Chapter 49 - KAT/ENZO

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My babies were beautiful. They were peaceful, they barely cried, and I had such a good night's sleep in the arms of my husband. I guess because I had such an awful pregnancy, I was given two amazingly well-behaved babies as compensation. I loved their names, they had a bit of Enzo and a bit of me, and then a completely random but beautiful first name, chosen by the both of us.

"Enzo," Stefan said as he entered the room on one pretty calm Sunday morning. We were both naked, both cuddled up to eachother, but we had a huge duvet draped over us, so luckily nothing could be seen. Last night was the first time in a long time that we had sex, and it was pretty damn mind-blowing, to say the least.

"Go away Stefan, I want to be with my wife," groaned Enzo as he buried his face impossibly closer into my neck. I absolutely loved when he called me his wife, it made my heart swell, and my whole body fill with warmth.

"It's about Natale," Stefan stated. That got both of our attentions.

"What about that bitch?" Enzo asked, turning his head to face the intruder.

"We found her, she's in warehouse J. There's some other stuff you need to know, I will tell you on the way," Stefan informed us, before turning and exiting the room.

"I'll stay with the babies, but so help me God Enzo you better tell me everything," I demanded. He just looked at me with love in his eyes, gave me a soft kiss, and said, "of course baby."

When he got up out of bed and strolled over to the bathroom to take a shower, I shamelessly checked him out. Damn, I was lucky, he was gorgeous, ripped like a God, and his butt was so perfectly round and squidgy. Sometimes I liked to just squidge it in bed, and he would always get annoyed at me and I would laugh at his reaction. "You like what you see baby?" Enzo turned round to me, probably after feeling my intense gaze on his back. I got an even better view when he turned around, his abs, his pecks, his face, his dick, damn. I didn't answer because I was too obsessed with staring at him, which made him chuckle slightly. He came back over to me, kissed me on the forehead, and said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I mumbled.


Leaving Kat that morning was hard. Not only was it the first time I had ever actually left the house without her and the babies since coming back from the hospital, but after the mind-blowing night we had spent together, all I wanted to do was cuddle my very naked, very horny wife. Natale was an issue that needed to be dealt with, and I was the person who needed to deal with it.

I made my way to warehouse J, which was our main warehouse for torturing and killing our enemies. This was where we had tortured and killed Dante a few months prior, and this is where Natale would meet her untimely end.

On the way there, with Antonio driving, myself in the passenger seat, and Pascal and Stefan in the back, they filled me in on everything they had found out. Once they had found her, they raided the place she was living and found a whole number of plans and blueprints. The blueprints were of the estate, where I lived with all my men, and my wife, and my kids. The plans were of the different ways she wanted to kill Katarina, kill my children, kidnap me and have me all for herself. She was completely psycho, and completely sick in the head.

"She wanted to kill babies?" Pascal asked, completely shocked at this news, evidently finding it out at the same time I was. "I can't wait to get my fucking hands on her."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Antonio agreed, his hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

In the time that Katarina had been staying with us, the boys had grown close to her like she was their sister, and they were his overprotective brothers. Quite often if I had done something wrong, or if we had had an argument, they would always take her side, it was quite sweet really. As soon as they set their eyes on my babies, they knew that they would lay down their life for them, as would I.

To hear that someone wanted to kill one of the kindest, sweetest, most caring women in the world, and her two innocent, newborn babies, and the fact that those three people meant so much to us, made all of our blood boil, and we all wanted nothing more than to neutralise the threat. The only way I saw how, was death, and I knew all three guys in the car agreed with me.

Death is exactly the fate that Natale received, especially after the disgusting words she used to describe my wife and children after we had interrogated her. Luckily, we found out that she was working solo, and so her death meant the safety of my wife and children, and I couldn't be happier.

When I arrived home, ready to tell Katarina about my day, she was fast asleep on the bed, with a baby either side of her, both fast asleep. This was my family, the three people I would do absolutely anything for, who I would lay down my life for in less than a heartbeat, the people I loved with every cell of my being.

After I had put the two babies to bed, I lifted Katarina and moved the duvet so that she was under the duvet, got changed into my pyjamas and joined her in the bed. "Hey baby," she mumbled into my chest, still half asleep. "Is she dead?" was all she asked.

"She's dead," I confirmed. Kat didn't answer with words, but I felt her instantly relax, and I heard her sigh with relief.


Natale is goneeeee. finally!! Who is happy? 

Hope you're staying safe!! ily x

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