18. Stuti's Marriage?

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All Devil's innocent love reader's good news for you I published the prologue of its sequel the story of Arhaan Sheerazi

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All Devil's innocent love reader's good news for you I published the prologue of its sequel the story of Arhaan Sheerazi.


Turvi's pov

We both are looking at Mumma in pure shock.

"What happened? Why both of you are looking like some ghost has appeared in front of you." Mumma asked us.

"Masi, whose proposal has come and for whom?" Stuti asked calmly because my tongue was tied already.

God not for me. Because I won't marry anyone other than my Aashu.

"It has come for you, my child. They have chosen you. We haven't said anything to them yet just wanted to inform you first then we will agree. The boy is perfect. He is an IPS officer and his family has a good reputation and business as well. He is a perfect match." Mumma said looking at Stuti who looked like a deer caught in light.

I sighed in relief but then my anger got the best of me.

"What do you mean by informing her Mumma? And first of all, why did you even wait? You should have said no. Stuti only had finished her college and she had a long way to go. She had to achieve her goals as well. Just like I have to. How can you even think about it? I don't care if it's an officer or minister but pursuing your dream is the important thing. "I told her clearly.

"Shut up Turvi. Your tongue has got really sharp. Do you understand more than me or us? Good proposals don't come regularly. And they had said that Stuti can complete her future studies after marriage; they have no problem with it. And I have decided it's good for her. She is like my daughter and my responsibility and I won't do anything wrong to her. She is what I have left as a sign of my sister and brother in law. And you will also get married once I found a good choice for you. And don't even think about saying no because I won't listen. And your papa can't do anything about it." Mumma said.

What the fuck? How can she say that?

"I won't marry anyone that you find for me. Neither will I let you ruin her life. Leave your superstition and orthodox thinking back and move on. I already love someone and he also loves me. When I say he will come with his elder brother to talk with you all. I didn't want to say it like this but you just didn't give me any other option. And Stuti won't marry anyone until she becomes a chef and achieves her goals." I told her finally.

Stuti shook her head and papa looked amazed and Mumma was gaping.

"Do you love someone? And you didn't even tell us? " Mumma said.

Here we go with her drama.

"Yes I do and I haven't done any crime by not telling you. I just got in a relationship with him a few days back. We both loved each other for a long time. But didn't say anything. And do you know who he is? Aashank Raichand, the younger brother of Aaryav Raichand." I told her and she looked shocked.

"A&A academy owner Aaryav Raichand? Who has his business worldwide? " papa asked and I nodded.

"No way it can happen. How can a millionaire fall for a middle-class girl? It's a trap or something. " Mumma said.

"Mumma please it's not any trap or something. We both love each other and want to get married. " I told her.

"Ok, ask him to come with his brother. Let me see what it is. "Mumma said.

"And about Stuti’s marriage, let her decide it. You think about yourself. Stuti you tell me don't you have faith in your masi? Do you think I will do something wrong to you? " Mumma started her emotional blackmail.

"Masi, please don't say that. I trust you with my life. I know you will do something good only. I am ready to meet the boy. If I like him then I will get married but if not then please don't force me." she said and Mumma smiled.

"See how polite she is unlike you who always scream and get angry. Sometimes I think I failed to raise you correctly. And maybe that's the reason that Mrs. Mehra chose our Stuti for her son, not you." Mumma said.

Like I was dying to be chosen by someone.

"By the way, when did you get this proposal? "I asked her.

I am not surprised that papa has kept his mouth shut throughout the argument or discussion whatever you want to call it. He always does it whenever this situation arises.

"Remember when last time you both came here we went to a wedding ceremony? "Mumma asked and I nodded.

"There I introduced you both to them but you totally ignored them and was busy in your phone and Stuti bent in front of them and took their blessing. She even talked to them and she even helped Mrs. Mehra when she was feeling weak. After a few days, she called me and asked me for her hand in marriage for her son. But I told her that I will talk with Stuti first then I can say anything. They are waiting for more than 4 months to get the answer and think about how much she has impressed them. At least my raising came handy and my Stuti got a gem for her." Mumma ranted the whole incident.

Oh Lord, I hate this marriage ceremonies, that's why I'm always trying to avoid it.

The guests have no work to do other then matchmaking.

I mean why? You came to eat on one's marriage, eat and leave. But no they had to poke their nose and make another couple married so they could attend the party. Ugh! Irritating.

"I will inform Mrs. Mehra about it and one more thing her son doesn't stay here as he is posted in Bangalore where you both completed your studies," Mumma said.

"Inform your boyfriend as well we will like to meet him." papa said something for the first time and I nodded

"I will papa, he is waiting for that only. He will come very soon. "I told him with a smile.

"Now finish your dessert and go to your rooms," Mumma ordered us and I ate my dessert but I could see that Stuti had lost her Interest in that dessert.

So stuti got a marriage proposal.

Who is it? Any guess? 😏😏

Who agree with Turvi about marriage ceremony thing here?

I do totally ugh! That's totally irritating

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