Chapter 33 - ENZO

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I was so pissed off. I was having such a fun evening with Kat, and I had been looking forward to it all week, the food was great, the company was better, and some fucker had to go and  raid ANOTHER one of my warehouses. I couldn't tell what I was more pissed about: the date being ruined, or my warehouse being raided.

I could tell that Kat was sad that I had to leave, but I also knew she would understand, because she has had to do similar when she goes for emergency surgeries or something. I was sad too, but my sadness was completely just clouded with my rage. I practically ran to my car and I sped all the way over to the warehouse that was hit. As I pulled up, I saw Stefan and Pascal ordering people about, starting on the clean-up.

"What the fuck happened?" I demanded.

"I'm not sure, it's weird, it seems like it was all rigged up with explosives or something and someone pressed the button for them to go off. They didn't even take the cocaine from inside, but a lot of it is ruined. We have tried to get the palettes in the middle, as the explosives were only round the edge, and most of that it okay," replied Stefan.

"What about loss of persons?" I asked.

"There were seventeen guards at the warehouse at the time, three died, four have been taken to hospital with major injuries, three with minor injuries and eight have just got scratches and things, and tiny burns, but they will be fine," answered Pascal.

"I don't understand..."

"Neither do we Enzo, they didn't take the cocaine, they didn't kill people, and when they exploded it, it didn't even ruin all of the cocaine, only some. There's just something off about it all," Pascal pointed out.

"Yeah, it is a really weird situation, it is similar to the other warehouses so must be linked, but other than that I have no idea what the purpose of it was. Anyway, sorry to have dragged you away from your date. Where is Kat anyway?" asked Stefan.

"I left her to finish the meal, send someone to pick her up in about an hour."

"I'll send the chauffeur," nodded Stefan.

"Send some protection too, I don't like this. It's all very suspicious."

"I will tell Alfonzo to go with them. We will get to the bottom of this Enzo," assured Stefan.

After an hour of trying to sort out the absolute mess, in more ways than just picking up some rubble, I got a call from the chauffeur telling me that Katarina wasn't in the restaurant, and the waiter said she had already left. I guess she must've gone home soon after I left. It was weird that she didn't message or anything, but I didn't explicitly say I was sending a chauffeur... No, I did tell her that I would send someone to pick her up though, and she knew that. If she wanted to leave earlier I know she would've let me know at the very least so I would tell the chauffeur not to turn up, she's very considerate like that. I wanted to double check though, but when I tried calling her, it went straight to answerphone.

"Kat wasn't at the restaurant, apparently she had already left. I tried calling her and she isn't answering," I told Pascal and Stefan.

"Weird, that's unlike her, shall I check the security feed?" asked Pascal.

"Yeah might as well give it a go," I answered, "do you think she's gone home?"

"I'll call the guards and find out," mentioned Stefan. After he got off the phone, he turned to me and told me they said there was no car with Katarina going through the main gates. I was beginning to panic now, but I'm sure there has to be some kind of logical explanation.

"Pascal, have you got the security feed yet?" I asked hurriedly.

"Just clicking... now. Huh. What? There's no feed for today. It's been deleted?"

"WHAT?!" I was now furious. I was certain this was a set up.

"Completely deleted... I can try and get them back, but it'll be a couple of days at least to restore everything," explained Pascal.

"Start on it now," I commanded, "and I want every single guard out searching for Katarina. I don't know what has happened but I want to know NOW."

"I'll get on it right away Enzo," said Stefan, whilst putting a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"I swear to God, if someone has taken Katarina, I will skin them alive," I announced.

"What are you grumbling about brother?" Dante's voice shouted over as he walked towards the three of us.

"Where the fuck have you been all day Dante?" asked Pascal.

"What the fuck happened here boys?" Dante said, ignoring Pascal.

"We've been trying to clean up, no thanks to you," mumbled Pascal.

"I was fucking a few bitches, come on guys, stop being so tight," laughed Dante.

"I can't find Katarina," I stated, "she left the restaurant before her ride came, and the CCTV is deleted, and she isn't at home."

"Woah woah woah, guys, don't jump to conclusions, that girl loves her adventures, I'm sure she is wondering around, exploring something," Dante said, holding up his hands.

"Not like this," I declared. Where the fuck are you Katarina? 


Dante, Dante, Dante, that sneaky guy.

What is his motive?


Hope you are all staying safe! <3

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