Chapter 9 - KAT

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Antonio entered the room, flanked by two men, bulging with muscle everywhere you could possibly grow muscle, and a woman, a lot smaller than me, with her dark red hair turned into a pixie cut. Her mouth turned into a huge smile and she ran up to hug me.

"I have to say sweetie, I love a shopping trip!" she exclaimed, "by the way, I'm Pepper!" She greeted me with a kiss on each cheek, but like Antonio had done earlier.

Pepper may love shopping, but I despise it. I hate buying clothes, I am perfectly happy with jeans and a jumper, I also hated buying expensive things. I always felt like the money could go to so much more than an overpriced handbag because of a simple name attached to the inside. The two men were taking us on our shopping spree, well, more like making sure I don't run away whilst out of the house I assume.

I recognised a couple of the higher brand shops, insanely expensive, and I walked straight past them.

"Um, Katarina, what are you doing?" asked Pepper, as I walked past the last shop on the stretch.

"None of these shops are right," I replied. They weren't right, they were way too expensive, and on the budget I was on, I needed to find something normally priced. I walked back up the street to the other end, and turned right, walking down past the shops that were still a little too expensive, right to the end, where there were some normally priced shops.

"Katarina, he's not going to be happy..." worried Pepper, "with you, with me, or with them," she gestured to the two huge bulky men waiting a few metres away from us.

"If he wants me to buy clothes I like, well this is what I like." I turned to go into one of the shops and proceeded to pick up various items and try them on. Once I found a few I liked, I went to the counter to pay for them. I had a couple of flowery summery dresses, nice tops, some cute skirts and shorts, a pair of flip flops, a pair of fancier sandals and a pair of trainers. Thank God I still had my credit card, it was in one of the pockets in my jacket that I had been kidnapped in. They took my phone, but I still had my credit card at least. I was glad I could pay for everything myself, but Pepper looked quite concerned about it all.

In the next shop I bought some sports gear. Back at home I loved to go to the gym a couple of times a week, and practice my boxing, so even if Enzo's huge mansion villa thing didn't have a gym, I would at least go on runs and do some floor exercises. I expected he would have one though, considering how ripped he is and every single one of his men is. The shop after that I got some bras and some pants, quite a few pants actually. I wondered why they didn't take any of my stuff with them when they flew over, it was kind of annoying but oh well, kidnappers usually are. I went into another shop to get more casual, everyday things, and then went into the last shop on my little spree. It was a department store, but I only really needed the makeup section and the toiletries section. I stocked up on pads and tampons, deodorant, bought a new toothbrush, toothpaste and all of the bathroom products I needed. Then I went to the makeup section. I stuck to what I knew, my favourite brands, like Bobbi Brown and Benefit cosmetics. I let myself buy a few different eyeshadow palettes as well from various brands, and various lipsticks and lip-glosses. I paid for them all on my card, and we headed back to the villa.

I was halfway through my afternoon nap, back in my first bedroom (I got a new mattress), after a long day of shopping, when I was rudely awakened by a gruff, angry voice, and two other men laughing. When I opened my eye I saw it was Enzo, angrily going through all my bags, and Antonio and Pascal (whose name I finally know now), laughing, literally clutching their stomachs.

"What is so funny?" I ask.

"I sent you on a shopping spree, and you come back with, I've never even heard of these brands," Enzo's voice moved angrily through the room, but it made Antonio and Pascal laugh harder, breaking up the tension.

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