Chapter 11 A Night That Will Be Remember

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EDIT DATE: 03/19/21



Y/f/f = Your favorite food


Your POV

"This is delicious!" I said tasting the different dishes the gang cooked. "It's perfect for cold weather or people who are sick." Enji cooked a soup called Miso Soup which contains vegetables, soy, hondashi, tofu, and chives. It's like heaven to the taste!

"Try this one!" Nemuri handing out a plate which I think is the main dish since Enji's dish is served before the main dish. "It's called Katsudon which is also a traditional Japanese dish. Consisting of a bowl of rice covered with breaded pork chop, egg, and other ingredients." Taking out my chopsticks and hold them tightly with my chopstick. Taking a bite of it... "So?" she waited.

Pushing in down and thought of the taste... "Yummmy~," I said taking another bite of it. It's like I whole new friend chicken but it isn't!

"Are you guys sure that Y/n can taste all of it? The flavor of your dish might mix it to her taste buds and making that taste different for the next dish." Toshinori said watching as I took another bite finishing the one Katsudon leaving the rest for them t taste.

"Oh hush, Toshi. I'm fine and I can admit... I'm a big eater. Tho I do feel thirsty. Let me drink a cup of-"

"Tea. Here you go Y/n!" Hizashi said pushing a cup of tea.

"I was about to say a cup of water but this will do. Thanks, Zashi... What's it's called?" I asked taking a sip on the tea. "It's just a regular Green Tea. Nothing special," he said. I nodded and took another sip.

'Where did I last drink tea? Why this tea finds me so deep in thought about someone.'

"Wait.. what's this?" I asked pointing at the sweet next to the plate of the tea sup.

"That is what comes with green tea. Try it!" he said excitedly. Looking at the sweet... Just even looking at it makes me crave for it. It's small but it is shaped like a hill. Perfect for the color too... it's green!

Taking a bite a whole new different flavor came to me.

"Chocolate?" I asked looking inside. And sure it enough there was a filling inside. "Woah! There's chocolate inside! Super cool!" Finishing it I took another sip on the tea and it makes my insides burn but it was enough to get out the thirst I was having earlier. Also, it has health benefits.. tea is so awesome.

I can herd their laugh from my comments from the small sweet Hizashi serve on the table. It brings something more to the tea.

"What about you Oboro?" Sho asked Oboro who was standing beside him.

"I didn't make anything since the competition only revolves around these three."

"Oh? So I'm the judge?" I asked them. They all nodded their head. "Well... I can't choose who won since you all did this so deliciously but I think it's enough for me to say that you all great good. The dishes are all well decorated giving all of you a decent 9 over ten. The texture and taste of each dish will be scored individually since they are all different... Enji having his dish which is called Miso Soup which is a soup so the texture and taste should be on the Miso which is delicious giving him a 9 over ten since the I don't normally eat vegetables. Sorry, Enji." He only scoffs but there was a small smile to it.

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