7. Punishment

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Turvi's pov

I walk towards my class and thankfully the professor hasn't come yet. So I won't get scolded for coming late.

I looked at my usual seat and found that idiot sitting down there and smiling at me like a fool.

I royally ignored him and walked past my seat and sat on an empty place.

Our classroom is huge so we got extra empty seats.

He frowned at me but I didn't give him a dam. I'm angry at him and he has to understand that.

He got up from his seat and sat beside me. I was about to get up but he held my hand.

"what happened doll face?" he asked me like he doesn't know

"um are you talking with me? Because my name Is Turvi, not some doll face. And moreover do I know you?" I asked him with an over sweet smile

He sighed understanding that I'm angry. Whenever I get angry I don't scream but ignore the people like they don't even exist in front me. And if I talk my tone will be sickly sweet.
" Doll face listen I'm Sorry," he said but I didn't look at him

My phone pinged with a message from our professor in the college whatsapp group.

He isn't coming to take the class. Great so mean I have time to be free as he has a double period.

Like me, others also got the message and they packed their things.

I haven't unpacked anything so I got up with my bag.

I was about to walk out When he held my dupatta from back to stop me.

"Aashank!" it was a warning for him

"I'm sorry," he said and left the dupatta but hold my hand

"doll face I know I promised you that I will be back but could not come. I just got struck there. And congratulations for winning. I'm really happy for you. Finally you can come to my city." He said in one go

"please forgive me.. I will accept your punishment" he said when I didn't replied

"any punishment?" I asked and he nodded

"hmm then take me and Stuti in wolf tonight," I said and he started to cough

What happened to him? I asked to take us to a club, not some 5 star hotel.

"wolf? Are you serious? That club is the worst among all."He said but why do I feel he is hiding something?

" that's your punishment. "I deadpan

" doll face I will take you in starlight or even in Ice and fire but not wolf."He looked determined

"may I know why?" I asked him

"That club isn't good, you know that. They do drugs and many things." He said and started to roam his hand on his hairs

He looked so hot while doing it. His messy hair..

OK I should stop now.

"either you're taking us to the wolf or forget your apology." I told him

"fuck Turvi, fine," he said taking my name

I don't remember him taking my name ever like ever. Only in front of teachers, not alone.

"OK that's good you're forgiven," I said and hugged him

I wish to spend the rest of my life in your arms only Aashank not any other man. Because I know my heart isn't capable of loving anyone else.

I sighed and broke the hug.

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