Chapter 18 You Choose...

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Author's note: You can play the song if you want though when it reaches the part where you started singing it.


EDIT DATE: FEB 09, 2021


??? POV

Smiling and laughing quietly to myself hearing her answer. It's struck my ear and felt myself be filled with pride and joy. My lord will be happy to hear this news. It's easy for her to manipulate her shattered heart. Soon, she will be leading the war beside my lord and we will win against those angels.

Walking through the darkness, feeling the warming heat of Hell. The scourging flames and the cracking chains. Screaming from torture from every door of the cells. It closes as I pass the cells with a smile on my face. I love to sound of home, where everyone can be anyone they want to be.

"My lord." I kneel in front of my lord whose prideful red eyes glowing from his throne. He watches in delight as the torturer brings out a human who is locked up in chains. She was all tired and skinny. Her hair is messy and tangled. The once smug look on her face is washed away by the long whipped bone that used to torture her.

"I have great news to tell you," I said to him. He looks down at me with his Devil's face. "She wishes to join our army," I answered to him. He smiled with delight with his hand that once was positioned to balance the weight of his head as he watch the woman cried in pain and begging for forgiveness. He was now positioned with his head lay high and straight and looked at me before snapping his long red shard fingers.

"AAAAAHHHhhhh.." the woman scream in agony as her voice faded into the black void the appeared beneath her. Hands grabbing her down into the pit with her torturer wrapped it's whip around her neck before jumping down into the black void with her. It closes after.

"Wonderful~" he said in a singed song voice as he claps his giant red hand. He was smiling showing his sharp pointed teeth with yellow stained on the tip. "Tell her to get ready and make sure those goody-to-shoes of her friends wouldn't interfere." I nod my head in order before excusing myself.

"Wonderful news always makes him smile." one of the fallen angels said. "As much as I want to do it. You beat me to it." I put a smirk towards him and place my finger tip at his chin pulling it up to my eyes.

"You are to slow my friend and we don't want any slow demon in the way," I said and tap the tip of his nose before heading out.

"You better watch your mouth, Y/n, and return back to your normal form." he said as I gave him a waves of good bye before white feathers started to fall down into my skin revealing a dark blue-ish skin and red tint cat eyed look in my eyes. Stretching out my black bat wings with dozen of whole appeared to it making me unable to fly anymore.

"Show of," he mumbled before I headed out the place and took a stroll around my home. I pass the guards that are guarding the gate of Hell. Two paths are heading to Hell and Heaven.

It's a white stretch cloud dividing the world. The Hell is positioned inside a dark high, flaming, red-painted mountain with an opening. A big hole inside leading straight to hell. I came out through the dark part of the cave, on the other side of the whole. I cross by walking at the side avoiding all of the deep holes.

As for heaven, it's 73 feet away from the mountain with its glowing golden gates shines brightly that even from the entrance of the cave makes the light reach out. Heaven is all glorious, bright, joyful, paradise to go to. Quiet the opposite of my home but this is where faith chose for me. I have no power over something like faith.

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