznikov chuckled. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unclicked my handcuffs.

"Bourbon? It's 1920s." I nodded my heard, and rubbed my sore wrists as he poured me and himself a glass.

"I wanted to protect her, and he wouldn't leave her alone, when I saw her face after he... well I took her into my employ, as my private surgeon. She was about to fly back to Manchester when she was kidnapped by Jean-Marc Duval. If I was conscious at the time she left, I would've insisted she had protection. I followed her to France, where I saw your good work, then I followed her here."

"I appreciate you telling me this, and I appreciate you watching out for her. I would let her come with you, if she was here," he explained, I gave him a quizzical look. "I am afraid you will have to follow her to Manchester. She flew to see her mother yesterday lunch-time."

"Thank you Rezniko-" he held a hand up to stop me, "Rez," I smiled.

"I look forward to potential business ventures with you, if it interests you, Enzo."

We laughed and joked around as he walked me back to the gate, indicating to his men to open it. I shook his hand firmly, and turned to go back to my men, waiting in the cars.

"No Katarina?" asked Dante.

"Manchester." I said, getting a bit tired of this wild goose chase, always one step behind. It was rather frustrating.

We touched down in Manchester airport that evening and drove just over an hour to where her parents lived. It was a quaint cottage, warm and welcoming. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it opened.

"Oh hello," said Marta, Katarina's mother.

"Is Katarina in?" I asked.

"No," my heart sank. Where was she now? Back in London? Was that the end of our story? I don't think I could follow her any longer.

"She said she was going home," said a male voice from inside the house, it was Igor, Katarina's father. Marta excused herself to leave and quickly pop to go and get some more milk, where she was going before I interrupted her.

"Back to London?" I said, disappointedly.

"Back to Florence I believe. She said she had a new job out there: private surgeon." My heart leapt out of my chest. She called my house her home! She went back because she wanted to, when she could've hidden behind her family for years, with me never being able to even look at her. She chose to go back to me. Although, I wasn't home yet, I still wanted to see her.

"I know who you are, Don Lorenzo Arcaro, and I know what you do. I know what you did for my daughter though, my brother informed me on everything. Keep her safe, please."

I invited in Dante, Antonio, Pascal and Stefan, who were waiting in the car, the only ones that flew out to Manchester with me, and we all sat in Katarina's parent's house drinking tea and chatting. Obviously, nothing to do with the fact I was a mob boss and her husband would've been next in line to be a mob boss, if he didn't give it all up for his wife.

Back to Florence. Back to Katarina.


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So, Katarina has gone back to Florence?! Aww, do you think they are starting to fall for each other?

Hope you are all staying safe during lockdown! <3

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